Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 468: woman boudoir incense

Lord Xue Ying, Legend of Dragon King, Super Soldier King, Cultivation of Cultivation, Supreme Martial Arts, King of Eternal Night, My Neighbor is Banshee, Legend of Fairy Wood

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Junxiu sat on this small sofa for two in Yui's dormitory, and Yui knelt down opposite him like a traditional Japanese woman. After Junxiu arrived, she always looked at Junxiu with a bright expression. The two hadn't seen each other for a long time, or looking at him for a second would have a deeper memory in the back of her mind, which was convenient when she needed to recall. Find out.

Yui looked for comics-related topics and chatted with Junsu, but Junsu was not so keen on comics, so she changed the subject and said, "This time there is news that your recent TV series has achieved nearly 50% in Korea. Super high ratings, congratulations. It seems that a Japanese TV station has already talked about introducing it?"

"Well, many countries in Asia came to talk about the introduction of our TV series before the broadcast. It is said that the price of this introduction is very high. It seems that the Chinese/China bid is (28 episodes) 3 million US dollars, and the TV station broadcasts the right. In addition to the introduction of copyright fees from Asian countries, the overall calculation can be divided into a lot of money just to introduce our actors."

"It's great, oa is very famous now. There are many media reports about your income. The top actors on our side are only paid 10,000 yen per episode, and your Korean won conversion is 10 million per episode?"

Junxiu's salary was exposed by Korean media very early. Junxiu was not the only actor who used '100 million' as the unit. At that time, Bae Yongjun, Park Xinyang and others were paid hundreds of millions of dollars. After the media reports, many producers said that the remuneration of actors is a bit unreasonable. After this problem came out, many artists also encountered joint bargaining with investors. Anyway, 100 million yuan in remuneration was cut at least three or four thousand. million salary price.

At that time, after all the investors found the actors, they gave the remuneration price like that, and you could take it if you wanted. Don't want to? Then I will find someone who is willing, or find some well-known second-tier actors to replace them. Therefore, until now, big names such as Park Xinyang, Bae Yongjun, and Li Yingai have not received any film proposals because of their inflated pay because they did not cut their pay.

Only Junsu's salary is maintained at 100 million won per episode, and investors are still willing to find him? That's because Junxiu still has the title of "world star", and his popularity in Asian countries far surpasses that of Bae Yongjun, Park Xinyang and other older generation actors. Let's not talk about Junxiu's achievements in Europe and the United States, because TV stations also know that Korean TV dramas rarely enter European and American countries. Therefore, investors also value the popularity of "TVXQ", which is recognized as the number one boy group in Asia, and it is worthy of their investment.

Junxiu also said with a smile when he mentioned his own salary: "It's true that the salary is so high, but there are not so many. You know that the taxation of actors is very heavy. The tax of Korean actors is 40%. Deduction. Taxes, there is not much left after deducting the share. However, it should be higher than your Japanese artist's income."

Of course Junsu hides the category of 'reasonable' tax avoidance for the agency, but those are not things that Junsu should care about. Usually, there are professional financial staff of the company to help with tax matters. In any case, Korean A-list stars are indeed much higher than Japan's A-list stars. Of course, no matter whether it is Korea or Japan, there is no Chinese/Chinese celebrity uncle to make money.

Only in China/China can celebrities be called uncles. The crew, etc., completely treat the stars as national treasures, but these are not treated in countries other than China/China.

Carrying on and Xinheng Yuyi sat there and briefly chatted about the current situation and work situation. After a while, Yuyi remembered: "oa, have you eaten? Would you like me to prepare something for you?"

Junxiu drank a glass of red wine in front of him, so after Yui asked, he smiled and made a drinking gesture at Yui: "Wine?"

Yui also knew that Junxiu had a habit of drinking, and she said with a smile, "Is Japanese wine okay?"

"OK! Yui, can you make snacks?"

Because she went to Beijing at a very young age, she didn't have time to study cooking at all. She could only say embarrassingly, "I don't know how to make a drink. I know Okinawa's miso soup?" She remembered that when she and Junxiu were eating before, he said that Koreans can drink soup even if they were drinking. .

"Okay, I also tried Yui-chan's cooking skills today."

"My cooking skills are not good, oa, don't dislike it. By the way, do you want to take a bath first?"

In Asia, perhaps only the Japanese like to take a bath so much, while other Asian countries generally choose to take a shower in summer, only in winter, and only take a bath twice a week at most. The Japanese seem to take a bath every day, and Junxiu has seen Japanese shows and knows that not everyone uses a tub of water for their baths. Instead, a tank of water comes down and the whole family soaks in it. After you soak it, I continue to soak it, and I soak it and he soaks it again. And the water after the bath will not be poured out, it is used for hygiene the next day, or for watering flowers or something.

"No, I'm not used to taking a bath in summer. I just take a shower after eating."

"Okay. You sit and rest for a while."

Yui ran towards the small kitchen at the entrance~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After a while, she came over with a bottle of 'Dassai Daiginjo Two Cut Three Points' 300ML sake. Junxiu looked at Yui in surprise and took out such a high-end wine: "Do you still have sake that is divided into two and three parts at home? (The rice is polished to only 23% for brewing) This is what you plan to buy and drink yourself. ?"

"Well, some seniors in the circle told me that when the schedule is busy, I come back at night to drink a small glass and sleep, which can relieve fatigue. And every time the crew gathers, I always need to drink some wine. Come to socialize, so I also need to increase the amount of alcohol a little."

"Also, there are some necessary social occasions for our line of business. Go and boil the soup and come over and have a couple of drinks with me."

"Yeah. oa, watch TV, I'm going to cook the soup first." Although Junsu knew that miso soup was different from Korean miso soup, Junsu didn't know what the taste was from the beginning to the end. difference.

Looking at the figure of Xinheng Yuyi cooking in the kitchen, Junxiu sat comfortably on the small sofa and took this half-cut sake and drank it alone. The gentleness of a Japanese woman is vividly reflected in Yui. Although her dormitory is small, the whole room is full of her sweet smell.

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