Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 857: Dinner after the show (below)

When Park Jiaxi watched Junsu take care of Nana in her family, she joked about letting Junsu and Nana date. Park Jiaxi's joke made Nana, who was sitting next to her, instantly stiffen. An inexplicable sense of tension hit her, so that she forgot to even turn the meat during the barbecue. In just two or three seconds, Nana felt an indescribable tension in her heart. In case, maybe in case, everything exists in case.

Yes, everything in the world has the possibility of 'what if'. Not to mention the love that has never been logically described as 'like'. So Nana was nervous at this time, and she was looking forward to it. The man in front of him is Junxiu, he is the perfect object in the hearts of countless women. Especially after today's new understanding of Junxiu, Junxiu's kindness is true, a man like him is definitely one of a kind.

So I know this is impossible, but it won't stop Nana from having a smack in her heart. You must know that Junxiu chose her as the 'ideal type' when recording the show earlier.

But before Nana's expectation was maintained for two seconds, she heard Junxiu say that he has a girlfriend. Slightly lost, but curious about who Junxiu's girlfriend is. However, no matter who it is, Nana thinks that woman is really lucky.

Park Jiaxi didn't ask who Junxiu was dating, because it wasn't her turn to ask this question. No matter if Junxiu really dated, or just to shirk Nana in front of her, she would not choose to go to the bottom. Just like Junxiu said, in fact, Junxiu's answer in the program earlier showed that he has a partner. However, Park Jiaxi really thinks it is very likely Taeyeon! !

The 'ideal type' Junsu chose in the show was Taeyeon. If Junsu's girlfriend is really Taeyeon, then this matter is quite interesting. After all, Junsu's younger sister, Lee Soon Kyu, is a member of Girls' Generation, and the intimacy between him and them is a very good umbrella. And it is an excuse that can play a perfect protective role in the face of the media and fans.

Park Jiaxi raised his eyebrows slightly and said with a smile, "It seems that we Nana still don't have this fortune. Thank you anyway. Junxiu, I'll give you a toast."

"Thank you for what? We can be considered friends. We've known each other for so many years, Sister Jiaxi, you still haven't changed at all. You're too polite."

"I haven't changed, but you. Your achievements in the past few years have caused a sensation in the whole of Korea."

"Haha.. My success also has half luck in it. If it wasn't for the recommendation of the Black Eyed Peas, my songs would not have gained attention in Europe and America."

"Humble, now your music is widely circulated all over the world. Today I will thank you on behalf of us. At the beginning, our group almost failed to become an army. Fortunately, you JS Entertainment helped. Bundle."

When JS Entertainment became a news topic, countless female trainees came to the arms of JS Entertainment one after another. Park Jiaxi and their president, who wanted to find the trainees to debut, took a lot of effort to become the army. Fortunately, JS Entertainment finally agreed to cooperate with their company to have today's A.S.

Nana didn't know the origin of JS and their company. When she arrived, the company and A.S had already been established. So at this time, she heard it in a fog, and she didn't understand what the two were talking about. When did JS Entertainment help their company?

Looking at the confused Nana, Park Jiaxi smiled and said, "Nana, you joined our company later, right? You know UIE, who used to be a trainee of JS Entertainment? She was transferred to our company."

"Transfer?" Nana is completely stunned now. She has only heard of trainees, and she has voted for another. Hasn't she heard of switching brokerage companies by means of dispatch?

Park Jiaxi smiled and told Nana about the history of their company: "Hehe... don't you know? When our company was established, JS Entertainment was only half of the money, so our company is actually a sister company with JS Entertainment. Right. After the representative set up the company, it was almost impossible to find female trainee resources. So I found JS Entertainment. After all, Korean female trainees are Junxiu and the company has the most people. Later we cooperated, and UIE was transferred at that time. When we came to our company, A.S, which we just established, debuted. Now think about how many incredible artists have been produced by JS Entertainment.

At this point, Park Jiaxi poured Junsu a glass of wine and continued: "Junsu, why didn't you join JS Entertainment? After all, it's your own company."

"When I renewed my contract with S.M, they gave me some shares there~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So I stayed there, JS, after all, it's all girls here, I'm too embarrassed to come here of."

"Hahaha.. The only agency in Korea that is composed of all women. It's a very strange landscape. However, Junxiu, how long can the prosperous world of the girl group last?"

Today's music industry is surrounded by male fans, the girl group is all over the world, and even TVXQ has moved towards separation, and there are only a few remaining popular boy groups. Almost in the broadcasting industry, their wave of girl groups has been rounded up, and even variety shows are dominated by women. It's enough to see how important a girl group is today in the entire entertainment industry.

But Park Jiaxi knows that there will always be a day when the prosperous world of the girl group will come to an end, but I don't know when this day will come. She didn't know, and neither did their representatives, so she asked Junsu at this moment. After all, Junxiu can be regarded as the first hero who created the prosperous world of the girl group. W.G, Girls' Generation, and KARA created by him have all become the first-line groups in the entire music industry today!

Junxiu shook his head and took a drink before saying, "How do I know how long the prosperous women's group will last? But, no matter what, your group is getting better. I don't think the girl group that will appear later will be. So smooth. Unless there are songs and dances that are very suitable for the nature of their group. But ah, I can estimate that the next stage of the girl group should change..”

Junxiu has a very precise grasp of the positioning of the girl group and the market. There is no doubt about this, and only by understanding the real market needs can we create girl groups and songs that meet the market.

And Park Jiaxi was also very curious about the change in the girl group in Junxiu's mouth, so she asked, "What change?"

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