Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 771: Santa Monica's Night Sea (middle)

As long as Junsu and Taeyeon appear together, it is definitely a very curious thing, mainly because the two of them have been exposed more than once in 'gossip', and the two have been in the "I" so far. There is no official parting couple in The Knot. So ah, many people suspected that the two of them were really in love. However, there is just no evidence.

On the contrary, it is Junxiu and Aragaki Yui's "love" analysis, as well as more "evidence" listed by fans. However, these were denied. So, Junxiu's current 'love' is still a mystery. Many people want to find the answer to this mystery, but it is not as easy as they think.

Humans are always curious. So when the children of F(x) saw Junsu and Taeyeon going downstairs so late at the elevator door, to be honest, their hearts also rippled with doubts. Of course, the most speculation in their hearts is: Are Junsu and Taeyeon in love?

Because the seniors of Girls' Generation are all back, even if it's really like what Song Qian said when she helped, the two of them went downstairs to eat, but it's impossible for Junxiu to be the only one beside Taeyeon. Not to mention that all nine people have to go, at least two or three people have to go down together, right? But now Junxiu has only one Taeyeon beside her, and the two of them are still wearing hats to cover it up, as if they are deliberately avoiding something?

Whether the two are avoiding fans or acquaintances in the hotel, the most curious thing is why there are only two of them? Such a scene can be completely interpreted as the two are planning to go out secretly for a 'secret date'.

Song Qian did say some good things for Junxiu, and maybe her members sounded like a cover-up. But they understood what she wanted to express. That's 'Don't be curious, don't meddle, it's their business that they go out, not their business. ’

On the other hand, Junsu and Taeyeon got down from the elevator to the garage after meeting F(x)'s children. The hotel's garage was very quiet, and when only the two of them sat in the car, their hearts naturally exuded a joy and a strong love. Maybe it's because the two really haven't been in the same space alone for a long time, right?

Indeed, Girls' Generation has been busy since the beginning of this year, and Junsu has also been busy shooting movies. The two of them didn't even have time to meet each other, let alone enjoy each other's breath quietly like now.

Taeyeon's scent is still so familiar, so good, and Junxiu is still so moved by this familiar smell.

Junsu put on the seat belt for Taeyeon with a heart-warming smile. This tenderness made Taeyeon's heart melt. Sometimes women don't care about the "I love you" sentence after sentence. Maybe it's such small details that can penetrate into their hearts more deeply. For women, small details like this are a sign of love.

It was rare for Taeyeon to enjoy Junxiu's tenderness, so at this moment she showed the most beautiful smile in return: "Thank you."

Taeyeon's "Thank you" just warmed Junsu's heart, and he was extremely happy at this moment. He didn't shy away from his happy smile, and he completely showed his good mood in the smile at this moment.

The car left the hotel and was driving on the brightly lit streets of Los Angeles. Taeyeon pressed the car window and tilted her head slightly to let the wind blow her long hair. Taeyeon facing the wind was really beautiful. I can't help but take a peek while driving.

"Hua'er, we haven't enjoyed a night like this for a long time, haven't we? Speaking of which, I'm really ashamed, it's my boyfriend who didn't do it perfectly. I should spend more time with you. ."

"No, oppa, I think you're good enough, really. Even our members think you're doing really well. We've been in love for almost three years, right? In three years, as long as When we can't meet, you always take some time to talk to me, three years, who else can do it?"

This may be what Junsu touched most to Taeyeon. During the three years they were in love, he was busy and she was busy too. The time to meet was a gift from God for both of them. But in such a busy time, Junsu and Taeyeon never said that they were too busy to keep in touch.

Even if they were too busy to touch the ground, Junsu, or Taeyeon, would make a phone call, or the two would send a message to solve the pain of each other's longing. Therefore, Li Shungui also felt that the 'love' that the two of them persisted was very, very precious.

Taeyeon's remarks really touched Junsu's heart. Yes, their relationship in the past three years is really not easy, and the inexplicable Junxiu became emotional: "Hua'er, to be honest, I have been busy for the past seven years, and I don't know what I've been busy with? Taking care of ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I also feel that it is much less than before, but I am more and more concerned about 'self'. Just like when the TVXQ incident occurred, I even filmed with peace of mind. Where's my TV show?"

"Don't say that, oppa, you have taken care of us enough. Since our girlhood fell into a low point, it was you who supported us with one hand. If you were not by our side at that time, we probably couldn't bear it. Such a big impact. To say, we really appreciate what you have done to us. Road, you paved the way for us. If we can't get out of the way, I'm so sorry you, the top korean Music producer."

Perhaps more than half of the handsome self-blame in the front is not the so-called lack of more care for them. Of course, today's Girls' Generation doesn't need Junxiu to take special care of her. This self-blame is actually a guilt in Junxiu's heart for Taeyeon! Because he found out that when he and Yui lived together in Japan, he would see each other almost every day, but he didn't have much time with Taeyeon.

If you really count it in minutes, Junsu and Yuigan have spent more time together than Taeyeon, who has been in love for three years.

It was this guilt that made Junsu unconsciously feel as if he was sorry for her and Girls' Generation. Because he's been focusing on the time he spends with Yui recently.

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