Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 780: Bad man?

Watch after 2 o'clock, watch after 2 o'clock, anti-theft, anti-theft, anti-theft.

Ishihara Satomi came to Los Angeles this time with her own plan, and it was a plan to use Junsu. In the plan, she wouldn't care about Junsu's 'life and death', even if Junsu was badly written by the media, or even put on the title of Playboy, it had nothing to do with her, because she knew that it would come to her once it happened. Say it's only good. Anyway, she has experienced all kinds of ups and downs, she doesn't care, as for Junxiu, it is not within her consideration.

However, after they all left, only Ishihara Satomi and Junxiu were left in the room, which made Junxiu super embarrassed. He doesn't have the boldness of Ishihara Satomi, and even in this period he didn't have the courage to find someone to provoke, so keeping the two of them in this space really made Junxiu a little embarrassed.

Ishihara Satomi seemed to see Junxiu's hidden embarrassment, so she didn't want to embarrass Junxiu, so he smiled and said, "Can you give me a bottle of water? Thank you."

When Junxiu went to bring her water, Ishihara Satomi sat on the sofa in the lounge naturally, and there was no need for Junxiu to greet her. She didn't have the slightest bit of disrespect or discomfort, but in TVXQ's waiting room, everything seemed so natural, which was terrifying. Because a woman can be natural when facing a man, then she is a woman with strong scheming.

Because women can only exude their own charm when they do it naturally, and men are often unable to resist such temptations. Of course, it depends on the occasion. In such an occasion, even if Junxiu is confused by her, it is impossible for him to do anything out of the ordinary. After all, the place is not right.

Junxiu looked at the drink on the rest table and said, "Drink cola, or water?"

For most idols, because of their irregular diet, they all have symptoms of low blood sugar, and 'Coke' can well supplement the lost blood sugar.

"Just give me water. Thank you, Junsu."

Junxiu took the water and walked to Ishihara Satomi and handed it to her, then took a chair from the dressing table and sat in front of her. Junxiu really didn't know what to do with Satomi Ishihara's confession after arriving. Perhaps it was a man's 'unbearable' towards women that made Junxiu never dare to express 'rejection' directly. I don't know if you want to save face for the other party?

Of course, a man's 'unbearable' towards a woman will only appear on the body of a beautiful woman, and a man can be ruthless with ordinary women. Many people want to say that men are really so "cheap"? Then I can tell you with certainty, yes, men are so 'cheap'! !

Ishihara Satomi pretended to be weak and couldn't open the bottle cap of the mineral water, but Junxiu could only reach out and take the mineral water to help her unscrew it. Ishihara Satomi also looked at him with an extremely charming look, and said "thank you" to Junxiu softly.

I have to say that Ishihara Satomi is like a fox spirit, she knows how to take advantage of women and how to tease men. If it weren't for her outside criticism that really discouraged Junxiu, maybe Junxiu might have been confused by her.

Junxiu watched Satomi Ishihara's red lips printed on the mineral water bottle, and the way she drank water seemed to be deliberately 'practiced'. After she screwed the bottle cap, Junxiu said, "Are you here to work?"

Junxiu didn't believe that she came to the concert 'deliberately', but Junxiu only thought that she might have stopped by while working here. If she and Bo'er have a private relationship, then it's normal for her to stop by to have a look.

However, the answer Junxiu got was not what he thought. Ishihara Satomi looked at Junxiu seriously and said, "No, didn't I say it earlier? I really came to see your concert on purpose."

Seeing Ishihara Satomi once again insisting that she came here 'on purpose', Junxiu really could only smile bitterly and say, "Uh... but this is really not my concert, I only have time to perform a few songs, It's not what you think."

Junxiu smiled wryly because he felt that since it was 'deliberately', he wouldn't hurt her when others did it on purpose. Even if you want to refuse, you have to wait until you return to Asia and Japan. Maybe this is the indecision that beauty can give to men.

And Ishihara Satomi used her round eyes to look at Junxiu with a slight smile and said seriously: "I know. This is your family concert. You TVXQ used to hold concerts in Japan every year. At that time, I went to see every performance of yours. As a result, some bad things happened to your group recently. I also knew that I would not be able to see your concerts in Japan starting this year~www.wuxiaspot .com~ And you don't hold a solo concert, so I can only take advantage of your family concert in Los Angeles this time, and the time in Los Angeles will be regarded as a holiday for myself. This time, I will ask you for a number , you won't refuse, will you?"

Ishihara Satomi is really experienced in dealing with men. She first said some words of concern for Junxiu and a sense of comfort, and then immediately began to ask for Junxiu's private number in the next episode. This series of foreshadowing is just to ask for Junxiu's private number, this method is simply...

She wanted Junxiu to express that she came to Los Angeles to watch your performance from a long distance, and expressed her affection for you. Even if it is not a relationship, but just a friend, you Junxiu should give me your private number, right?

Yes, her remarks really made Junxiu embarrassed to refuse her to come and ask for the number this time. Junxiu smiled and said, "How come, my number is..."

Ishihara Satomi took out her phone and recorded Junxiu's private number. She strangely noticed that the international number that Junxiu said was from the United States: "This number is not from Korea, right?"

"No. I said on the show before that my mobile phone number is from the United States. I dare not use a Korean number, because my number will be leaked by Korea Telecom within a long time. I've been worrying about this for a long time. , so I switched to a U.S. number."

"Oh? Then you can consider the Japanese number."

"Well, I will go back and think about it this time." Junxiu told Satomi Ishihara her private number this time, and planned to inform the other party by text message when the time came. Although the way to use text messages is the worst way for women. But Junxiu felt that for her and Ishihara Satomi, this was the safest protection for herself.

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