Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 879: 《CallMeMaybe》

After Junsu's new song was released, he had a lot of personal schedules, and he also became very busy. Every day Junxiu travels to different cities in the United States, because there are various business activities in the United States in March. And this time, JS Junsu, who won the Grammy Award and released a new song, is naturally on the invitation list for various business events.

Junxiu's worth has also been improved because of this award. The price of the appearance fee for an event starts at 300,000 US dollars, which is equivalent to about 350 million won, and this is the least. With the rise in value and the rise in popularity again, Junxiu has truly become a world-class singer this time. And many people came to congratulate this joy, only Taeyeon, who was far away in Japan, was unwilling to say a word to him, congratulations, this is also the saddest thing for Junsu.

However, in the busy moment, sadness is only a momentary thing. Because being busy will make people focus, and focus will make people forget all the troubles around them. The enthusiasm of American fans is not weaker than that of Asian fans, and the fans in the United States at the scene of some events gave Junxiu more of a feeling of passion on the stage, which is very burning.

Asians are reserved, but people in Europe and America can easily follow the music and start to rhythm. Their graceful dancing postures, their screams that are more rude than Asians, and their responses to Junxiu make Junxiu work here. It looks very happy. That is to say, busy with pleasure, Junxiu also temporarily forgot Taeyeon and Yui Aragaki who were far away in Japan.

Junxiu returned to the company’s studio after the business performance in the morning. This is a studio shared by Junxiu and Taylor. All the equipment is mainly customized according to Junxiu’s habits. Go with the handsome habit. So the tacit understanding between the two is so high, right?

There is a slight gap in the curtains of the studio to allow the sunshine of Los Angeles to spill into the room. A cup of coffee brewed from authentic Blue Mountain coffee beans is full of aroma. The room was filled with the good smell of coffee, and that ray of sunlight shone on Junxiu's lying face, which made him feel extra relaxed and freehand, and it was rare to have a leisurely afternoon. That's how American agencies are. They never get into the artist's private life during their breaks, but Junsu is here today because he's waiting for Carly to arrive. He had already completed the production of the song that he promised her in the middle of the itinerary, and today is the day of 'acceptance'.

Junxiu, who was lying comfortably on the sofa, looked at these familiar work equipment, and suddenly sighed: "It turns out that work can really make people forget love."

During this period of time, Junxiu was so focused on her work schedule that Junxiu really forgot everything around her, and Yui also knew that Junxiu's song would be very busy after the release of the song. In addition to the time difference between the two, Junxiu was almost never given the phone number. Once, every day when she wakes up in the morning, she sends a kakao to Junxiu. At present, there is no product similar to (WeChat) in Japan. Under Junxiu's recommendation, Yui also downloaded South Korea's kakao. The two communicated in this way.

The girls of Girls' Generation seem to have forgotten the existence of Junsu, because they are so busy that their albums are pre-sold a month in advance, and they are all hurrying to do the final practice. After all, the stage of Girls' Generation is very much expected by fans in Japan, and they also need to be worthy of their pre-sale results, right? You must know that their pre-sale has now occupied the first place in the pre-sale list.

So at this time, everyone in Girls' Generation is taking the upcoming first Japanese stage very seriously.


When he was temporarily disconnected, when he was busy with his work, Junxiu really felt that everything with Asia had become a lot lighter. As long as he was working, he even felt less concerned about that side. .

However, Junsu and Taeyeon's problems have passed for more than half a month. Junsu's music has risen from the fourth place to the first place on the billboard, but Taeyeon still hasn't answered Junsu's call. However, Junxiu still keeps calling her every day. I don't know if she is unwilling, or is she insisting on it for what?

Yes, you can think about it when you are busy, but what about when you stop? My heart still aches, maybe Taeyeon has become a kind of heart disease of Junsu. The love that had become a habit would really hurt after being forcibly cut open in this way.

Junxiu lit a cigarette after drinking a sip of coffee. During this time, he smoked more than drank coffee. Before he knew it, 'smoke' had become a daily dependency.

The smoke kept changing under the sun, until it dissipated, the door of the studio was opened, and Carly came in with Junxiu's manager, because he was the one who helped to pick up Carly.

After Carly came in, she showed her extremely bright smile at Junxiu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and also waved at him: "Long time no see, JS, this time the music is great, I like it very much The whistle at the beginning. It's really fashionable to add a whistle to the reverse arrangement."

"Thank you for the compliment, sit down. I'll play your song for you." Junxiu got up and played her the song "CallMeMaybe" that he had already made. Junxiu turned to look at his manager after the music melody sounded. There was a question in his eyes, asking him what was going on?

Because the studio is an extremely important place for the entire company, even the boss of the company does not come here on weekdays. That's why Junxiu was a little weird that the agent came in and didn't leave.

The agent nodded and said to Junxiu, "You know there's a fashion week going on recently, right?"

Fashion week is the time when luxury brands announce their new products for the upcoming season. Therefore, there are many designers and many brands carrying out shows every day.

"You know, didn't I just come back from New York the day before yesterday? What's the matter?"

"Do you know Victoria's Secret?"

"Of course, do men know about 'Victoria's Secret'? But, why do you say this show? I don't have the time to watch the show." Junxiu thought it was Victoria's Secret who sent him an invitation, although he said He said that he didn't want to go to the scene to see 'Angel', but he was really looking forward to it. This is just a nature of Asians, who like to be brave with their mouths.

"Hahaha.. JS, your expression has betrayed you, how can any man not want to see angels? This time Victoria's Secret.. I hope you can be the opening guest!!"

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