Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 408: Family Concert (Part 2)

Junxiu went back to the room, took a shower, lay on the bed, looked at the ceiling, and recalled today's day. Yui's gentleness in Japan made him special in the dead of night, and their TVXQ's singing stage Yui could ignore others. His vision, coming to cheer him up in person, delivering lunch boxes, etc., all made Junxiu feel very surprised, but also very sweet in his heart, and the smell of being cared for and cared for made him feel comfortable.

Night always makes people emotional and fragile, and a little bit of affection will be infinitely magnified in the bottom of my heart. At this moment, Yui Xinheng's smile appeared in Junxiu's mind again. Her smile always makes people feel as warm as bathing in the spring breeze. Her smile is so bright and sunny, and her smile will make Junxiu also uncomfortable. Consciously followed and laughed.

And today's Taeyeon still gives Junsu a peaceful and comfortable feeling. Every time he is with her, he feels so flat and peaceful. This is a kind of relaxation that will heal Junsu's body and mind. Naturally, Taeyeon is like the deep-rooted tree in Junsu's heart that cannot be shaken.

And Pani, she always appears in front of Junxiu with a smile on her face, which makes people never guess her mind. She is the most thoughtful person in Girls' Generation. If such a person is The intention is heavy, but not always. It's just that she wakes up earlier than everyone else, right? After all, I came to Korea alone in this strange country.

Just when Junxiu was about to go to sleep, the quirky Yoona appeared in his mind, her eyes were so clear and bright, and her big mouth didn't care about her image when she laughed happily. So hearty, and this smile is extremely infectious. Her smile, her coquettish behavior, and the threat of her raising her small fists made Junxiu fall asleep unknowingly.

In the dream, they appeared again. In a bright sunshine, on a beautiful beach, Taeyeon, Yoona, Pani, Yui, they all laughed happily, playing in the water on the coast, and from time to time they would face each other. Zuo Junxiu beckoned him to participate. In the dream, they were wearing short-sleeved shorts, while Yui was wearing the bikini in her photo album. Facing their call, Junxiu also ran towards them with a smile, and they stood on the shore and began to splash water on Junxiu.

Too tired and thirsty after playing, Junxiu said to buy water, and Yuna clamored to buy it together with Junxiu. The scene changed at this moment, the two came to the house, Yoona was taking a shower, she opened the bathroom door with her bare body and shouted at Junxiu: "Oppa has no shower gel, you bring me some. "

Junxiu took the shower gel for Yuner, and when he saw her naked body and her clear eyes, he couldn't help kissing it, and the two started in the bathroom.' 19 Forbidden' pictures. When Junxiu entered the secret realm with a gun, the excitement all over his body made him want to vent, but a clear light suddenly appeared in Junxiu's mind, "Paralysis, I don't have underwear! ’

A spring dream, a spring dream with them, and a spring dream with Yoona. At the last moment, because she didn't bring her underwear, she braked in time, so she didn't 'shoot' on her underwear. Junxiu really didn't bring panties. He was in a hurry when he left. After the commercial performance, he rushed to the airport directly. When he said that, he bought disposable panties. Who knows that the convenience store here does not have it that sold. So I can only wear it as it is, and return to Japan after the performance tomorrow to change it.


When Chunmeng woke up, Junxiu checked that it was already 7 o'clock, and the alarm clock set on her mobile phone sounded at this time. Junxiu got up quickly and called them, telling them to get up too and prepare to go.

Last night, Cui Xiuying didn't even have a late-night snack. After she came back, Yoona still showed off to Cui Xiuying the photos she had taken on the Bund for several years. This made her decisively choose to change rooms with Xu Xuan, who was in the same room as Yuner, because it was today. For breakfast in the morning, she didn't want to eat the buffet provided by the hotel, and wanted to go out with Junxiu and others.

They are about to grow up, or they have just grown up, it is inevitable that they want to play. So Junxiu didn't stop him, and simply brought the five of them together, since the commercial car could fit in anyway.

The group came directly to the City God Temple, where a dazzling array of small commodities and other souvenirs quickly caught their attention, and even Sunny couldn't help but ask his brother for money. Fortunately, Junxiu changed 2,000 yuan for a soft girl when she arrived at the airport. I used some yesterday, and I still have 1,600 yuan left. Junxiu gave 200 yuan per person and let them buy souvenirs by themselves.

Originally said to come and have a breakfast Xiaolongbao, suddenly it has become a tourist mode. Finally, Girls' Generation's manager called, and everyone rushed back together.

In the evening, the S.M family concert at Songhai Stadium officially kicked off. This concert has gathered tens of thousands of fans to watch it. It can be said that a ticket is hard to come by and the seats are full. This is also the first time that all the stars of S.M are in China/ National opening concert. SUJU has a small team dedicated to activities in China/China, which makes them very popular in China/China.

The cheering cards of 'JS Junsu' can be seen everywhere in the audience, because the broadcast of the TV series in China/China has made JS Junsu's fame skyrocket here.

TVXQ is still the finale, everyone is sitting in the waiting room, everyone is wearing makeup and sitting on the sofa waiting for the performance, but Junxiu ran to the back of the front stage to watch Girls' Generation's performance. This misunderstanding in Korea has been resolved. During their performances in China/China, they encountered the "Black Incident~www.wuxiaspot.com~" sound and colored lights on the stage, which made them perform hard. But the audience below the stage, some turned off the light sticks in their hands, and some held two light sticks staggered and gestured an 'X' to express their rejection of their stage. However, Girls' Generation, who had already experienced such a thing once, became calm, and they still performed their own performances on the stage in response to the boycott by Chinese/Chinese fans this time.

Not sad, not sad, they just want to do their best. After Girls' Generation's stage ended, SUJU came on stage, and Junsu walked over with concern: "Are you all right?"

"It's okay, what's wrong? Is there something wrong with our stage?"

"No.. No, you're fine. I thought you would feel sad when you saw the 'X' made by the fans in front of you?"

"Huh? 'X'? Not the peach heart of the gesture?"

Girls' Generation has misunderstood and misunderstood. They regard the 'X' under the stage as a peach heart, as if thousands of fans express their love for them! !

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