Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 773: RB's super meat-eating actress (Part 1)

Junsu sang a cappella on the Ferris wheel, and Taeyeon's heart was completely moved by his plucking voice and super-appropriate lyrics. Yes, it is a kind of heartbeat. Even though the two are lovers now, she is still fascinated by Junxiu's songs. Unparalleled talent This is the most addicting thing about Junsu. The tune of this "Night Sea in Lishui" is very simple, and the words are also very simple, but the combination of the two simple ones is not so simple.

Junxiu softly sang the unpublished song to her, making the Ferris wheel romantic. His singing voice and the lyrics of 'I really want to walk with you on this beach..' made Taeyeon's heart burst out suddenly, and the heart burst into action, which made Taeyeon quickly in Junsu I got a BOBO on my cheek.

Although it was just a simple kiss, it was already an expression of extreme heartbeat. Junsu stopped his singing after Taeyeon's kiss, he turned to look at Taeyeon beside him, the eyes of the two met made this instant eruption extremely violent, Junsu and Taeyeon on the romantic Ferris wheel. The human head is getting closer...

As the two kissed passionately, a plane from Japan to Los Angeles stopped on the tarmac. A lovely woman in a beautiful dress with delicate makeup appeared at the exit, dragging her suitcase and asking the person next to her in Japanese English pronunciation, 'Where is the taxi stand? ’

And the Japanese tourists who were on the same flight with the woman covered their mouths in surprise after seeing her, and then they stepped forward and asked the woman, "Hello, are you Satomi Ishihara?"

Ishihara Satomi, Japan's super meat-eating woman, her scandal reports... even Junxiu has seen it a few times. Junxiu and her have had an intersection. They met during the filming of a certain brand, and the two of them have cooperated to endorse the same brand. But this encounter is only limited to the set of the commercial. For the brand's liquor, Junsu shoots 'Whiskey' and she shoots 'Shochu'.

Junxiu had seen her initiative, which made him scared. Among the Japanese female stars, he has met two very active women, the first is Satomi Ishihara, the second is Masami Nagasawa, and of course the second is because Junxiu does not understand 'culture' and caused a misunderstanding by himself , However, this misunderstanding made him and Nagasawa Masami appear on the headlines of magazines in Japan, South Korea, and both countries.

As for Ishihara Satomi, Junxiu has always kept a distance, because he smelled a "dangerous" smell from her. So at that time, Junxiu tried his best to keep the distance between himself and Ishihara Satomi even on the set. He knew in his heart that this woman should never be approached. Although Ishihara Satomi is indeed beautiful, he dare not enjoy such 'beautiful'.

For some unknown reason, Ishihara Satomi became less aware of the world, as if any media reports were not a big problem for her. Generally, actresses will choose to refute rumors when they encounter a "gossip". Even if the gossip is a real love, they will stand up and say something so that their career will not be affected. But Ishihara Satomi never came out to explain when she faced the scandal.

It's very strange, no matter what the scandal is, even if she doesn't explain it, it won't affect her career. The filming of the filming, the endorsement of the loan, the money that should make money, she seems to be someone who is taken care of by the **** of luck, the scandal will not impact her career, but will increase her 'exposure first' and make her Get more attention and likes.

Junsu knew that he couldn't have her luck, so he avoided it during filming. Still only one word, afraid. The "fear" that Ishihara Satomi brought Junxiu far surpassed Nagasawa Masami.


Junsu, who didn't know that "danger" had come to Los Angeles, was still enjoying their two-person world romantically with Taeyeon in Santa Monica. At this time, Junxiu shivered unconsciously while walking on the beach. He held Taeyeon's hand, which made her tremble obviously. Taeyeon looked at Junxiu in confusion: "oppa, are you cold?"

Although the temperature in September in Los Angeles is indeed warm, it is still a bit cold at night by the sea breeze.

And Junxiu shook his head and said, "No, it's not cold. Let's go, let's have some supper? It's rare to come out once, so we have to enjoy the supper here, right?"

Junxiu and Taeyeon are feeling the world of two sweetly, and Ishihara Satomi, a woman who has come from all over Japan, has already taken a taxi and set off towards the hotel. The hotel she chose was closer to tomorrow's 'S.M Family Concert'~www.wuxiaspot.com~Why did Satomi Ishihara come to Los Angeles at this time? Of course it's because of Junsu!

Because she has been full of goodwill towards Junxiu since that cooperation, and her goodwill has to be divided into one, two and three. First of all, Junxiu's condition is definitely to belong to the 'top' industry among men. Of course, the premise is to remove the heirs of those consortiums. The second is Junxiu's appearance condition. For her super meat eater, Junxiu meets her aesthetic standards, especially after she has seen Junxiu's perfect muscle lines..

However, what really made her decide to rush to Los Angeles from Japan to watch this 'family concert' was the news of Junsu and Masami Nagasawa.

This time Masami Nagasawa went to South Korea and was photographed by the media there, and then the news revealed that she and Junxiu were in love. Although Junxiu actively denied this rumor, as a meat eater, she always felt that Masami Nagasawa this time Going to Korea at least had some unusual relationships with Junsu.

After all, in the eyes of her carnivorous woman, men are used to using 'action' instead of language. She felt that there was no man who couldn't be dealt with a drink, well, if a drink couldn't be dealt with, then two!

However, Satomi Ishihara, who is a meat eater, is much smarter than Masami Nagasawa. Masami Nagasawa flew directly to South Korea without the slightest preparation. As for her, she found out BoA's private number in advance. As a member of S.M's family, BoA will naturally become the leader of her concert tomorrow.

Ishihara Satomi and Boa, both of them were born in 1986. As the same age, and they are both representative artists who debuted early, the two of them have a lot of topics to talk about.

And isn't Boa late for the rehearsal this evening? She actually went to the airport to pick up Satomi Ishihara. But at that time, the flight that Ishihara Satomi took was delayed, which was something that Boa did not expect.

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