Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 937: No Pick Song Festival (1)

Temporary change of roles is also a situation that occurs from time to time in the entertainment industry. But such a situation generally occurs when the actors and the crew are at odds, or the coordination before the start is not done well, resulting in conflicts between the actors and the crew. In short, the "temporary change of roles" is the inability to cooperate after there is a gap. But Junxiu's "temporary role change" ordered by the state is the first time in the entertainment industry.

After hearing this news that made Junxiu helpless, what else could he do but smile bitterly? This time he suffered a 'temporary role change', although he felt a little bit angry when he thought about it, but no matter how angry he was, it had nothing to do with the crew, and Junsu couldn't blame the crew no matter how much he wanted to blame, right? After all, it was an order from the cultural department, and the crew could only abide by this order that everyone felt regretful.

Junxiu smiled wryly, shook his head and said, "Alright, anyway, my TV series will be finished in the middle of next month. Then... oh, by the way, didn't you say some time ago that there was a movie in Korea inviting me? You ask Ask the crew if they can let me in?"

Not long ago, when this drama and TV series just aired, a film crew came to the door, hoping that Junxiu could appear in their big-budget movie. The female lead said that Jun Zhixian had already agreed, and Junxiu was only a star when he entered. Not a male one. Because the central point of the story is shot around the vision of the female number one.

And the agent asked when the film crew would start shooting? The answer given by the crew over there is that they can wait until Junxiu's TV series is completed and put into production. But at that time, Junxiu couldn't arrange the time, because after the TV series was finished, Junxiu had to fly to Japan to shoot the movie immediately. The time collision made Junxiu's agent have no choice but to express regret.

Junxiu also jokingly said at the time that if he hadn't agreed to the Japanese side, he personally really wanted to take over the play. Even Junsu jokingly said, "Kim Tae Hee and Song Hye Kyo have worked together among the three most beautiful women in Korea, and the only one left is Jun Ji Hyun who is married. If I have the opportunity this time, I would like to cooperate with her, so that I can fulfill my dream as a man. ’

Junsu had a film appointment at the time, so the invitation to this Korean film was just a 'dream'. But now that Junxiu was temporarily changed roles, he suddenly had time, but he didn't know if he still had the opportunity to act? Maybe there is, and that will definitely squeeze out who has already been settled, right?

With Junxiu's reminder, the agent nodded and said, "Yes, I'll contact the film crew in a while, but I don't think there's much hope. After all, it's been half a month, so it's very likely that the crew is listening. When you don't have time, they will start shooting ahead of time."

"Ask, ask, it's not a loss. If it doesn't work... I'll use my time to make my first solo album."

"Yeah." The agent nodded, took out the phone and walked towards the nanny car at the back. After walking a few steps, he turned his head and looked at Junxiu: "I remembered, PD Kim Tae-ho from Infinite Challenge. I got the call and started shooting the day after tomorrow, and their entire program team is coordinating with your schedule. You have to rush back to Seoul after your daytime scenes the day after tomorrow."

The show "Infinite Challenge" was an invitation that Liu Zaishi personally sent to Junxiu when he was in Thailand, and Junxiu also accepted the invitation at that time. After all, when Sika brought Park Mingxiu to him to write a song at the last 'Song Festival', he said to the camera, "Let the show team invite me."


Two days later, in the MBC indoor studio, Infinite Challenge was recording here, and Junxiu naturally became the last guest to appear. The second-to-last guest was Quan Zhilong. When he saw Junxiu who finally entered the studio, he instantly widened his eyes: "Brother, why are you? My God, why are you?"

Although this 'song festival' is a competition in the nature of a variety show, as long as it is a competition, the later sound source sales can also show the appeal of so-and-so and the strength of song production. In front of Quan Zhilong, he still has confidence that he can get one of the download charts for the musicians coming this time, but when Junxiu was the last to appear, he knew that one of them was missed by him.

In terms of music production, the dance-style songs he produced, even he himself knew that they had not reached the level of Junxiu. Really want to say who is the best in Korean dance music production? Quan Zhilong himself knows that he is definitely JS Junsu! The use of many musical elements Quan Zhilong was inspired by Junxiu's music.

Junxiu stepped forward and hugged Quan Zhilong, and patted his shoulder affectionately: "What do you mean by me? Shouldn't I be here?"

Quan Zhilong looked at Junxiu in surprise and asked, "Brother~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Aren't you filming a TV series? Why do you have time to participate in this variety show? How can you have time to make songs?"

Yes, in the few years after their debut, Bigbang was really busy, and they had to use the method of 'escape' between them to get it. However, Quan Zhilong knows that their 'busyness' is completely incomparable to Junxiu. So it's very strange to see Junxiu's figure in such a variety show. This time, the song festival special did not take a day or two, so Quan Zhilong said those words that questioned Junxiu's time.

Junxiu nodded and said, "There is no conflict between filming a TV series and making songs. You can make songs after you have a little free time that day. Such a stage does not have such high requirements for songs."

I don't know if Junxiu failed in Tara's body? So the 'perfect' he has always asked for seems to be limited to the music for himself at this moment. As for the music that he needs on a show like this, Junxiu's thoughts are in his heart... just let it go.

At this moment, there was an invitation from the studio, and Junxiu patted Quan Zhilong on the shoulder again: "Go, it's your turn to play."

After a brief farewell, Quan Zhilong and Junxiu entered the shed. When the members of the shed saw Quan Zhilong's arrival, they all exclaimed: "Wow.. Star, big star."

When Quan Zhilong knew who the last one was, he modestly folded his hands and said to the members who praised his infinite challenge: "I'm not a big star."

"You're not even a star, so who is?"

"Wow, the fifth place is actually GD, so it seems that there is a woman behind? It's time for a woman to come out?"

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