Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 377: Sorry for breaking your heart (Part 1)

After Taeyeon revealed that she didn't reply Junsu's text messages in time, the people standing next to her looked at her in surprise. Is it really that simple? If that's the case, shouldn't it? Junsu is not a stingy person, how could he have a conflict with Taeyeon over such a trivial matter?

Besides, they all know that Junsu and Taeyeon have been dating late at night because of their relatively free time recently. Isn't this the time for you and me? Could it be that Junsu's desire to control is so strong that even Taeyeon and other men are not allowed to eat alone?

They were completely at a loss at this time, and couldn't figure it out. Could it be because she didn't reply to Junxiu's text messages? So he is angry? And then turn off the phone and play a small temper? How is it possible, everyone is not a high school student, how can you be so naive?

Then Taeyeon explained everything: "I didn't know that Oppa was also in Hongdae, and just after I came back, I heard Pani tell me that Oppa is also in Hongdae, so I think it should be Oppa who saw me. We're having supper with Qiangren-senpai."

At this time, Xiuying was still a little puzzled and said: "Even if you see you and Qiangren having a meal, it shouldn't be like this? Wouldn't it be nice if he came in and said hello to you?"

"Hey~~ how could it be possible to say hello? I didn't meet you at the same restaurant. If you met SUJU's seniors on the road and they didn't see you, would you take the initiative to go in and say hello? Besides, Junxiu originally The relationship between the seniors and SUJU seniors is not so good. In SUJU, he has a good relationship with Lituk Oppa, Heechul Oppa, the old trainees of this generation, and he has already debuted when he joined the company later. Basically it's not related. And he didn't send a message to Taeyeon after seeing it..?"

When the matter is analyzed here, especially the last sentence: 'I see, he also sent a message to Taeyeon', but Taeyeon didn't reply! ! Here's why! !

Sika, the self-appointed emotional expert, turned her head to look at Taeyeon and said, "You're a little troublesome, you didn't reply to the text message in time, and you were seen with your own eyes. This is not the same as telling Junsu Oppa that Qiangren Oppa is in your heart. Is his status higher than him?"

"Isn't it? You know it's a partnership? There's nothing, so how could you feel that way?"

"Then you ask Taeyeon, if she sees Senior Junsu and Senior Kim Tae Hee having dinner together, and she doesn't want to go in and say hello, she can only send Senior Junsu a text message, and Senior Junsu ignores the text after seeing the text message. , continue to eat with Jin Taixi, then what will she think?"

"How can this be called ignoring, didn't Taeyeon plan to reply to him after returning to the dormitory?"

"Isn't that Junsu-senpai thinking of replying to Taeyeon after eating with Kim Tae-hee?"

"Um..." I really don't know how to argue. One is from Taeyeon's point of view, and the other is from Junsu's point of view. Who is right and who is wrong? If there is no answer, this matter may only be solved by themselves, right?

And Taeyeon listened to the rebuttals of Sika and Sooyoung, and she also knew that she seemed to be doing something wrong. Why couldn't she reply to Junsu after seeing the text message? Her understanding of Junxiu, he will not be an unreasonable person, even if she and Qiangren have dinner, as long as she says one sentence, then he will understand, but if she doesn't even do this basic information, it is wrong !

Taeyeon looked at SUNNY and said, "Sunny, can you give me the key to Junsu's Oppa's house? I want to go and see."

Pani also began to help Taeyeon and said to Sunny: "Yeah, Sunny, don't be angry. I'll leave this matter to you and Taeyeon to solve it yourself? After all, it's their own feelings, only their own. To make adjustments, today's matter is obviously a misunderstanding, so this misunderstanding can be solved as soon as possible, what do you think? You don't want to watch your brother lose his soul and think about this when he goes to shoot tomorrow. Bar?"

Although Sunny was very unhappy with what happened today, as Pani said, she didn't want her brother to worry about it tomorrow. She got up and went to her dressing table, opened the drawer, took out the access card, and gave Taeyeon the room key: "If I didn't think that today's events would affect my brother's mood for shooting tomorrow, I really don't want to give the key to Taeyeon. you."

Taeyeon took the key and said thank you to Sunny, then turned around and went out. Back in her room, she changed her clothes, put on a hat, and set off towards Junxiu's house.


More than half an hour later, Taeyeon came to Junsu's house. After she opened the door and entered the entrance, she saw Junsu taking off her sneakers, which showed that Junsu was at home. She didn't disturb the people in the room. After changing her shoes, she entered the living room. The living room was dark, only the moonlight outside the window and the neon lights of the city penetrated.

Taeyeon walked towards Junsu's room, but the door of Junsu's room was not closed, perhaps because she was used to living alone. Taeyeon stood at the door of Junxiu's room and watched him turn his back to the door~www.wuxiaspot.com~ curled up with the quilt and hugged him in his arms, he was not wearing pajamas, but A casual outfit for going out.

The clothes that she didn't change made Taeyeon suddenly feel that Junsu had returned home with some kind of pain. Maybe he was so sore that he didn't even have the strength to change clothes at that time, right?

What Taeyeon didn't expect was that she couldn't reply to his text messages in time, it would make him so miserable! Yeah, if she saw Junsu ignore her text messages while eating with another woman, would she do the same?

Taeyeon walked to Junxiu's side and saw that the cell phone on the bedside had even been deducted from the battery, but I could imagine how sad he was at that time. It's only when you're so sad that you don't want to answer anyone's phone, right?

She didn't know if Junxiu was asleep, and she didn't go around to the other side, she just stood behind Junxiu and called softly, "oppa~~!!"

Because Junxiu was so tired that he was so sad, his sleep was not very deep. So when the sudden voice made Junsu slowly open his eyes, he slowly turned around and saw Taeyeon standing behind him...

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