The fans nearby all burst into laughter, and Brother Gou still looked confused.

"What's wrong? What did I say wrong?"

"Brother, it blooms in the spring breeze, not in the east wind."Feiyu laughed.

Brother Dog still smiled peacefully:"I know this in Korean, but in Chinese I can't tell the difference."

"It's okay, I'll make up for it later. Feiyu said this.

After Feiyu and the others went down, three representatives, Dashen, Uncle Bi, and Guangzhu, walked up with great arrogance, as if they were the only ones who would give up on me.

Guangzhu gave Feiyu an inverted thumbs up:"Feiyu, just watch, this time I will shock you and resonate!"

The resonance is not bad.

Faced with Guangzhu's provocation, Feiyu just asked quietly:"Brother Guangzhu, are you good at Chinese? Guangzhu was speechless for a while, and just waved his hand to Feiyu, pretending to be profound and said:"You don't know.""

PD Zhao sent their mission card.

Brother Zai Shi took it and looked at it, and immediately roared

"ah! Why is ours in Cantonese? Doesn't this make it more difficult for us? PD

Zhao said with a smile that was not afraid of death:"I can let you use all my strength to complete this.""

That's what he said. Of course, Brother Shi could only cry sadly and bite the bullet.

But as soon as the accompaniment started playing, the master was secretly excited!

It's a song about the true nature of a hero! PD Zhao still takes care of them!

But Just when he was about to sing, the poor master opened his mouth and found that he didn't know how to pronounce it at all. The fans were laughing crazy. In their eyes, this was a super cute performance!

"In Shi Ouba Huai Ting!!"Everyone shouted from the side.

Unfortunately, cheering and cheering could not make up for the long-standing problem of pronunciation in Cantonese.

Only a third of the way through the song, Guangzhu had already begun to twist his waist, like an octopus, and made a His intoxicated expression was completely inconsistent with his voice and pronunciation.

It was just at this moment.


Strong wind spurted out from the microphone and poured straight into Kwang Soo's mouth, enlarging his face and turning it into a real one. Squidward's appearance.

Kwang Soo also had a premonition of what he looked like just now, and quickly covered his mouth. This was the first time for fans to see Kwang Soo's embarrassing side live, and it was even more amazing than watching it on the screen.

So... After everyone was stunned for two seconds……

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

The whole audience burst into laughter.

The laughter almost broke through the entire port.

There was no way. After going down, Brother Shi thought hard. Since PD Zhao was willing to let them use all their power, after discussion, they made a wise decision. Decision: Ask the audience for help.

The other team, Guo Ge, Ji Hyo and Yong He all surrounded Fei Yu, sang the familiar sweet song over and over again, and then asked Fei Yu to correct the pronunciation.

Standing next to Fei Yu and the others The eyes of the female fans nearby were simply shining.

Originally, Yonghwa was quite handsome, but now there is someone even more handsome than him.

"Feiyu is really more handsome in person than on TV!"

"What do you think of Rm’s good looks?"

"And his voice is so cool, my God, I really can’t stand hearing him speak Chinese!"

"Ahhhhh! Feiyu is right in front of me, and I have goosebumps all over my body now!"

The fans were talking a lot on the sidelines. One or two of them were excited to death, which was in sharp contrast to the collective efforts of Brother Shi.

After helping his teammates mark the more difficult pronunciations in Korean, the Feiyu team became so arrogant. At this time , the fans on the left side of the venue were still anxious to help the masters and the others, but the fans on the right side cheered in unison for the names of Feiyu and Zhongguo. For a time, the entire recording scene fell into a spectacular atmosphere. In the scene of a big battle between the two sides, the five teammates glanced at each other. When the sweet BGM sounded, the five people twisted together without any image.

"Licking the power, you are so effective~" Jihyo suppressed her laughter until the veins on her forehead were about to appear. However,

Feiyu's correction was quite effective. At least this time, the team members' pronunciation, even if it was not standard, was still good. There wasn’t any big mistake (not to the point where the two PDs couldn’t help but make the decision). Half the song was sung in full, and the microphone actually stopped breathing.

The music ended, and the five people were stunned for a moment.

"Did we pass? Ji Hyo asked cautiously.

PD Zhao nodded:"Passed!""

"Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"Ji Hyo jumped up with joy, jumped in front of Fei Yu, cheered and gave him a high five.

The fans on the right side also started to scream louder and louder.

"ah! They passed! That boy Feiyu! As expected, everything can be taken care of with him!"Uncle Bi shouted anxiously.

But the Cantonese songs of the masters and the others were still difficult. About 10 minutes late, the clever masters started a chorus. The fans sang sincerely, and they completely covered up their flaws. PD Zhao had no choice but to let them pass.

When they came to the double-decker bus heading for the next round, the history was always surprisingly similar...

Feiyu jumped on the bus briskly and was the last one.

This thief boy felt that the master Their momentum stopped, they turned around and made a face and said:"Brother Shi, come on!"

"ah! Just wait! We will definitely come back in the end! Brother Zai Shi shouted loudly.

The two teams boarded the double-decker bus one after another, bathed in the picturesque night view of Hong Kong, and headed all the way to the last mission location of the day: Mong Kok Shopping Mall!

After getting on the bus, the assistant PDs took the The broken medals were presented to the two teams for a choice. The Feiyu team, which had priority, naturally chose the golden medal.

About 20 minutes later, the double-decker bus slowly arrived at Mong Kok Shopping Mall.

Just seeing the scene below on the second floor of the bus, the members We were all shocked!

People! There were people everywhere!

The mall was already very big, but looking inside, we could see that not only the entrance of the mall, but also the lobby on the first floor, including the corridors on the second and third floors, were all crowded. The room was filled with fans holding signs of support.

At the same time, the members did not know that the Hong Kong media, which always pays attention to the timeliness of news, had released all the news about Rm's filming in Hong Kong as urgent latest news.

Explosive news spread in Hong Kong With this, the Mong Kok shopping mall was packed with a total of 5,000 Rm fans today!


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