Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 406: Family Concert (Secondary 2)

Maybe it's because the filming of the TV series was too rushed, so it's good to have a lunch box every day. Of course, Yoona has been really greedy for a long time, right? And I heard that Yuner came here to hold a concert without even attending the banquet. The box lunch of the crew is not a big deal, and filming requires body control, so Yuner seems to be eating her recently. Have you become extra obsessed?

Lin Yuner's eyes are pure and pure like a deer in the forest. People who don't know her really think she is a shy, kind and innocent girl, but in fact Yuner is the most black-bellied one in the team. Time also united Yuri to frighten Pani to the core. Pani is very afraid of some cockroaches, spiders and other insects.

And when she got there, she deliberately bought some insect models for Yuli, and then asked Yuli to put some of those insects in the refrigerator and some next to Pani's pillow, which made Pani cry. . This is Lin Yuner, a person who is extremely pure on the outside and extremely black on the inside. There is nothing wrong with a person's appearance. A woman like Yun'er must not be fooled by her appearance.

Junxiu briefly chatted with them below the stage, and it was their turn to rehearse. It was originally from Girls' Generation, but now that Dongfang Shen has risen, Girls' Generation, as juniors, naturally gave their order to Junxiu and other seniors.

Half an hour later, the artists got on the bus and went back to the hotel. Taeyeon, Pani, Shungui, the three of them shared a room. This was what Junxiu had inquired about.

The hotel has provided a floor for the S.M artists to live in this time. This floor is not open to the public, and the hotel's security guards are always waiting around the corridor. Junxiu is a one-person room. After he packed his things, he put on his hat and glasses and walked towards Taeyeon's room. After ringing the doorbell, it was Yoona who opened the door. She smiled treacherously towards him. Zhu Junxiu raised his eyebrows, as if saying to Junxiu, "I knew you would come."

"Junxiu oppa is here." Yuner opened the door and walked into the room, and Junxiu followed. The room was a big bed room with an extra bed next to it.

They didn't bring much, just a bag with a change of clothes and pajamas in it. At this time, they were still wearing the clothes from the previous rehearsal. Junxiu looked at the four of them and said, "Let's go, I'll take you out for supper?"

Hearing Junxiu's words, Yoona laughed happily: "Wow, hahaha~~ I know, I know, oppa will definitely take you out to play, it would be a big loss if you came to Songhai and didn't go to see the night scene. Let's go. Come on, let's go out quietly, from the underground garage of the hotel, there are too many fans at the door."

"Yeah, Lin Xiaoyun, do you often sneak out when you go overseas? Are you so experienced?"

Yoona immediately quibble: "Where is it? We Girls' Generation also went out once in the last performance in the United States. We haven't even been to Jeju Island yet, and are we still overseas? Oppa, you think too much."

"Okay, you have a lot of crazy ideas. Let's go, let's go. There will be more and more people in a while, and my car can't hold so many people."


Junxiu took the four of them and slipped out of the underground garage. The vehicle was the commercial car that sent them to the conference venue. Junxiu had borrowed it. Sitting in the car, Taeyeon asked Junxiu worriedly: "Oppa, you brought us out of the hotel, is this okay?"

"It's okay, I told the team leader about this. Usually, you are not allowed to go out overseas because of safety issues, and more importantly, language issues. If you encounter any trouble, you can't even communicate. There is no problem with this language if I am here this time. I don’t speak Chinese very well. It’s no problem to communicate. Let’s go to the Bund today to see the night view. The night of Songhai is as beautiful as the Xiangjiang River. somewhere to eat."

Junxiu entered the Bund in the car navigation, and everyone set off there together. Taeyeon and the others sat in the car with the windows open to face the cool breeze at night. It was only clear when they saw the 'square characters' on both sides of the street. It feels like being abroad.

When the car reached the right road, the car became quiet, because their eyes were constantly looking at the neon outdoors, as if they had never been out. But Junxiu can understand that during this time, Girls' Generation is almost the company, dormitory, two o'clock and one line, the agent and the company have stipulated that they should not go out.

So after coming to Songhai this time, Junxiu took them out to let them go out, which made each of them feel relaxed to a certain extent. In addition, this is China/China, a country they are unfamiliar with, so they can't tell in their hearts. strange.

Not long after the car left, Yoona's phone rang. It was from Xu Xian, who was in the same room as her. Because Xiuying came to look for Yoona, she found out that Yoona and the others were gone. Xiaoxian didn't care about the high cost of long-distance calls and called Yuner. Yuner decisively betrayed Junxiu, and she directly assured Xu Xian that she and Junxiu went to supper together.

This made Cui Xiuying on the other end of the phone keep yelling that Yoona was not being loyal and that she would not be notified of such things.

When the vehicle arrived at the Bund, Junxiu found a temporary parking space at random, put down the car and walked to the Bund Road. They couldn't help but sighed when they saw the light on the Bund, which was intoxicating Songhai.

The four of them lay on the guardrail and looked at the 'Oriental Tower' on the other side and couldn't help sighing: "It's so beautiful~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's so beautiful, hey.. It would be nice if I brought a camera. What a pity Ah, such a scene has not been photographed."

But at this moment, a person with a camera hanging on his chest came over: "Are you taking pictures? Take a picture right away, take it right away."

After the person spoke Chinese, Taeyeon and the others looked at Junsu in confusion. They thought it was some fan who asked if they could take a photo together. Yuna glanced at the camera and sighed, "Oppa is so famous. You can meet fans in a place like this.”

Junxiu didn't get angry and squeezed Yuner's face: "Ah, what fans, you are crazy, talking nonsense, people ask you if you want to take pictures? You can take pictures right away, didn't you say you didn't bring cameras? ? Isn't that right?"

"How much is this photo?"

Junxiu also turned around and asked the photographer, and then said to them: "10 yuan for a soft girl, about 1700, right?"

"So expensive? Forget it, forget it." 1,700 won for a photo is indeed very expensive.

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