Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 559: year-end (18)

Junxiu had already eaten before he came, so he was the first to put down his chopsticks. After putting down his chopsticks, he didn't look at the children like Hyuna. Because he didn't want to use his eyes to put pressure on them when they were eating. Moreover, Junxiu’s order was very arrogant at the beginning, ten people served pork belly, ten people served beef, a total of twenty people served meat, seven people seemed to be almost one person for three people, and Junxiu only ate half of it. stop eating.

The barbecue that has already been served cannot be returned, so they can only continue to eat, which makes them feel that today is the happiest day. While eating meat, I can chat with Junxiu, especially since they are all just debuted children, they have a lot of curiosity about the things in the circle.

For example, what they mentioned earlier about some models have entered the circle of IDOL. However, Junsu feels that IDOL needs to be diversified, so as long as she is willing to put in the time to practice, the model will become a good person. Junsu also smiled and said to them: "Actually, many actors are born models. Now the conditions of the citizens are all Okay, so the visual requirements have also become higher. IDOL chooses beautiful ones, and actors also choose beautiful ones. So, body management has also become particularly important.”

Junxiu's remarks almost made them lose their appetite, and finally Junxiu took the initiative to say: "Eat, today is a rare opportunity. And you have already practiced enough for the 'Gayo Daejeon' this time. Excessive consumption It will also affect your health. Doesn't UIE bring a burst of health and beauty? I think that's good."

"Senior Junxiu, why are you in Lishui today?"

"I took a break recently, so I wanted to find a place to relax my mind. I chose Lishui. The night scene here is really good. I even wrote a song when I saw the night scene here yesterday."

"Oh? Write a song? Junsu-senpai sing it for us?"

"Let's eat, what are you singing?" Junxiu turned to look at HyunA after saying this: "HyunA, many reports now say that you are a dance machine, which is very similar to Girls' Generation's Hyoyeon, and The topic of your "Undefeated Youth" has been good recently. How is it? Have you felt the change in popularity?"

"Hehe...it's okay." HyunA said to Junxiu with a smirk.

Junsu wanted to tell HyunA about his solo several times, but Junsu felt that if he told the other children sitting next to him, it might hurt their hearts, right? Obviously the group is now called the HyunA group, and you want to push her out for solo? Wouldn't that make this statement even more true? So Junsu has been thinking about when is the right time to say it?

Junxiu thought about it for a long time and thought that it would be better to wait until someday to find a chance to talk about it. So Junsu stopped disturbing them for dinner, he took out his cell phone and sent a text message to Minhyuk: 'How do you feel about having HyunA solo? ’

‘Okay, HyunA’s personal popularity has already increased a lot, we can push her along when her popularity increases at this time. After she gains a higher popularity, she can lead the team forward better. ’

'Okay, I'll send you the song when I get back later. Now I'm in Yeosu, so you can arrange for HyunA's solo production as soon as possible, just make the single first. ’

‘Why did you suddenly run to Lishui? ’

'I'm tired, I want to rest. Isn't the night view of Lishui very good? So here we go, come back and talk. ’ Junsu, who originally wanted to rest for two more days, had to rush back to Seoul for HyunA’s solo. As for him and Taeyeon, that's it for now.


After the meal, Junxiu went out of the restaurant with them. Junxiu got into his BMW and said to them, "We met in Seoul, kids." Junxiu's vehicle was much better than their van, and it ran well. Much faster, so he didn't want to jog with them, and the journey back was hours.

Junsu just ran along the highway playing music alone, especially when he passed through Jeonju, if he didn't think he quarreled with Taeyeon, he would even go down in Jeonju.

When Junsu returned to Seoul, it was dark here. After driving for a few hours, he was really tired. When he got home, he took a shower, grabbed a can of beer, drank it, and streamed the song to Min Hyuk.

After a while, Minhyuk called: "Junxiu, will this song "Change" be a little too strong, it doesn't suit a girl very much, right?"

"Ask HyunA herself. I only have this song here for the time being, and I haven't had time to compose other songs. Didn't the media always say that HyunA is a dance machine? Then this song is just right for her to play. My own dancing skills? Anyway, that's what I think, it's up to you to arrange it. If you don't want it, return it to me. I'll keep it for the next release. If you want it, look for a feat of rap."

"Yes, why not, your song is so rare. This time it can also be regarded as HyunA's "Change", why should I not?"

"Okay, I'll do it. Hang up, I'm very tired after driving for hours." After hanging up the phone, Junxiu sat in his studio, took off his guitar and started to play and sing by himself, just like he was in Lishui. He wrote a song to HyunA and the others.

The seaside of Lishui at night, in the light and shadow, there is a beautiful story I want to tell you

Dial the phone, you ask what am I doing?

I am now at the seaside of Yeosu night~www.wuxiaspot.com~the seaside of Yeosu night....

The combination of the gentle voice of the guitar and the handsome voice gives this song an indescribable nighttime romance. The melody and simple repeating lyrics of the song took Junsu only about ten minutes to complete, and then he started working on the song.

As for Minhyuk, at this time, a phone call was made to HyunA, asking her to come to his office after returning to the company. Junxiu's car was faster than theirs, there was no way. So Junsu got home, took a shower and they just arrived at the next entrance in Seoul.

It was almost another hour before HyunA came to Minhyuk's office: "Representative."

"Well, Hyuna, come, listen to this song, this song was sent by Junxiu."

Minhyuk didn't say that the song was for her solo, but just let her hear the song's feelings first.

The strong music came out from the computer speakers in Minhyuk's office. The main melody of the song was very strong. It was like a dance song for a boy group..

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