Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 841: Free and Easy Taylor (Part 1)

Watch after 1 o'clock, watch after 1 o'clock, anti-theft, anti-theft, anti-theft.

"Gee" has risen in the music industry, and Girls' Generation has successfully taken over the baton from Baek Ji-young like being shot. The music industry has traveled in a strange circle. In July, TVXQ’s comeback was composed of JS Junsu’s lyrics and music. In August, W.G’s comeback was still composed of JS Junsu’s lyrics and songs. In September, Junsu wrote “Ode to Love” for funny, Bai Zhiying at the end of the year, and New Year’s Girls' Generation, Junsu's songs are equivalent to occupying the second half of 2008.

Junxiu's songs have been at the top of the download chart for half a year. When everyone finds out about this, the songwriters are all guessing if Junsu will earn hundreds of millions of won just by relying on the copyright revenue in the second half of this year? In the second half of the year, the copyright income from the downloads of these song lists is an astronomical figure. No other royalties for singing, playing, etc. have been said.

The songwriter is considering Junsu's copyright income, but a netizen suddenly found a surprising thing, whether it is the previous W.G, or the later Bai Zhiying, or the current Girls' Generation, they are all in the hands of JS Junsu in the second half of the year. Has Li reached the top of the music industry? When someone posted this information on the Internet, everyone was surprised to find this surprising fact.

Yes, in the second half of 2008, Junsu's songs were not only a matter of occupying the No. 1 download chart, W.G went to the United States because of Junsu's songs, and Bai Zhiying also became a new generation of lyric queens. 'Five in a row' hot Girls' Generation!

While Girls' Generation achieved excellent results in the music industry, Junsu's drama "Boys Over Flowers" was the same in ratings. This comic-adapted TV series is a high-rated drama in various versions throughout Asia. Whether it was the original Japanese version or the Taiwanese version, the people who starred in "F4" became popular.

And Junsu's Gu Junbiao has fascinated a large number of middle and high school students in South Korea. The TV series started with a 20% rating, and it reached the 30% mark after a month. , it's just that this drama is only suitable for young people to watch, and those aunts don't think it's good to watch such 'Cinderella and Prince Charming' TV series.

The aunts like those morning dramas about intriguing family property disputes, or the kind of tangled Japanese dramas with more than one hundred or two hundred episodes. Therefore, in terms of ratings, it only caters to the current mainstream teenagers from the tenth to the thirties. Both men and women love to watch it, and the extravagance of Goo Jun-pyo in the play always makes male audiences fantasize that it would be nice if they were Goo Jun-pyo.

For female audiences, they fantasize about how nice it would be if they could have a King Charming like Goo Junpyo to pursue them.

In short, this drama has become a drama that young men and women look at with fantasy. What is more important is that there are so many luxury goods in this TV series that some journalists who write fashion magazines will publish a special issue every week based on this drama. What brand of clothes is Gu Jun Piao wearing? What brand is the watch, and so on.

Girls' Generation in the music industry, Goo Junpyo JS Junsu in the film and television industry, this is the hottest topic in Korea right now.

On this day, Junxiu received a call from Xinheng Yuyi during the filming period. Looking at the name Junxiu on the caller ID, he remembered her smile, so he also chatted with her in a cheerful voice: "Yuyi-chan, it's been a long time, you've been busy lately, haven't you?"

"Oppa, it's been a long time. I'm okay. I have a lot of itineraries every day. Are you still busy shooting every day?"

"Well, I'm filming "Boys Over Flowers". The TV series is coming to an end recently, and all the staff are working overtime."

"I know, there are reports in Japan that you filmed "Boys Over Flowers" as the male lead. And the ratings have always been at the top of the same period, congratulations."

"Thank you, TVXQ will be on tour in Japan again this year. I estimate that we will come to Japan in the middle of the year. We will see you then. By the way, is Xinjiang okay?"

"Heart sauce", the leopard-print gecko purchased by Junxiu in Japan, has not been kept for a long time. After he left Japan, Yui Xinheng has been taking care of him. And Yui is not afraid of lizards. It is reasonable for girls to keep a distance from such animals, but Yui does not. Maybe she takes Xinjiang as a sustenance for Junxiu.

"Well, I feed it every day. It smiles very brightly when it sees me, it's very healthy." That's right, the recruitment of the leopard-print gecko is "bad smile".

Maybe Yui wanted to tell Junxiu that she was taking care of it, because it was bought by the two of them. And the 'food' of the gecko is not an ordinary thing, it is a live cricket. So even feeding the gecko is a challenge for women.

Xinheng Yuyi went on to talk about the main purpose of calling today: "oppa, didn't I tell you about Yu Tai's new play last time? The script has been finalized for "Flowers and Water Wood", a script adapted from that song . The director asked me to ask if you are interested? However, the salary this time..."

"The issue of remuneration still has to be discussed with the agency, but of course I personally want to work with you again, Yui. When will the filming start?"

"I don't know. It's estimated to be in the second half of the year. Recently, the director is still perfecting the script. He contacted us so early just to finalize our time early."

Whether it is Junxiu or Yui, both of them are very busy people, so the director also needs to make an appointment in advance to finalize their time, of course, the premise is that they are willing to take over the play.

"Well~www.wuxiaspot.com~ in the second half of the year, my formation in the second half of the year seems to be an arranged Japanese tour. If the film is... there should be time to follow."

Just when Junxiu and Xinheng Yuyi were talking on the phone, suddenly the agent came over and whispered in Junxiu's ear: "Zhang Ziyan committed suicide. A reporter just reported that the filming at night may have to stop, everyone. All have to go to the mourning hall to worship."

Zhang Ziyan played a supporting role in "Boys Over Flowers", with a total of 12 episodes, which is more than a month, and her shooting ended at the end of January of the New Year. Her role is over, but the TV show hasn't ended yet.

So her sudden suicide caused the entire crew to fall into a kind of shock. When I saw her a month ago, she was fine, and everyone was at least talking and laughing together, but who would have thought that a month later, she would suddenly hear the news: she committed suicide? ? ? ...


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