Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 775: How did she come?

Boa and TVXQ are very close, because they are each other's family during their time in Japan. So when she entered TVXQ's waiting room, she didn't need to knock on the door politely, she just pushed the door and went in. This is a habit that they have developed after they have been intimate, and it is irrelevant if it is a baby who does this when there is no outsider.

Anyway, they are already 'relatives', so it is a little more casual, which is also a sign of closeness. But the problem is that Bo'er used this 'habit' in the presence of outsiders. When she opened the door of TVXQ waiting room carelessly, there was a sofa directly opposite behind the door. Junxiu was lazily wearing a pair of beach pants and lying on the sofa with no tops on.

After all, the temperature in the afternoon in Los Angeles in September is quite hot, so it is normal for Junxiu to be shirtless to enjoy the shade. You must know that this is a family concert. All the artists in the backstage are artists from the same company. They are very familiar with each other. Naturally, they will not have countless juniors who come to visit from time to time like the backstage of the broadcast. , So Junxiu is so casual because of the hot relationship.

You must know that the people in the room are all stylists who have worked with him for many years, not to mention Junxiu's shirtless, even Junxiu's appearance in underwear. After all, when TVXQ is holding a concert, he needs to change clothes quickly. So, ah, they are not surprised.

But Satomi Ishihara, who was behind Junxiu, had never seen Junxiu shirtless in private, because it was very rude. When Bo'er opened the door and came in, Junxiu just glanced at her lightly, and then Junxiu, who was lying lazily, jumped up from the sofa and quickly wrapped her hands around her chest. Point strangely cried: "Oh, oh, oh.."

The sudden appearance of Ishihara Satomi made Junxiu panic in an instant. The backstage waiting room for a family concert?

Although Junxiu covered two points with shame, his obvious abdominal muscles made the meat-eating girl shine. Because "fitness" is not as common in Japanese culture as it is in Korea, ah, even with Japanese artists, few people care about the issue of "fitness". Naturally, the body management of male artists on their side is not as strong as that of Korean artists.

The secret of Japanese artists to maintain their figure is not to exercise, but to control their appetite and consume fewer calories. Naturally, there are very few people with obvious abdominal muscles. In Japan, it is estimated that only those sports players will have abdominal muscles. Of course, there are people who like outdoor sports.

Really, abs, this thing is very rare in Japan. So when Ishihara Satomi looked at Junxiu's muscular figure, her heart began to agitate. This is the nature of a meat eater.

Ishihara Satomi was not shy, but followed Boa into the waiting room and introduced herself to Junxiu and the others: "Hello, I am Ishihara Satomi."

Yunho and Changmin both stared at this super cute Japanese actress Satomi Ishihara in amazement. They were just as confused as Junsu, how did she appear in Los Angeles? However, in the face of Ishihara Satomi's self-introduction, Yunho politely returned to her: "Hello, Ishihara Satomi, we are TVXQ!"

Ishihara Satomi nodded towards Yunhao with a smile, and then looked at Junxiu who was wearing a T-shirt: "Junxiu, long time no see."

When they greeted each other, Junxiu quickly grabbed his T-shirt and put it on. At this time, facing Satomi Ishihara's greeting, he smiled and responded to her: "Long time no see, Ishihara-san, why are you in Los Angeles? "

Because they all know that Satomi Ishihara is a very busy artist who has been active in Japan, and she suddenly appeared in Los Angeles, which really confused them. Is it outside? It seems that there are very few overseas locations in Japan now. Is it a magazine shoot? Japanese women's magazine covers rarely use overseas shots, right? So they really can't guess why Satomi Ishihara is in LA?

As a super meat eater, Ishihara Satomi is not shy, she directly expressed her emotions to Junxiu in front of everyone: "I came to see your concert on purpose."

This is not the first time that Satomi Ishihara has taken the initiative to attack. She has taken the initiative to ask for Junxiu's personal number before, but Junxiu didn't dare to give her her own number at that time. At that time, it was completely prevarication, but now Satomi Ishihara directly said 'come here on purpose' in front of everyone, isn't this expression unclear?

Yunho, Changmin, and BoA, who brought Satomi Ishihara in, all cast a startled look at Junsu. This is a Japanese actress expressing her goodwill towards Junxiu in front of them! !

Not to mention whether this emotional expression will be successful, the courage of Satomi Ishihara is indeed commendable! !

At least none of them present can be as free and easy as Ishihara Satomi~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and dare to express their goodwill in front of everyone. Generally speaking, women express their affections very implicitly, but Ishihara Satomi, no, she seems to have turned on a complete offensive mode! As if he didn't leave a little way for himself, now it's like asking Junxiu whether he will accept it or not. She is waiting for his statement on the spot.

Such 'brave' Junxiu has never met before, she was so brave that Junxiu was a little overwhelmed, Junxiu scratched his head deliberately and said, "My concert? This is not my concert, this It's a family concert, a concert organized by our Korean agency. I'm just one group of singers."

Junxiu deliberately wanted to avoid the topic, because he felt that it really took a lot of courage for a woman to dare to say such a thing in front of so many people, or she really liked it. Wouldn't it be too hurtful to say that Junsu had bluntly and decisively refused in front of so many people at the scene? So Junxiu's heart softened for a while, maybe he wanted to save face for Ishihara Satomi?

It was mainly Boa, Yunho, and Changmin who were present, all of whom were proficient in Japanese, so Satomi Ishihara's emotional expression was that they could hear clearly and clearly. So Junsu's "rejection" on the spot would be really cruel, so Junsu came up with such a way to respond.

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