Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 768: Los Angeles Night (Part 2)

Yoona's guess was right, and of course it was right for the company to do that. After all, in TVXQ, when it comes to 'caring', it is absolutely impossible for Junsu to be cared for. Because his personal development has never been affected in any way, even in the period when the TVXQ incident was so hot, his personal career was not affected in any way, so the company has to take care of those two members instead. .

And Junsu will be busy shooting TV dramas, so the company can also use the TV series as an excuse for Junsu to quit. After all, it is an extremely reluctant excuse to be unable to take into account the activities of the group when filming the TV series. At that time, even if Junxiu is really affected, it will not be too big, anyway, TVXQ is no longer the TVXQ of the year. As long as the TV drama Junsu participated in has a high rating, it will be able to salvage the negligible impact he suffered.

Anyway, Junsu has become the most accomplished artist in Korean history. Whether it's his TV series, movies, or his music in the world, he deserves to be number one! Therefore, the company also knows that even if it is temporarily affected because of 'withdrawing from the team', it cannot really affect his career. This is what they really think! !

Yoona felt worthless for Junxiu in the room, and at the same time she felt injustice for him, but, things would still follow this trajectory. Taeyeon didn't ask everyone to comfort Junsu, because too much comfort at this time would make him feel hurt.

Taeyeon thinks that Junxiu can get through this matter by gritting her teeth a little, but if they try to comfort him with a big fanfare, will it arouse his heartache instead? Very likely! At least this afternoon, Taeyeon and Junsu didn't show any sense of decadence when they chatted with him. Of course, Taeyeon also knew that Junsu could continue to shine without relying on the name of "TVXQ".

Girls' Generation was always a little worried about Junsu, and they were also dissatisfied with Junsu, so they stayed in the room quietly until the rehearsal began.

Junxiu's side is still wearing sunglasses with the TVXQ members and came out of the hotel dressed like a star. Junxiu usually smiles and waves when facing fans, but today he took the lead and even came out of the hotel. He didn't even smile, he lowered his head and got into the car. No matter how the fans in Los Angeles called him, he looked indifferent.

Fortunately, Yunho and Changmin who followed behind responded enthusiastically to the fans' screams.

In the commercial car, Junsu sat directly in the middle after getting in the car, but Yunho and Changmin didn't even dare to sit beside Junsu after getting on the bus. They also felt Junxiu's dissatisfaction with them, so they could only hide behind in silence.

From the hotel to the live concert rehearsal, the first group of TVXQ arrived, and the first group came to the stage for rehearsal. TVXQ's family concert this time only has two songs, but Junxiu's solo has two more songs, which are two English songs released some time ago. One of them was a collaboration song, so when Junxiu was about to rehearse the song, the staff at the scene came to find Junxiu: "Junxiu, this time it was BOA who arranged to collaborate with you on this song, and she hasn't been there yet. Well, do you think we have to wait for her to come to the rehearsal?"

BOA debuted in the United States, but the results here were not so ideal, so she returned to Japan and continued to develop there. It stands to reason that the company arranged for BoA ​​and Junxiu to collaborate on the song "" is a good candidate, but BOA hadn't come to the venue at this time, which made Junxiu a little dissatisfied, so Junxiu frowned and said: "Since he didn't come, then There will be no rehearsal, and it will be played directly tomorrow, anyway, this song is a song that enhances the atmosphere of the scene, and it will not go wrong without rehearsal."

Junxiu's sudden refusal to rehearse made the staff a little unsure of what to do. He could only stand there and open his mouth to say something, but he couldn't find the words to convince Junxiu. Does he want Junsu to wait for BoA ​​at the rehearsal? The other two members of TVXQ have finished their rehearsal, and they are all waiting for Junsu to return to the hotel after the end. Does it mean to let Junxiu stay and wait, is to let the entire TVXQ stay and wait?

Even if TVXQ at this time is no longer the top group of the company, the dead camel is bigger than the horse! Especially for the time being, before the announcement came out, Junxiu, the "Ding Hai Shenzhen", is still a member of this group, so who would dare to underestimate this group?

Of course, Junxiu didn't mean to embarrass the staff of the company, but Boa, she knew the rehearsal time, but she, as the senior of the company, didn't arrive on time? This is what makes Junsu a little angry.

Seeing the extremely embarrassed look of the staff, Junxiu said, "If you don't want to let BoA sing this song. Let's replace it, Pani and Sika. Both of them speak very good English."

Girls' Generation's status in the company is getting higher and higher now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ From the moment TVXQ 'disbanded', what is the mission of this signboard, and their achievements are indeed among the best in Korea, So Junsu's recommendation isn't so absurd.

The staff listened to Junxiu's recommendation, and he could only say: "That... Junxiu, should I go and ask the chief director for instructions first?"

"Go ahead, don't delay too long. I'll be waiting for your answer on the stage." Junxiu occupied the stage like this, making it impossible for the people behind to rehearse. As if it was a warning to them not to drag this thing out as an excuse to wait for Boa.

The staff were completely dumbfounded when they heard Junxiu's words. Because Junsu didn't leave the stage, the next rehearsal could not be carried out. So he could only go to the director to say what Junxiu recommended, but the director saw that BoA had not come, so he agreed to Junxiu's suggestion and let him cooperate with Girls' Generation's Pani and Sika. stage.

The original arrangement for this song was at the end, with Junsu and BoA cooperating, and then all the artists performed the song on all the stages. But it seems a bit strange to have Sika and Pani as the finale. All, the director team can only make this song in the opening.

As Junsu said, it can be a song that stirs up the lively atmosphere. So it's a good start too! ! !

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