Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 801: It's the end of another year (four)

Taylor called Junsu on Christmas morning in the United States, and Junsu, who was on Christmas night, was also confused when she learned what she was calling. She said she sent a Christmas present? It is reasonable to say that the two people have known each other for a long time. It seems that Junxiu and her have never given each other the above gifts. Perhaps gift-giving, in Junxiu's eyes, is more of a couple's thoughts.

First of all, Junxiu has no intention of pursuing Taylor, so even if the two meet on weekdays, it is more because of work. Although Christmas is a very meaningful holiday for Westerners, it is also appropriate to give gifts to each other. However, the premise is that Junsu is in the United States, then "gifting" is a kind of etiquette.

But Junsu is now in South Korea, should he be flattered or unexpected when a 'Christmas gift' suddenly floated from the ocean on Christmas day? In short, Junsu really never thought that he could receive a gift at Christmas, and it was a gift from across the ocean. Junsu has always wondered if it was because Taylor's album sold so well that she sent a gift for Christmas to thank him as a producer?

With full of questions, Junsu called Kim Youngmin. Because Junsu doesn't know the phone number of the company employee who manages TVXQ gifts? So he used the simplest method, called Kim Young-min and asked him to help him to ask if there was a gift from Tyler over there in the ocean?

Junxiu called Kim Youngmin: "Representative Kim, I just received a call from Taylor, she said she sent me a Christmas present? I want to ask, who is in charge of managing our TVXQ gifts in our company? Can you help me ask?"

"Hehehe.. Taylor's Christmas gift? Yes, our company did receive a gift from Taylor. But ah, it's not a real gift."

What Jin Yingmin on the other end of the phone said with a big laugh made Junxiu really bewildered: "Huh? It's not a real gift, what is that??"

"The 'Big Machine Brokerage' called from the front, saying that in February of next year, Taylor's world tour is about to start, and the first stop will be South Korea, Seoul! Taylor personally invites you to be the first one at the opening of this world tour. guest!"

"Hey~ I thought it was what it was, but it turned out to be this. It seems that the two years of the world tour have given her a lot of sweetness. This is the beginning of preparations for the 'world tour'?"

"Can you stop being so vulgar, what does it mean to taste the sweetness? You must know that not every singer in this world can hold a world tour, and this is also the ultimate dream of being a singer, right? You are too vulgar to say it now. How about you, do you want to prepare for a world tour, your songs have been recognized by everyone in the past two years, and the songs you have are enough to support your 'world tour'. Do you want to consider it?"

"For now, don't. I watched Taylor's tour, and it's a city every two days. Do I have so much time? Don't lie about the 'world tour'. The news of the team has been greatly impacted, do you think this is the right time?"

Junxiu is very aware of the agency's promotion methods. Often the "world tour" in the company's mouth is just going to three or five cities to hold concerts. Although there are very few concerts, the "world tour" is used for promotion. It seems that the scale and number of concerts are very large, but Junsu thinks this is a lie. So Junxiu was a little against this term in his heart. In his eyes, the 'world tour' should be a two-day, one-city, closely-packed process like Taylor.

In the face of Junxiu's postponement, Kim Youngmin still persuaded Junxiu: "It's suitable, why is it not suitable? Your personal activities start from your personal tour concert, which is more suitable?"

Junxiu said that Taylor's words are cliché, but it is true, concerts are the most profitable activities for singers.

"Forget it, tour? Do I have so much time? I haven't even thought about the tour in South Korea. Unless I release a solo album, let's talk about it!" Because of Junsu's solo songs, Daejeon Most of them are lyrical OSTs. Such concerts are held in small halls, but Junxiu prefers large-scale stages, such as the kind with tens of thousands of people!

"You're about to finish the TV drama here, don't you really think about your own album? Yunho and Changmin will be making their comebacks in Korea and Japan starting in January."

"The awards ceremony of the TV station is about to start. I haven't thought about the finalization yet. It will really be done by then. I want to take a two-day break, and I want to see the children over there."

"My child over there, didn't Minhyuk take good care of you? Recently your company's SISTAR has become a new generation of military commanders, and their military activities are a lot. Minhyuk made them take this route well, Men in the military, waiting for them to retire, they can become the foundation of fans."

"SISTAR, these four children can be quite powerful. Now you only see Paula who is our main push. UUkanshu www.uukanshu.com is really hidden in the back, do you know the two main singers in the team? Xiaolin and Zhaoyou, the singing skills of these two are super amazing!"

"Yeah, you're amazing, you're amazing, but no matter how amazing you are, some people still quit the team, and some people quit the team in just two months."

Junsu knew that Kim Youngmin was talking about the girl group 'Girl's.Day' that Minhyuk launched in a hurry. Junsu also saw the news about JS Entertainment's first appearance that a girl group had retired members. However, Junxiu felt that the impact was not significant, because Junxiu felt that this urgently launched combination still needed to be polished, so Junxiu thought that they should be raised first, and they could not wait to leave. The company has a lot of backup trainee resources.

"Representative, why are you talking sour? Are you envious of the 'JS' in my hand?"

In the face of Junxiu's ridicule, Jin Yingmin responded to him with a smile: "I have nothing to envy, and our company's trainee resources are not bad."

Kim Young Min's mouth is indeed trying to be brave. Because of the girl group launched by JS Entertainment, even without Junsu's help, they slowly stood on their heels in the circle. So the girls are showing great interest in JS Entertainment again, especially recently Baek Ji Young and Lee Ji Eun, both of them occupy the top of the OST download chart and the music album download chart, which shows that JS Entertainment has the backing of Junxiu, and the trainees are really promising.

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