Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 348: "Close Friends" by Taeyeon (2)

Junsu came to the broadcasting hall and PD, and the writers greeted him one after another. After that, he carried his backpack and entered the radio station. At this time, the one was not over yet, and Taeyeon was hosting the show and kept moving towards Junsu. He raised his eyebrows in greeting, and Kangin, who was sitting opposite Taeyeon, nodded to Junsu. After all, the radio program is 'LIVE' and there cannot be the slightest mistake, otherwise it will become a broadcast accident.

Today is a video station, so when Junxiu appeared in the camera, the text message income platform of the station began to swipe. And Taeyeon, who was sitting in the broadcasting room, saw this never-before-seen text message swiping, and she laughed too, and when the part was about to end, she said, "I think everyone has seen the arrival of Junsu-senpai, right? Texting The page turning situation of the platform is the first time we have encountered, and it is really dizzying for us. Well, the upper part is about to end here, we will listen to two songs first, and the lower part, JS Junxiu from TVXQ will accompany everyone to unfold. "

The music that Taeyeon is playing here is 'JS Junsu''s solo song "Lonely" suitable for such a quiet and emotional song at night. The audio at the scene was cut off, and Taeyeon and Qiangren greeted Junsu, "Senior Junsu."

The two respectfully stood up from their seats in front of the camera to greet them. Junxiu smiled and pressed her hands on them: "Okay, don't be so polite, sit down. I'll trouble you two MCs tonight."

"There, Junsuxi, your presence on our show has added a lot of color to our show. This is our honor, how can we say trouble? We also hope that you can come to our show more, although I also know it's impossible. Hehe.."

Of course, they also know that Junxiu has never even appeared in variety shows that are hundreds of times more expensive than radio stations. How could they often come to their radio stations as guests? This time Junxiu can participate, S.M has already given enough face to the show team, or else the tens of thousands of dollars in travel expenses would want Junxiu to come? That's kind of ridiculous. And this isn't Junsu or TVXQ's promotion period.

Junsu just laughed and didn't answer Kangin's words. Because no one should underestimate the thick-skinned level of the show team, if Junxiu was polite and said something like 'If there is a chance to come again', then the show team will often contact Junxiu's agent. They are not afraid of being rejected. The more you reject them, the more they will continue to entangle. If you refuse too much, you will be a bit offended. If this goes on, even the agent may be embarrassed to say something about refusal.

Taeyeon also simply asked Junxiu: "Oppa, how is Russia? Is it fun?"

Junxiu glanced at his mouth and said, "I don't know either. We were filming in the past, not sightseeing. The crew greeted our actors when we went there. If you have nothing to do, try to stay in the hotel and don't run around. So There is almost a line between the hotel and the studio. And the issue of the filming permit has made the use of the venue relatively short, and we are all in a hurry to shoot. How can there be time to go out and play?"

Hearing Junsu's words, Taeyeon wrinkled her nose at him. In front of so many people, she was too embarrassed to be too intimate with Junxiu, and the two of them only secretly passed glances.


After a few minutes of simple chatting, the second show finally started. After a prelude, Taeyeon said the opening of the second part: "Only invite the people who the fans care about the most Who.R.U.."

"The person I want to introduce today is No. 1 in the Korean music industry, the pride of Korean artists, and the highest achievement in the history of Asian music in Korean history.. JS Junsu!!" There was applause, and Taeyeon followed his rhythm to welcome Junsu.

Junsu also began to cheer up and greet the audience: "Hello, everyone, listeners of "Close Friends". I'm TVXQ JS Junsu."

Qiangren asked Junsu, "Junsuxi, are you satisfied with our introduction?"

"Hehe.. If possible, I hope you can omit the previous series of introductions and just say my name. Of course, I also know that you are introduced according to the script written by the writer, so it is not bad. Anyway, you ended up saying who I am, didn't you?"

"Hahaha.. so direct and handsome, don't you like this kind of introduction?"

"I can't say I don't like it. After all, I think your introductions are too time-consuming. After all, the broadcast time is limited, so I prefer to save such cumbersome introductions, so that I can spend more time coming and coming. Communication with fans who text messages. Usually I am too busy with work and rarely have the opportunity to communicate with fans like this, and many times people think that I am the most mysterious one in TVXQ, in fact.. I personally think it’s okay? It’s just I've been in the studio for a lot more time than I've been in the broadcast~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Taeyeon and Kangin didn't expect that Junsu would be a bit of a crowd after the opening. He just said a long paragraph. However, Junxiu's speech is the favorite of the radio station, because in his words, he implies that everyone will come to text messages to make inquiries and comments, these are the direct income of the broadcast. How could they not like it?

Junsu said a lot at once, which made the host a little passive. At this time, Taeyeon finally followed Junsu's words and asked a question: "It is true that Senior Junsu is not only busy with music, but also acting, we The same is true for Yoona from the team. She was busy filming TV dramas while we were busy appearing in the broadcast. However, we are also looking forward to seeing Junsu-senpai more in some entertainment programs. "

"I also hope that I can participate in some programs similar to travel, so that I can not only recuperate, but also appear in the broadcast. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone. Recently, the 'travel variety show' (two/day and one night) in K Headquarters is not very good. Is it popular? I watched their shows when I was in Japan and thought it was very interesting.”

Qiangren also quickly asked Junxiu, "Would you go if that show invited you?" ..

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