Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 338: People's reaction (below)

What's the "captain's privilege"? One of the reasons why Taeyeon hasn't planned to reveal her relationship to her team so far. Although everyone is discussing the issue of temporarily shelving the issue of love, can the word "love" be clearly explained when it will appear? When it arrives, it will not say hello to you, and it is possible that it will quietly live in your heart.

When you miss that person when you can't see that person, and when you hear that person's voice, the corners of your mouth will rise unconsciously, then this may be a sign of love coming to your door. But can you really control yourself when 'love' appears? Maybe, but the process would be quite painful.

Listening to his sister's questioning, Junxiu also smiled wryly and shook his head: "How can there be any privilege or not? Of course I don't deny that my love with Taeyeon may cause some trouble for you, but the problem is when love She and I were out of my control when it showed up. Sunny, actually we both have been having a lot of headaches over the 'relationship' thing, really. We were worried about something like this happening in the first place, so the two of us Even if people have a good impression of each other, there is no definite relationship. We are in February of this year..”

Junxiu continued to talk about his relationship with Taeyeon, and Sunny, who was sitting next to him, was very upset. She didn't listen to his explanation at all, and she couldn't listen to him. Because she is a little vague about her feelings for Junxiu. Maybe she used to have a strong love for Junxiu, but after the two lived under the same roof for a long time, and because Junxiu went to S.M as a trainee, she I also went to my own company to be a trainee, and the time for the two to meet gradually became less, and the love between men and women in my heart became a lot less.

It is possible that, as Junsu said, it is impossible to say that the heart will be moved every day after meeting with strong love. No matter life or love, it will always return to plainness. Life may be wonderful for a while, but it can't be wonderful forever.

Yes, when the relationship of 'like' goes by with the passage of time and the number of times the two meet each other decreases, Sunny is also a little confused as to whether his 'love' for Junsu is family or is still the same as when he was a child. Or maybe she was giving herself a psychological hint that she likes Junsu, but when Junsu and Taeyeon revealed their 'love' this time, she didn't seem to feel the heartache of lovelorn, but instead of heartache was a feeling of suffocation in her heart. the 'gas'.

Annoying is why he didn't tell himself in advance after he was in love?

Sunny's tears gradually stopped, she watched Junxiu interrupt his 'story': "Wait.. Since neither of you are going to make it public, why do you think Pani would know about this? If Pani today If you don't say it, have you and Taeyeon never planned to tell us?"

Junxiu nodded and didn't hide anything: "Yes, if it wasn't for Pani's drunken remarks today, Taeyeon and I still didn't plan to tell you about this. At least, it was when you developed this. I didn't even think about telling you about it during the most important period of my life. Why does Pani know? It's because she knows more about observation than you, and of course it may be because she knows more about Taeyeon than you do? And I I can guarantee that this is definitely not what Taeyeon told Pani, I can guarantee it!"

Perhaps Junxiu's assurance made her feel a little better. Sunny looked up at her brother, who grew up with him. Now he has grown into the only world star in Korea. He has been so good since he was a child. Whether it is study or current career. He has always been the proudest 'son' in his mother's mouth since he was a child.

Time flies, he is now the pride of the Korean music industry, and he is also the only entertainer in Korean history to be commended by the President. And he is no longer the little girl who always pestered him, but no matter how the time changes, the only constant is that he still cares about himself and loves his brother!

In the eyes of the world, he is a dazzling star, and in her eyes, he is just her brother! !

"Oppa, then... Then does Uncle know about you and Taeyeon?"

Now that they know it, they can help Taeyeon hide this feeling from the outside world. But it is easier for the outside world to find out their feelings than the company! You must know that Girls' Generation's contract clearly states that "love is prohibited within five years"! !


Outside the living room, they also expressed the same concerns as Sunny at this time, Xiuying also put away her smile and said to everyone seriously: "We must keep Taeyeon and Junsu's love news a secret for them. The company found out that Junsu wants to date Taeyeon on weekdays, and if possible, we will try to stay with one person so that we can help hide it.”

Now that love has become a reality, it is impossible for them to say "fighting the mandarin ducks" like the company. Therefore, as teammates, in addition to giving blessings, they also have to help cover the two of them, so that Junsu and Taeyeon's relationship can be prevented from being known by the company.

But the next second Taeyeon said a little embarrassedly: "That.. it's okay~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The company has long known about me and Junsu Oppa."

Taeyeon's words really shocked them all, and Xiuying exclaimed even more exaggeratedly: "Eh?

"No... didn't say anything."

"What, the company treats you differently. Is our 'love ban' a fake?"

Jessica looked at the terrified Xiuying, she smiled and said sharply: "Fictitious? If you think so, you can try it. This thing can't be fake, it depends on the person. Of course you Xiuying can find a world star to be your boyfriend, and I believe the company will not stop it."

"Hahaha.. Looking for a world star? How can there be so many world stars in South Korea, do you think Korea is Hollywood? And the only world star in South Korea has been preempted by a short body... Hey, miscalculation, miscalculation, if I had It's good to start with Junxiu Oppa first, but it's a pity that I'm too familiar with it, I'm sorry..."

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