Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 872: Is love coming to an end? (Down)

(Blessings to all book friends, happy new year, no anti-theft today)

After eating breakfast, Yui went to work on her own itinerary. Before leaving, she hugged Junxiu for a long kiss of the century, because Junxiu had to leave for the United States this afternoon, and she could not see off because of her schedule. After Junxiu left this time, I didn't know when the two would be able to meet, so the time for this kiss was almost asking for all the kisses in the next few months.

If it wasn't for Yui's manager who called Yui when she arrived, it is estimated that the two of them would have had a haircut in the morning. With reluctance, with longing, with unwillingness, with helpless Yuyi left home. Junxiu was the only one left in the empty room and started to clean up all this.

While Taeyeon was still sleeping in the hospital, Girls' Generation's practice room was lively. They were all wondering what Taeyeon and Junsu were doing last night? Why do you suddenly catch a cold? And it is because of excessive fatigue caused by cold and fever. This problem is told by them as an interesting story, especially Li Shungui, who has the potential of nineteen bans..

As soon as she opened her mouth, Xu Xian instantly turned into an apple face: "What else can happen between a man and a woman? The two of them must have played too crazy last night. You also know that the temperature difference in Tokyo is very big at night, right? Without clothes, It’s no wonder I don’t catch a cold, and I’m overtired, hahaha…”

Li Shungui brought the topic into the reverie of the Nineteen Bans in an instant, which made Mannae simply unable to adapt. Xu Xian blushed at Li Shungui and called out in dissatisfaction, "Oni~~!!"

Xu Xian's shy appearance immediately attracted everyone's attention, and Sika, who also had a match with Shun Kyu, laughed instantly: "Hahaha.. Why didn't we check our lovely Xiaoxian when we went to the hospital earlier? Well, look at her face now is much redder than Taeyeon's. Did Taeyeon's fever infect you?"

Even Yoona blushed embarrassedly, but she concealed it much better than Seohyun. But such a topic always feels a bit embarrassing, so Yoona changed the topic: "I really didn't figure it out, I knew that Sister Taeyeon had a cold, so why didn't you send Sister Taeyeon to the hospital? It doesn't matter if she doesn't go to the hospital, why let her come back by herself? I really don't understand?"

After Yoona's question came out, everyone actually felt that this time was a bit unpredictable. It seems that there are some stories hidden in today's questions?

However, the most direct Jin Shisui didn't need to think too much, he said bluntly: "The answer is very simple, either the two quarreled, or Junxiu woke up in the morning and suddenly had to go out?"

When the word 'quarrel' was uttered at the age of ten, everyone began to imagine that aspect. But let's not mention that Taeyeon's state this morning really seemed to be quarreling, but what makes people wonder is that when Junxiu came yesterday, weren't the two still so close? Why is there a sudden quarrel?

Seeing that everyone was thinking about the quarrel between the two, Pani immediately said to everyone with her smiling eyes: "How could the two of them quarrel, and it's not that you don't know Oppa's temper. How good is Yan? You should all know it, right? It's probably a temporary matter, right?"

However, Pani's words were not recognized by them, and Ten-year-old retorted: "What can be urgent in the morning? Even if you want to prepare the makeup for the meeting, you don't have to go so early, right? Isn't his meeting at noon? Then? The only possibility is..."

Ten years old always thought that Taeyeon and Junsu must have quarreled, otherwise Taeyeon would not have come back alone with illness, and there is no fare for the car.

But before her words were finished, Sika cast a quiet look at her, and then Sika, who was the biggest 'month' present, summed it up: "It should be the handsome oppa last night. I suddenly received a temporary schedule, maybe Taeyeon didn't get up when he went out? Otherwise, why did Taeyeon keep telling me not to call to disturb Oppa's work before going to the hospital?"

Before Taeyeon went to the hospital, Pani really wanted to call Junsu to settle the bill, but Taeyeon kept saying not to call him for the time being, not to tell him the news, so as not to distract him at work.

If there is no accident between the two, then the news of Taeyeon's illness and entering the hospital will definitely affect Junsu's next work, especially the fan meeting. If Junsu behaves absent-mindedly, he will definitely be caught by the Korean media. Point out that he has an attitude problem.

So Junsu still hasn't received the news of Taeyeon's admission to the hospital, because Taeyeon told them all during the check-up earlier, and she planned to tell Junsu when she was all right.

But the more Taeyeon prevented them from notifying Junsu, the more she seemed to be explaining that there was something weird in this~www.wuxiaspot.com~ And when Lee Soon Kyu listened to their emotional speculations about her brother and Taeyeon, her heart also felt There was some unease. No, not a little, but rather uneasy.

I don't know why Li Shungui always felt that the matter this time was not so simple. She even wondered if the two really quarreled so much last night. Because when Taeyeon came back in the morning, her eyes were still bloodshot. And Taeyeon fooled everyone into saying that it was because of a cold, but Li Shungui didn't believe it. How could a cold cause bloodshot eyes to appear in her eyes? This is obviously a state of no rest.

Earlier, she deliberately said some topics about the nineteen bans between the two, just to make everyone feel that they are still so loving, but her ultimate goal has not been achieved. Everyone still wonders what happened between Taeyeon and Junsu? Li Shungui really wanted to find a place to call Junxiu and ask, but since everyone was practicing together, even if she said to go to the bathroom, someone would raise their hands and follow along, right?

So this question can only be kept in my heart for a while.


Finally free at noon, Shun Kyu called Junsu, but Junsu's phone was in silent mode at that time, because he had already stood on the stage and started his first solo fan meeting in Japan. .

After Junxiu finished his work here, he took out his mobile phone on the way to the airport, but seeing that it was Li Shungui's call, Junxiu did not choose to reply to her. He wondered if the kids were calling again and making fun of themselves.

The main reason is that Li Shungui has become less fond of calling Junxiu on weekdays. Anyway, she must have nothing serious to call, either chatting and bragging, or wanting pocket money such as a new computer that has recently come out.

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