Soon, everyone came to the grandpa's house with supplies.

Earth and stone house, dilapidated wooden door.

When he opened the wooden door, the indescribable smell and the darkness around him made Feiyu frown even more.

"who is it?"

In the darkness, an old voice came

"Is it Grandpa Chen? Hello, I am Feiyu"

"Ah Yigu...why are you here?"

While speaking, there was a noise, and Grandpa Chen seemed to want to struggle up from the bed to greet these noble people who came to film the show.

"Grandpa Chen! Don't move! Feiyu said quickly.

After Shi Ge patted Guangzhu in the dark, Guangzhu understood and hurried over to light the candle.

After the vision became clear, Grandpa Chen’s old, ravaged face finally appeared in front of everyone. In front of them.

Seeing Grandpa Chen's old and frail appearance, everyone couldn't help but feel sad.

What a fateful old man he was, living in such a house with no one to take care of him.

Everyone had already forgotten all other thoughts. Yes, I just want to take good care of this old man.

"Grandpa Chen, I came here to take you to my place?"Zai Ge came forward and said gently.

"We promise to take good care of you. Feiyu smiled warmly and said softly.

Now because of the late time, the number of people in the live broadcast room has dropped, but everyone is still attracted by the warm actions of Feiyu and Brother Zaishi.

"I, how dare I ask you to take care of me?……"Grandpa Chen said with difficulty

"It's okay, this is also our responsibility, and don't worry, from now on, your good days are coming."

After hearing Feiyu's words, everyone looked at him.

Even Brother Shi was shocked. He wanted to do something immediately, and a sense of responsibility also arose in his heart.

Then. , Feiyu didn’t care about Grandpa Chen’s dirty body, and together with Brother Guo, carefully transferred Grandpa Chen to the wheelchair. After packing the necessary things, everyone went back to the inn together. After a lot of hard work, they walked on the muddy road. On the road, a full half an hour later, they brought Grandpa Chen back to their house.

PD Luo immediately arranged a room for Grandpa Chen in a smaller house next to it, and then took him there.

Busy work After a while, everyone finally settled Grandpa Chen properly. Grandpa Chen also fell asleep comfortably under Feiyu's comfort.

The next day, Brother Zai Shi got up very early to prepare breakfast.

He will do some work later. After lunch, another program was about to come to an end.

However, the sudden explosion in the second episode of Three Hours and Three Meals made him look forward to it more and more.

Thinking of the three major TV stations surrounding them, he still made them explode. , even Zai Shi Ge with such a character couldn't help but feel happy.

Not long after, Feiyu, Guo Ge and Guangzhu also got up.

When the three of them came together, they immediately went to Grandpa Chen's room to take care of him first..

After finally sitting down again, Brother Shi handed the three of them a cup of hot milk, and then everyone sat in the yard, feeling the breeze in the fields and sipping the milk, feeling very comfortable. They chatted comfortably for a while, Girls’ Generations are also getting up

"How about Grandpa Chen?……"

As soon as she got up, Taeyeon came over to ask Feiyu with her beautiful bare face.

It seems that this sister also has a sense of responsibility towards Grandpa Chen.

"No problem. After we finish recording today, I will discuss with PD Luo and ask an aunt to come and take care of him. Taeyeon then breathed a sigh of relief:"That's good. Yesterday we were worried about what we would do after we left.""

Sitting down to have breakfast together, Brother Guo looked at Feiyu curiously and asked:

"Feiyu, do you plan to develop this village? Feiyu looked around at all the ruins here and said with a smile:"Wouldn't it be meaningful if the members could come here every time and develop this place?" Brother Zai Shi looked at Feiyu with approval and said cheerfully:"It will develop well. This place can be used as our retirement sanctuary in the future."

Guangzhu snapped his fingers:"I agree!" Brother Guo glanced at Guangshu and said with a smile:"Anyway, Guangshu has made it now, right?""

Kwang Soo's old face turned red:"Hey~hiong~"

Brother Jae Shi looked at Brother Guo and said,"Kwang Soo, it's time to fall in love."

Brother Guo:……

"You told Kwang Soo, why are you looking at me?"

"Senior Jae Seok did it on purpose……"Xu Xian said quietly beside him


Seeing Xu Xian's cute and serious look, everyone burst out laughing.

"If there is some singing at this time, it will definitely be very comfortable."Brother Zhong Guo couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the beautiful scenery of the wheat fields blown by the wind.

Yuri looked at Feiyu with a smile:"I really want to hear Feiyu xi sing.

Feiyu said generously:"If you want to hear it, I can show off my shame."

Brother Zaishi turned his head:"Oh?" Are you in such a high mood today?

Feiyu smiled and said,"Of course.""

At this time, Guangzhu suddenly interrupted:"Otherwise, we will upload the songs Feiyu sings to the website, and then all the proceeds will be used in this village.

Feiyu's eyes lit up:"hiong!" good idea!

Guangzhu smiled proudly:"Then everything depends on you!""

Originally, he just sang casually, but because of Guangzhu's suggestion, Feiyu became serious in an instant.

He quickly took out a guitar from the inn and sat back in front of everyone.


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