Going to Jeju Island in this weather is a wonderful thing.

When the members put on their makeup and put on their clothes and stood beside the Jeju Island Pier, the cool sea breeze made everyone feel brighter.

"Huh? Where is Feiyu? Why haven't you come yet?"Ji Hyo took a deep breath of warm air, then looked around and asked

"He is still preparing. Brother Zaishi said with a smile.

"Jihyo, it’s your birthday tomorrow, don’t you have any plans? Brother Dog suddenly asked.

Haha's eyes lit up:"Ah, right!" Jihyo’s birthday! Jihyo smiled sheepishly and said,"That's not recording. Didn't it mean that our recording would take two days?" PD

Zhao crossed his arms and smiled at Jihyo:"We can celebrate Jihyoxi's birthday on the island tomorrow night.""

"Okay, okay, let’s record the show tomorrow night, let’s all join in, Race, Star!!"Uncle Bi shouted with great interest.

Brother Zai Shi glanced at Uncle Bi with disgust:"Brother, please take it easy, it hasn't officially started yet!"

"ah! Then don’t I do the warm-up?!"I was choked by Brother Zaishi., Uncle Bi’s face turned red.

At this time, Brother Zhong Guo also asked doubtfully:"Is that guy Feiyu still recovered?"

Guangzhu:"How about I go call him."

As soon as Guangzhu finished speaking, Feiyu trotted over.

But when everyone saw this little guy wearing a golden monkey mask and bowing on the stage, everyone burst into laughter!

Brother Zhong Guo laughed so much that he burst into tears. He pointed at Feiyu and said,"Ah! You little guy, why did you bring this mask?!" Feiyu gestured to Brother Zhong Guo, ran to Guangsu's side and stood next to him. At the very edge

"Feiyu, what are you doing?"Uncle Bi asked

"Yes, are you going to record wearing a mask today?"Brother Zai Shi was almost overwhelmed by Feiyu's various wonderful ideas.

Feiyu said angrily behind the mask:"I just prepared a little surprise. Don't look at me, everyone, and start recording quickly."

But Brother Dog glanced at Feiyu and couldn't help bursting out laughing. There was actually an Ultraman painted on this golden monkey mask! Could it be that this is the world of young people today?!

PD Zhao and Lin PD is also smiling. Sure enough, Feiyu can continue to bring different smiles to rm.

On the other side.

Just before Feiyu and the others arrived, the two guests of today’s special episode: Taehyun and Sekyung, Have arrived.

As soon as they arrived at the location, the two received their mission cards: when the members were making opening remarks, please disguise themselves as staff and hide. If discovered by the members, they will be given travel expenses. If within the limited time If they are not discovered, the members will need to pay the guests travel expenses.

After reading the task card, Taehyun and Sekyung looked at each other

"Someone among them already knows our arrival, but is he our spy? Taixian asked, thinking of Feiyu.

The assistant PD looked confused:"Guilty?" Brother Taixian pointed at the assistant PD and smiled evilly:"There must be, hehe." Okay, Se Kyung and I will go disguise ourselves."

After the members actually arrived, the two of them had already dressed up in disguise.

Se Kyung wore a face scarf and sunglasses, which truly became the daily attire of the staff.

Brother Tae Hyun thought of his and Feiyu's decision, She directly disguised herself as a passerby and mingled among the citizens. She even took out her mobile phone and took a lot of photos when Feiyu ran into the team.


At this time, PD Zhao finally announced the mission to the members:

"This time when you come to Jeju Island, you all have travel expenses. Please find your travel expenses within ten minutes, and then please make good use of your travel expenses."

Travel expenses?

The members were all confused.

Brother Shi immediately grabbed Brother Zhong Guo's collar:"Yeah! Did you swallow up your travel expenses again?!"

In the last special episode of Xiangguo, Brother Zhongguo just ate the travel expenses and let Brother Zaishi taste the bitter pill.

"When it comes to travel expenses, is it me?"

"Who else is that?! Anyway, I didn’t receive the travel expenses!"

The national criminal police radar was turned on. He looked at Jihyo and suddenly asked:"Is it Jihyo? Tomorrow is your birthday, do you have any special tasks?"

"Aniani! Oppa, the travel expenses are not mine!"

"ah! I see!"Uncle Bi slapped his thigh.

"The travel expenses are hidden behind Feiyu’s mask!!!"

Feiyu:...(It's okay to hide behind the mask)

Brother Shi clapped his hands:"Oh! It's really possible! It took Feiyu so long to come over just now. He must have received a mission!"

After Brother Shi finished speaking, Hahaha and Brother Gou immediately held Feiyu on the left and right.

Feiyu said in a loud voice:"Brothers! I really don't!"

Ran Ge, why did you believe what Feiyu said as a little fox, yet you still took off his mask.

But after the mask was lifted... the pretty lipstick, the enchanting eyeliner……

"Hahahahahahahahahaha! Feiyu, why are you wearing makeup? Hahahahaha! Killing me!"

"Hahahaha, Ah Yigu! Feiyu, where do you come from with so many strange ideas?"

When they saw the delicate makeup on the handsome face behind Feiyu's mask, the members laughed again.

But the laughter turned into laughter. After PD Zhao reminded him that half of the mission time was over, the members became nervous again.

If it weren't for the members We get travel expenses, right?……

"A guest? ? ?!"Brother Guo expressed his doubts.

"It's really possible, there are guests today, right?"Haha said as he began to scan the scene.

Guangshu was more diligent and had already begun to walk towards the staff.

Seeing the smart RM taking action so quickly, Sejing and Taehyun instantly became nervous.

Ran Ge.

Taehyun in women's clothing... was so conspicuous that Zhong Guo just looked around

"oh?! that is not……"

Everyone looked over and almost laughed again.

That person who is crowded next to a few aunts, isn’t that Aunt Che who is dressed as a woman?

At the same time, Hahaha also yelled:"Ah! Isn't this Shen Shijing?!"

As a result, the hyenas ignored Taixian, and instead crowded directly to Shijing's side, surrounding her and studying in various ways.

Se Kyung was so embarrassed that she had no choice but to take off her sunglasses before everyone cheered.

"ah! It’s Shen Se Kyung!!!"

While everyone was cheering, Brother Taixian came over wearing a blue floral skirt.

"Woohoohoohoo! Shen Shijing!!"This guy is so dramatic that he continues to take photos with his cell phone!

The members burst out laughing again

"Hahahahaha! Taixian! Are you a foreign aunt who likes Se Kyung?!"Brother Zaishi laughed.

Brother Zhong Guo stepped forward and put his arms around the shoulders of his dearest relative:"I guess the guest is you! It turns out to be you!"

Taixian smiled at Zhong Guo:"We meet again, Guo Zhong."

After a while of greetings, everyone finally stood in a row, and Brother Shi also started his opening remarks, stimulating the atmosphere of the scene.

While Brother Shi was speaking, Feiyu saw Brother Taixian standing next to Brother Zhong Guo, holding his hand. His shoulders were dripping and he ran over from behind and stood quietly beside Brother Taixian.

Brother Taixian turned his head. Feiyu also turned his head.

The two looked at each other.

Eyeliner and red lips.

Brother Taixian:...

Feiyu:... the two cross-dressing men finally met for the first time at this moment.

Seeing this scene, PD Zhao and PD Lin also ushered in the first crisis of their careers.

They actually laughed out loud.!

Seeing the two PDs laughing so hard, Brother Zai Shi reprimanded loudly:"Yeah! What are you doing! Here we go! VJ

Quan Lie suppressed his laughter and pointed towards Feiyu.

The members glanced over.

As a result, at this time, Brother Taehyun had already pursed his lips.


Feiyu was not to be outdone and also pursed his lips.




After a moment, the audience burst into crazy laughter, piercing the sky of Jeju Island, and this program really kicked off!



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