Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 910: Mother Li's Wish (Part 2)

Junxiu entered the restaurant with familiarity and greeted the proprietress: "Madam, it's been a long time, is there a private room?" After hearing the sound, the proprietress looked up and saw Junxiu, and her expressionless face instantly showed enthusiasm. She smiled, and she walked out from the cashier and greeted Junxiu: "There must be a private room, walk around, I'll take you up, did you just come back from overseas? This is..."

The proprietress looked at the middle-aged woman behind Junxiu and asked, and Junxiu smiled and put her arms around her mother's shoulder and said, "My o-ma, she just came back from overseas and said she wanted Chinese food, so I'll come to your restaurant. Hey. Is Master Li there?"

"Hello, hello." The proprietress shook hands with Li's mother enthusiastically before turning around and responding to Junxiu: "Of course Lao Li is here, where can he go when he is not in the restaurant? You sit down for a while, and I will ask Lao Li to come up to you. order."

"Okay, then I'll trouble the boss."

"No trouble, no trouble." The proprietress took Junxiu to the private room and left after making arrangements.

Seeing that Junxiu was so familiar with the restaurant here, Mother Li smiled softly, and being so familiar with this restaurant proved that Junxiu didn't come too often. And Chinese food has always been considered a big meal by their older generation, so Junxiu did not treat herself badly when it came to 'eating', which was what made Li mother feel satisfied.

"It seems that you haven't come to this restaurant less. The owner and chef here are so familiar with it."

Junxiu poured a cup of tea for his mother with a teapot, and then sat beside her: "Well, if I usually eat Chinese food, I usually come to this restaurant, and the chef here is a veteran of the four major schools of Chinese food. Master.” (South Korea has four major schools of Chinese cuisine, which are divided according to the four most famous restaurants that came to Korea at the beginning)

Mother Li looked at Junxiu with a smile: "Huh? Do you still know the four schools of Chinese food? You weren't born when these four stores opened, right? Looking back at that time, these four schools were quite popular in Korea. Very."

"I have lived in Japan for a long time, and sometimes I miss Korean-style Chinese food, so every time I go back to China, I ask the chef here, and he tells me some cooking secrets. I often do it myself when I am in Japan. cooking at home."

Thinking that when she was in Korea, Junsu didn't even do the dishes, she loved Junsu so much. Now Junxiu has grown up enough to cook by herself, which made Li's mother full of emotion. She gently stretched out her hand and touched Junxiu's head with a sigh and said, "Hey..It's really hard for you."

Junxiu also enjoyed Mother Li's gentle hands very much. He looked at Mother Li obediently and said, "o-ma, we have all grown up. I will take care of myself and Shungui, you just Do not worry."

"Yeah, you've all grown up, and you're no longer a child who needs my care. But, Junsu, you and Taeyeon..." When Li's words just said Taeyeon, there was a knock on the door of the private room. , Master Li Lianfu walked in wearing his snow-white chef 'white coat' with a smile on his face and temporarily saved Junxiu: "Junxiu, it's been a long time. When did you return to China?"

"This morning, no, I just wanted to cook your Chinese cuisine, Master Li. Oh, this is my mother." Junxiu introduced his mother to Chef Li Lianfu, and the two greeted him briefly. Li Lianfu smiled and said to Junxiu, "Is it better for me to cook?"

"Well, look at it. By the way, my mother wants to eat fried noodles."

"No problem, I'm going down to prepare. You're making wine here..."

"I don't need it today, -ma, would you like something to drink? The ginseng wine that Master Li makes is good for the body. It's not the kind of treasure that regular customers don't give."

"Forget it, in the daytime, what kind of wine to drink, just eat whatever you want."

Li Lianfu nodded and left, and Li's mother seemed to have forgotten to ask Taeyeon at this time, because Junxiu said earlier that she had something to do in the afternoon, so she asked: "Do you have a job in the afternoon? Don't dismiss me just because I'm back. Work, that's not good."

"Well, I have something to do in the afternoon. I promised the juniors that I would write songs for them when I came back, so I plan to go to see their image positioning again in the afternoon, and I will go home to accompany you to dinner in the evening."

"If you have a job, get busy with your work. You don't have to come back to accompany me so deliberately." Although Mother Li also really wanted to have a good chat with Junxiu, and hoped to spend more time with her son, she knew and understood that Junxiu's career really busy.

But Junxiu smiled and said: "o-ma, we haven't seen each other for so long, no matter how busy I am, I have to accompany you to dinner, right? In two days, I will start filming a TV series here, and I want to accompany you then. , but there's really no time."

"I'll go to Japan in two days to see Shungui over there. I'll be satisfied when I come here this time." When it comes to Japan, when it comes to Shungui, the topic that was interrupted by Chef Li Lianfu was once again. She picked it up: "Junxiu, o-ma, a-ba, I don't have any big wishes now. I just hope to see you and Shun Kyu get married and have children as soon as possible~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But you obviously have a stable relationship. Well, you made such a mistake, what do you want me to say about you?"

Li's mother doesn't have much pursuit in life now, her children have grown up, and their overseas careers are fairly stable. Now all aspects of the conditions are very good for Li mother, the only thing is the things that mothers in the world will urge, the children's emotional problems. This is her greatest and last wish.

After mentioning this question again, Junxiu knew that he couldn't escape. Even if Junxiu didn't talk to her at the dinner table, he would still continue this topic after returning home at night. If Junxiu keeps silent about this issue, then Mother Li will leave with regret even when she leaves Korea.

Li's mother is not much different from Junsu's 'biological mother', and her love for herself is not treated differently because his surname is 'Zhang' and not 'Li', and she also regards Junxiu as her own. . So when Li mother asked this question, Junxiu knew to answer truthfully.

"o-ma, when I was alone in Japan, I couldn't control the loneliness. During the seven years of my debut, at least half of each year was spent in Japan?" Junxiu said Here, he began to hammer his heart and said, "I also know that doing that will hurt Taeyeon and Yui Aragaki, but I really can't control my heart, I can't control it!"

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