Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 463: I want to fall in love

Junsu has not seen Park Injing again for a long time. As long as there is no sudden mention from Minhyuk today, Junsu has not thought that such a person exists in his mind for a long time. The fastest update of x is selective forgetting? Or was Park In-jeong really just a passing passer-by when he was lonely at the time? Time, as expected, can quietly erase all traces and memories.

If you don't touch it, maybe it will forever settle in the deepest part of your mind. Now that Minhyuk suddenly mentioned this name, the past is staged one after another. At this time, Junxiu's mind is not the strong rolling with her, but he constantly guides her to sing in the practice room on weekdays. time scene. She, suitable to be an idol, is just a little more twisted than the members of Girls' Generation.

Junxiu took a deep breath after getting the number, calmed down and dialed Park Injing's number: "du...du...du..." This is the first time Junxiu feels nervous when making phone calls, especially Every time the phone was connected, it was as if it was squeezed **** his heart, causing it to contract nervously.

The phone rang four or five times before answering, and the familiar voice of Pu Renjing entered Junxiu's ears: "Hello, who is it?"

"It's me..." After Junxiu's words came out, he was silent, and at the same time, Park Renjing on the other end of the phone was also silent. The two held the phone for a long time without making a sound. At this time, they could only hear each other's breathing while holding the phone. The breathing of Park Renjing on the other end of the phone was obviously out of tune.

The two held the phone in silence for a minute. During the silence, there may be a lot of past events in each other's minds. But when it's over, it's over, and Park Renjing asked, "Is there anything wrong with the call?"

The two went directly to the topic without the slightest greeting: "ccm is recruiting a lead singer, I hope you can seriously consider it. I think you are very suitable as the lead singer of a group, and you also have the ability to be the lead singer, so I I hope you don't forget your stage dreams."

"Got it, I'll think about it when I go back. Is there anything else?"

Park Renjing's voice was so eager to hang up, so even her answer made Junxiu feel a little perfunctory, and Junxiu said again with anger: "Are you perfunctory me? I really want you to think about it, didn't you hold your hand before your grandma died last time and hope you can pursue your dreams? Did you forget your dreams so quickly?"

Maybe Junsu's voice was stern, or maybe Junsu mentioned the scene when her grandmother died, which made Park Injing on the other end of the phone silent again.

The two remained silent like this for a long time before Park Renjing said to Junxiu, "I know, I will try it." This time, Park Renjing's words finally had something to try. Hang up.


Junxiu returned to the living room, the three of them gathered together to drink and chat again, the topic of conversation between men was naturally women, Yunho was the first to say: "In a blink of an eye, we are halfway through the twenties. Time

time. Brother, is it a kind of sadness for a man like us who has never even talked about love once? "

"Yunhao, why do I think your 'evil fire' is very strong recently, are you really that lonely?"

"You are a full man who doesn't know the hunger of a hungry man. You have a love interest. Of course, you don't have back pain when you stand up. By the way, the Zhang Ziyan incident in the previous paragraph was so big, are there really many women who want to be in the top position? Dedicated?"

"It's not that there are many, but it does exist. Don't you guys still know? You've been in this circle for so long, don't you know what a brother looks like? Anyway, fans will only see us after we become famous. They don't care what kind of state they were in before they became famous."

"We rarely receive TV dramas, so do you know how dark the actor's circle is?"

"Isn't the music world the same? Some girls sleep with the company's executives for a 'debut', and it's for a long time. Anyway, that's it, some people like to take shortcuts, some people like to use strength, it's all up to them self-determination."

"Brother, you have worked with so many actresses, who do you think feels the best?"

"I haven't dated them in real life, so what's the point? We met in the crew, so we couldn't see who was really like. Just like you Yunho, standing in front of the stage It's the glamorous Yunho, and it's really a super smoldering smoldering in private. We've been talking about women until now, and I think you're really lonely."

"Ahaha...it's really lonely." Yunho didn't deny it, he admitted it directly: "The three of them moved out of the dormitory during this time, Changmin also went home, and I was the only one left in the dormitory. Alone. Maybe we were all too tired before, and after returning to the dormitory, we were so tired that we didn't have any time to think. But this time was suddenly idle, which gave me time to sit down and look back at myself.. ."

"In the first day or two, I didn't think it mattered. After all, this quietness is so precious to us~www.wuxiaspot.com~ We all know that. However, after two days, Changmin has not planned to come back. , I started to feel bored when I stayed alone in the dormitory, especially when I sat alone in an empty room after nightfall, the loneliness really made it difficult for me to sleep at night. These days I have been Every day I sleep on the sofa with the TV on, I think there is always a sound to fall asleep. So I really want to find a girlfriend!"

In the mid-20s, it was the most intense period of official love and x, so it was difficult for Yunho to hold back such loneliness. In the past, everyone could be busy and suppress the love in their hearts, but now they are all free, especially when he is alone in the dormitory, the hot heart in his heart is magnified.

Therefore, Junxiu just smiled and said to his eagerness to fall in love at this time: "It's useless to want to fall in love. Even if it's a friendship, it can't be done right now. So, ah, Since you want to fall in love so much, go look for it. We have to take the lead in taking that step, and sometimes I think we should take the initiative by ourselves."


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