For Suzy and Hyeri, it was incredible that Feiyu had written such a wonderful novel.

Now it actually has to be made into a TV series.

Thinking of Feiyu directing on the set, the two of them became dazed.

Feiyu laughed and said:"What? No?"

Xiuzhi complained:"It's OK, but it's too scary."……"

When the three of them came to the class, the classmates immediately gathered around them, and the topic was naturally the direction of Feiyu's novel.

Everyone is extremely curious about the next plot!

Even Teacher Jin...

She called Feiyu to the office between classes, coughed twice, and then said:

"Feiyu xi, I read your novel and it is very good. If you need to exchange writing experience with the teacher, the teacher will be very welcome. Feiyu secretly laughed in his heart, knowing naturally that the arrogant Teacher Jin wanted to know his subsequent plot.

Anyway, he was a teacher, so Feiyu revealed the subsequent plot to Teacher Jin in the name of exchanging novels.

Teacher Jin was very happy. Lianlian told Feiyu that he wanted him to communicate with her more.

Throughout the morning, the popularity of Feiyu's novel continued to grow.

After a while, another entry for"Reply 1988" appeared on the ins hot search list.

Over at SBS, watching Feiyu’s Introduction to Architecture and Reply 1988 taking turns to dominate the hot searches these past two days, the senior management was naturally unhappy.

Now the momentum of tvn is too strong, and the three TV companies have jointly suppressed it, but still have little effect.

Minister Kim I was called to the director's office at noon.

"Your variety show department must come up with ways to seize the market in advance. If RM can't compete with the naughty kids, then you should create variety shows in other fields to seize the market in advance."

Minister Kim broke out in a cold sweat.

Ever since SBS's new variety show The Landlord's Foolish Son failed miserably, his status as a minister has been in jeopardy.

He cowered and thought for a while before saying:"Otherwise, let's do a music competition. programme?

The director was very indifferent:"You have to figure it out yourself.""


In the evening, Lao Luo PD found Feiyu and asked him to meet in an ordinary coffee shop

"Feiyu xi, tomorrow we will officially film Three Hours and Three Meals. Do you have any thoughts?"

"I've already agreed with Kwang Soo, so I don't think I have any extra thoughts. It's a slow variety show anyway, so just do whatever you want. Feiyu said with a smile

"Now the three major TV stations are severely suppressing us. In addition to this variety show, I think you have also helped to think of more solutions. Now the variety show department of tvn is already in a state of distress. Feiyu thought about it in his mind. In

2012, Korean variety shows were actually still in the development stage, and many classic programs had not yet appeared.

If he could participate... thinking that the music skills he had acquired before had reached After reaching the level of a master, a program suddenly broke into Feiyu's mind.

"Luo pd, if we invite some non-professional singers to participate in a masked singing competition, do you think it is feasible?

After hearing Feiyu's thoughts, PD Luo's eyes lit up:"I think this is okay!""

"Right, then it seems we can plan it carefully."

So, next, Feiyu explained his thoughts to Luo PD in detail.

Luo PD was very impressed with Feiyu's wild ideas and the fact that he could list so many details in one hour..

At the end, he patted Feiyu on the shoulder:"I'm not wrong about you, Feiyu Xi, you are indeed a genius."

…… this night.

In addition to discussing with PD Luo tomorrow’s filming of Three Times and Three Meals and the initial thoughts on The Masked Singer.

Feiyu’s novels and videos of architectural introductions are also continuing to ferment.

As for tomorrow’s protagonist, it’s very lively in Apink’s dormitory.

"ah! Can I wear this coat tomorrow?"

"Pumei, just wear whatever you want, it’s not like that anyway!"

"ah! Chulong! Do you think I look beautiful in whatever I wear like you? This is a show for Feiyu! Of course it has to be formal!

Eun Ji covered her mouth and snickered:"Wuli Na Eun isn't even nervous. Why are you so nervous?" Xia

Rong came to Na Eun and squatted down with a smile:"Is Na Eun really not nervous?" Na

Eun smiled bitterly and shook her head:"Feiyu and I are quite familiar, so the tension isn't that strong.""

"ah! Then we will have to rely on you tomorrow!"

"Hey, I really want to see Oppa Kwang Soo too."Chorong sighed.

And at this time, Guangsoo...

This guy is also nervously choosing clothes for tomorrow.

Since joining rm, except for the naughty kid, he has never been to other variety shows. Firstly, he is not popular enough. Secondly, he is not popular enough. It turns out that he wanted to study more at rm before going out.

In the end, he was so nervous that he simply called Brother Guo.

At this time, Brother Guo and Xu Xian were in the gym.

Seeing Guangshu's phone call, Guo Ge Hyung immediately picked up:"Hey, Kwang Soo."

"Hiong, I have to shoot three meals a day tomorrow"

"Then take a good photo, okay? Are you nervous?"

"Yes... Feiyu's shows are very popular, and it's the first episode. Without you and Brother Zaishi, I'm afraid I won't be able to control the show."

"Yeah, that's a slow variety show, it doesn't require too much control."

"Then what should I do? Brother

Guo laughed and suddenly joked:"Anyway, just follow whatever Feiyu does." Pabu Guangzhu really believed it:"

Then I'll see Feiyu more!""

Brother Guo chuckled and didn't point it out, because he felt that this might have some variety show effect tomorrow.

But he was still a little worried.

In the environment where the three major TV companies are sniping at TVN, three meals a day and three meals a day are a must. Whether the first phase can be successful or not is really crucial!


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