As soon as he came over, Kwang Soo’s flat ass was patted by Brother Jae Shi

"You are such a person, you even let people carry you on your back"

"That is, how can I let my younger brother carry it?"Is Uncle Bi also to blame?"

"Kwang Soo has let himself go lately and is ready to bully us."Guo Ge told the truth.


"Yeah! You bastards! Come one by one!"Kwang Soo collapsed.

How could these hyenas seize the opportunity to punish themselves.

At this time, the male host introduced:"Our contestant Lee Kwang Soo is 28 years old this year, but what experience does he have?……"

Guangzhu suddenly became excited: You can blow me off this time.

Unexpectedly, the male host paused and continued:"It seems that there is nothing."

Feiyu said faintly next to him:"What a damn timing.……"

The female host looked at Feiyu with some excitement:"As for the Feiyu player next to me, he is our very talented celebrity recently."

Guangzhu raised his fist and walked up:"Ah! Are you looking for death?! I Same as Feiyu, both are recent celebrities!"


The members all burst out laughing.

Brother Shi walked out and blocked Guangshu's way, patting him on the shoulder:"You are too irritable today, so you'd better stop recording and go back."

Kwang Soo:……

"elder brother! Where can I find it? It's just a joke!" Guangzhu was about to cry.

Feiyu couldn't help laughing at the side:"It's coming, it's coming, Brother Shi is here one in 300,000!"

While everyone was making a fuss, a figure wearing a flat cap ran over quickly.

Haha took a closer look and shouted:"It's Gaeko!"

This one is a member of a famous hip-hop group in Korea. He has also filmed many variety shows. He is also famous for his image as Pabu in the show.

Brother Shi was very happy when he saw Gaeko. He is an interesting guest. Once this happens, the pressure of being funny today will be much easier for them.

After chatting for a while, the male host solemnly said:

"So now that the players are all in, let’s invite the representative players to come out and light the torch!"

Everyone was shocked:

"What is this for?"

"Why is there even a holy fire!"

While everyone was making a noise, a beautiful figure suddenly rose slowly from the red stage.

The members exploded with a bang!

"It’s Ha Ji Won!"

The arrival of Ha Ji Won not only made the members excited, but also made them proud.

Another double actress, and now RM has really soared into the sky! haha ​​looked at Ha Ji Won Yuan, hesitantly wanted to carry out his playboy character.

Who knows, Guangshu saw Haha's hesitation at a glance from the side, and suddenly shouted:

"He-Zhiyuanxi! Saranghey!!"

Zai Shi Ge laughed and ran to Guang Zhu's side and nodded his head:"Hey! You are such a guy!"

Haha looked at Kwang Soo with a grateful face, naturally knowing his intention in doing this, which was to save himself from the situation when he already had a girlfriend.

Ha Ji Won read out while holding back a smile amid the warm reception of the members. rm championship, and then lit the torch amidst screams.

Brother Zai Shi was still so considerate, dragging his down jacket and walking towards Ha-Zhiyuan.

At this time, Feiyu first put on his coat Take it off and send it up first.

"If you are angry, put it on first.

Brother Zai Shi stopped halfway with his coat:"Oh?" Feiyu you……"

Brother Guo said venomously from the side:"Real men and fake gentlemen."

Brother Shi said:……

"ah! I really want to put it on Ha-Ji Wonxi, okay?!"

Uncle Bi also complained:"You are not, you must be doing it for reputation, Wuli Feiyu is the one who really wants to take care of Ha-Zhiyuan!"

Ha Ji-won saw the merciless venomous tongues of this group of people. She suppressed her laughter the whole time, and obediently began to greet the members.

After a lot of fuss, PD Zhao finally came out

"Today is our rm’s first tournament"

"You must have seen the sit-ups and stare-downs in"Secret Garden", right?"

Of course everyone has watched this popular drama starring Ha-Ji Won, and everyone said in unison:"Guilty!"

"So we will start the sit-up team first. As long as the members who can get Ha-Jiwonxi’s approval, they will become a team with her."

As soon as PD Zhao finished speaking, Kwang Soo stood on tiptoes, raised his classic double eyelids, and walked out with a deep look on his face.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Everyone laughed when they saw Guangzhu's weird look.

Haha smashed his cold hat on the ground:"Yeah! You are not a swinger! I'm the slut!

Guangzhu took a step forward:"No!" You are not anymore! The second generation of love-making, Li Zhuzhu, is online!"

At this time, Haha and Guangzhu looked at each other fiercely, and the air was filled with tension.

Brother Gou took two steps back:"Could it be! Is this a handover battle between the first and second generations of love?!"


They were about to laugh.

Feiyu glanced at Guangshu and said faintly:

"It was intense, but... Kwang Soo hyung forgot to zip up his pants.……"


He quickly lowered his head, his old face turned red, and he immediately turned away



Looking at the overturned Pabu and Feiyu who calmly exposed the situation next to him, everyone suddenly burst into laughter!


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