The members reunited.

After hearing what Jihyo said, everyone sighed in unison.

But what's even more impressive is Jihyo's luck in winning the gold medal. He actually drew the correct gold medal in the first round. Who else could be like this?

Thus, the recording of this episode came to an end with exclamation and exclamation.

Apart from Ji Hyo, the one who gained the most was probably Kwang Soo. At least thinking back on the betrayal, he decided it was quite interesting.

Originally, he was a little confused when Brother Taixian opened his mind last time. This time, he slowly found the path he wanted to take.

Anyway, Kwang Soo really wants to do well. The reason to be more realistic is that although Rm is very popular, in fact his status in the Korean entertainment industry is still average, and now he has even begun to slowly fail to keep up with the popular Feiyu.

Carefully watching other people's faces, life was not easy, and he, Li Guangzi, desperately hoped to develop a better future.

Everyone worked together to help the program team pack up the props. When they arrived at the airport, there was only one hour left before departure.

Sitting in the Ajisen Ramen shop eating, Jae Shi asked curiously:"So the next issue will be Ji Hyo's special episode?"

Ji Hyo was still eating noodles in Hululu, but when she heard Jae Shi's words, she immediately raised her head. Come.

Feiyu glanced at Jixiao and smiled:"Why don't we let Jixiao choose the person this time?"

Jixiao almost choked:"Can I really choose?"

Of course.

The members glanced at him. Especially old members. To be honest, New Journey to the West is more about shooting than it is about traveling and resting. The tasks are leisurely and the scenery is beautiful, making it particularly comfortable to shoot. Moreover, PD Luo will be in charge of the next episode, and the attention will be very high. For the members, they are the first choice for filming.

Ji Hyo is a girl who doesn't hide things, she looked around and said,"I'll choose Oppa Jong Kook first."

Brother Dog started to stare"peacefully" again, Ji Hyo chuckled:"And Gary"

"Cough cough cough. Jihyo~" Uncle Bi coughed twice.

Jihyo rolled his eyes at Uncle Bi:"You all went there last time! Let’s change it this time!"

"Can I go again?"

"Brother Shi Zhen, do you want to rob me?"Haha looked at Uncle Bi pitifully.

Jihyo laughed and hugged Haha's shoulders:"Yes, yes, there is Haha Oppa! We are brothers and sisters from Mapo-gu!"

So Jihyo fairly chose the members who had not been there last time, and the lineup for the next episode was determined.

He flew back, had a casual chat with the three little guys, and then slept one night, Wednesday Feiyu came to the class early in the morning.

As soon as he walked in, the hot-blooded monitor Li rushed over

"Flying God! 999!"

Feiyu looked suspicious. What's 999? Why are the classmates next to him suppressing their laughter? What's going on?

Xiuzhi came over in a funny way:"Monitor Li helped you place 999 ads yesterday, asking everyone to watch the Xiangjiang special.. Feiyu covered his face:"Thank you for your hard work, Squad Leader Li, but you don't need to brush so hard!""

"The news about you in the newspapers in Xiangjiang has been reported by our media here. Feiyu Shen is indeed amazing!"

"It’s all the members’ past accumulation and it has nothing to do with me.i"

"Where will you go next time? Hyeri also came over and asked expectantly.

Even Na Eun came over.

Feiyu looked suspicious again:"Why are the four of you here today, so free?""

"Now that the show is so popular, the company has been a lot more relaxed towards us, saying that we will focus on recording the show. Feiyu hesitated for a moment, then waved to the three little ones and said,"Let's go to the rooftop to talk.""

After that, he led the three little ones away. But halfway through, he felt something was wrong behind him. When he turned around, he saw Squad Leader Li following confidently.

"Captain Li, we need to go to the rooftop to talk about something.

Monitor Li:"Ah, I thought you were talking about us."

Huili said with a smile:"By this we are referring to our founders."

Monitor Li sighed:"Hey, seeing you like this, I really want to be a variety artist."

Feiyu raised his eyebrows:"Actually, you can really consider participating in some programs now that you are like this." Xiuzhi

's eyes lit up:"Yes, yes, and monitor Li has quite a lot of fans!"

Na Eun snickered cautiously:"It's just that I lost a lot today."……"

"It's okay, I don't care if it can help Fei Yushen. Huili spread her hands:"Don't be afraid, anyway, the only ones who can stay are true fans.""

After a few words of greetings, Squad Leader Li really took this matter to heart. Feiyu took the four little ones to the rooftop and explained the situation to them.

"Oh, yes...if PD Luo comes in, he will definitely bring a director of photography and the like. Xiuzhi nodded.

"So you mean we are also divided into two batches like Rm members? Huili asked.

Feiyu nodded:"In this way, the personnel can be arranged more reasonably.""

"How about letting Na Eun go with you this time, and Hyeri and I will be in the next issue? Na Eun shook her head repeatedly:"

I, I can't do it alone."……"

"Isn’t there still Feiyu?"

"You match black and white."Feiyu's black line, it seems to be quite difficult for these girls to discuss and come up with a reason.

After the girls match up, Suzy will go alone with Feiyu in the next issue, and Hyeri and Naeun will be in the next issue.

Hyeri smiled evilly and said,"Oh, Suzy got her wish.

Xiuzhi blushed and glared at Hyeri:"Don't talk nonsense!"!

Feiyu had a puzzled look on his face:"What's the wish?" Xiuzhi turned Feiyu over and pushed him downstairs:"Don't ask so much!" I'll treat you to dinner!"

"Oh oh oh oh! The little rich woman wants to treat you to dinner again! Huili cheered beside her.

The relationship between the three girls is now very close. Huili even proposed whether Feiyu should be included as the fourth girl... but it was rejected in the end.……

"If you try to make Feiyu your best friend, he will kill you."Xiu Zhi said. While eating, the four children discussed the report performance held by the department this weekend at the dining table.

For three girls and one boy, which song to choose has become a big problem.

"Let's just focus on the vocals, and I'll just accompany you on guitar. Feiyu said with a smile.

The three girls all looked at him.

"Your guitar won't be laughed at by those monsters in the instrumental music department, right? Feiyu thought about his guitar skills that he had only used once in Xiangjiang, shook his head and said with a smile:

"of course not"


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