Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 944: No Pick Song Festival (8)

After a while, Liu Zaishi arrived, Junxiu got up to greet him and went straight to the topic without any fuss: "Brother Shi, after we parted that day, I have been thinking about the sentence you said, 'The fate of the word' is like It was written in my mind like a spell, and then I thought about it and wrote this song, this is also a story for you, Liu Zaishi, to a 20-year-old hesitant young man."

Hearing Junxiu's words, Liu Zaishi said more burdened: "Junxiu, you feel more burdened when you talk about it like this. What qualifications do I have to tell them life stories?"

"Why don't you qualify? If you don't qualify, it should be that I'm almost there, because my twenties haven't passed yet. Plus, my twenties have always been... so I don't know what to use. In this way, I can tell my story to my friends who are the same age. In Brother Shi, your life experience and experience are much richer than mine, and you are fully qualified to be a beacon."

The burdened Liu Jae-suk looked at the lyrics list in front of Junsu and said, "Can I read the lyrics?"

"Of course." Junxiu gave Liu Zaishi the inspirational song "Fate of Words" written by him. Liu Zaishi took the lyrics and started to read it out loud.

‘When I was 20, after a day in a restless bed, I started worrying about what to do tomorrow? I still don't believe in this statement...' Yoo Jae Suk kept resonating and sighing while reading Junsu's lyrics about the story he told last time: "Wow, Junsu's lyrics are like Poetry is as beautiful as it is."

"This is not a poem, but your story in Brother Shi. This word is entirely based on the 'your youth' you told me. Shall I sing it once?"


Junxiu did not play the arrangement and accompaniment of the song, but sat on the keyboard next to him and began to play and sing.

The lyrics contain Liu Zaishi's youth. At the beginning, he was so eager to succeed, but again and again hesitantly wondered whether the path he chose was correct. Junxiu didn't understand the hardships of the unknown period, but Liu Zaishi walked step by step like that. Only he knew how hard and tiring the process was.

The simple melody paired with Junxiu's perfect singing voice, as well as the bitter journey in his memories, made the tears in Liu Zaishi's eyes gather unconsciously.

After Junsu finished singing, Liu Zaishi stood up and applauded, and then came to Junsu and hugged him: "Wow, Junsu, this song hit my heart at once. But hearing you I really don't know after the concert. Can I sing this song? Is my concert ruining such a good song?"

"No, in Brother Shi, you only feel better when you sing this song. The song is about your life experience, and most people's twenties are not so gorgeous, so the simpler your singing, The easier it is to impress people. When you sing, I will add harmony to you. Come and try?"

Junsu began to instruct Yoo Jae Suk to sing the song "Fate of Words". When Liu Zaishi sang, Junxiu added harmony to him in some skillful ways, which made Liu Zaishi instantly say unconfidently: "Junxiu, how could I do such a singing skill? Or, can you sing by yourself?"

"In Brother Shi, you can just treat me as a member of the choir. You follow the way you sing and don't care about mine. Didn't you sing well just now?"

"It's the first time for me to sing such a sincere and inspirational song. Junxiu."

"In Brother Shi, sincerity of inspirational songs is the most important feeling. Let's try again?"

"Junxiu, there will be an inspection next week. Have you made your dance music yet?"

"It's done, just listen to it." Junxiu turned around and slid the chair to the sound console, and played the dance song "My God" he prepared (GD, Taiyang, Huang Guangxi sang from "The Noble Song Festival" in 2015)

The strong melody resounded throughout the studio, and Yoo Jae Suk instantly became excited after hearing such a dance song: "WOW~~ That's right, that's how it feels, this is the song I like, Junsu . This song is so handsome when I listen to it! Wow.. As expected of JS Junsu, the song is so handsome."


In the middle inspection session, Junxiu started to complete the filming because of the TV series, and the shooting task gradually accelerated. After all, everyone wanted to end the filming as soon as possible, so he did not attend the middle session. Everyone understands Junsu's inability to participate. After all, Junsu's TV series has already broken through 20% of the ratings, and the topic of "City Hunter" is revolving around the young generation in Korea every day.

Park Min-young is also paying attention to the rise of the degree because of this rival drama with Junsu~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

At the beginning of July, the "Infinite Challenge" West Coast Highway Song Festival was officially held. Junxiu sat in the car of the show team and slept by the window. Junsu didn't even feel their interaction in the car, Liu Zaishi explained to the audience on Junsu's behalf: "Junsu was filming all night yesterday, and came to the TV station this morning. I hope the audience will understand. This Yue Junxiu's TV series is about to be finished, and the filming is really in a hurry. It is true that Junxiu has been working hard during this time. The TV series has to be filmed, and he has to find time to write songs, record me, and discuss dance with the choreographer, and then practice with me.. "

Junxiu was not woken up by Liu Zaishi until after the venue. After waking up, Junxiu immediately said to the camera, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I made a serious mistake."

"It's okay, Junxiu, the audience will understand you, but you have worked too hard during this time."

A group of people walked towards the live stage, and there was not a single fan on the entire stage. Liu Zaishi also joked that this song festival was too weird. Junxiu knew that it was too early for the performance, so the fans wouldn't come so early, after all, they wouldn't be able to enter the venue if they came too early.

The rehearsal officially started, and this was the first time everyone heard Junsu's song in its entirety.

Even Quan Zhilong could only smile wryly after hearing the dance music composed by Junxiu: "Brother is brother, it may take me many years to catch up with him. Such a novel style is something I have never thought of. Woolen cloth."

All the music producers present were surprised by Junsu's song this time, but at the same time felt a pity, because this song can be released as the title song of Junsu's solo.

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