Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 881: Victoria's Secret (2)

When going to the Victoria's Secret show, Junxiu sent a message to Taeyeon and Yui Aragaki. However, the reply... as Junsu expected, only Yui responded to herself. Whenever this time, Junxiu realizes that the cruelest thing in the world is not a silent parting, but ignoring, asking and not responding. After the sweet message with Yui was sent, Junxiu habitually clicked into Taeyeon's kakao to see if she had read her message.

The message she sent in the past, Taeyeon's side has already displayed (read) such a mark, indicating that she has clicked on the message, and it is unknown whether she has seen Junxiu or not. Sometimes it makes Junsu feel very grateful because Taeyeon is not completely heartless enough to blacklist his number or remove him from kakao's friend list.

Junxiu looked at her phone, and Taeyeon's side was still the same as usual, and after the news passed, she went to nothing without any reply. After putting away the phone, Junxiu took out a cigarette and lit it, and the agent sitting in front saw Junxiu smoking in the rearview mirror, and he was a little worried and said, "JS, you've been smoking more and more recently. The more, does it really have no effect on your voice?"

"I used to think that smoking would affect my throat. Later, I found out that my smoking didn't seem to affect my throat, but affected my physical strength. Now, my physical strength is getting worse and worse. I don't know if it is because I came here. Getting lazy? Haven't been to the gym even once. I have to work out more when I return to China tomorrow, or I won't be able to support my concerts after my album is released."

Junsu has already planned whether he will hold his first solo concert after the release of his Korean album. Although he will no longer sing any TVXQ songs, he used to sing a personal OST and so on. The song is enough to support him to start a solo concert.

"When will you start your U.S. tour? The fans here are very much looking forward to your concert. And your personal English songs are enough, right?"

Because most of Junxiu's songs are very hilarious songs, compared to Taylor's concert, his concert can definitely make the atmosphere of the scene more lively.

"Let's discuss the tour after the release of the English album next year, and I don't think my current songs are so passionate. I want to write a song that can directly ignite the atmosphere at the beginning of the concert."

If Junsu really wants to start a personal tour, then Seoul is definitely the first stop. Therefore, the agent's mouth of the US tour, this needs to be considered, mainly if it is touring. The pulling time is too long. And Junxiu also feels that he doesn't have the energy to hold any concerts now, at least not now. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve done a lot with TVXQ’s annual concerts before, and I’m a little tired from the psychological level?


It was noon in Los Angeles, and it was early morning in Tokyo. Girls' Generation had finished their practice and returned home in two days. Their Japanese album was about to be released. Recently, the uniformity of their practice has basically met the requirements of their teams.

In the small dormitory where Taeyeon was, there were only Pani, Sunkyu, and her. Taeyeon was the first to take a shower after coming back today, and Taeyeon's cell phone was placed on their tatami. Taeyeon's cell phone has been on silent since some time ago. It wasn't until they were about to start returning that she turned on the ringer of her phone. Because before the comeback, there may be some staff who want to contact them about some stages, or arrangements, etc.

When Taeyeon was taking a shower, her cell phone beeped a message of 'kakao'. Panny, who was sitting next to him, glanced at Taeyeon's cell phone, and the screen that lit up clearly stated that the sender of the letter was 'Junsu'. .

Paney turned to look at Shun Kyu, who was drinking sake alone, and asked, "Shun Kyu, have you seen Taeyeon and Junsu on the phone recently? I don't seem to hear them talking on the phone, do you? What happened? After Taeyeon got sick some time ago, her whole person changed, didn't you find out?"

Because the three of them lived in the small dormitory, there was no secret between them. After all, the room was so big that it was impossible to hide it. Text messages, phone calls, things that can't be hidden in this small space. During this period of time, Taeyeon picked up the phone less and less often, so little that Panny, who was next to him, felt strange.

Yes, before Taeyeon fell ill, she always took out her phone to send messages or answer the phone a few times a day. Especially after returning to the dormitory at night, she always sends some sweet messages to Junsu with a smirk. But after Taeyeon fell ill, although Taeyeon's mobile phone often sent out the light of letters, but Taeyeon always read and did not reply to the letters.

At first, Pani thought it was strange. After all, after some news comes in, as long as you see that it is not very urgent, you don't have to reply immediately, right? You should know that chatting with kakao~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is sometimes more time-consuming than calling. So Pani thought that Taeyeon would chat and send messages after returning to the dormitory late at night, but after a long time, in Pani's eyes, Taeyeon basically just read the news. It is rare to see her chatting and sending messages with her mobile phone like in the past.

In the face of Pani's question, the wine glass that Li Shungui had brought to his lips suddenly stopped, and the whole person seemed to freeze for two or three seconds.

And Li Shun-kyu's sudden stop made Pani, who had already had doubts, instantly realize it. It turns out that something happened between Taeyeon and Junsu that they didn't even know about. Fortunately, it was only when the three of them lived in the same room that Pani noticed Taeyeon's strange behavior. Those who lived downstairs I really don't feel anything.

Pani watched in astonishment as Shun Kyu lowered his voice and asked, as if he was afraid that Taeyeon who was bathing in the bathroom would hear it: "What, what happened between Taeyeon and Oppa?"

"I don't know, don't ask me, I don't know anything." What else could Li Shungui say besides saying "I don't know"? With her teammates on one side and her brother on the other, she can't scold her brother for being a bastard, right?

It's all her brother's fault, and Shun Gyu knows it in her heart, but can she say it's not her brother's? No matter what, he is still his own brother.

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