Because it was the Mid-Autumn Festival, it was already evening by the time the members gathered again.

When everyone saw Brother Dog walking over stiffly, smiles immediately gathered in their bodies.

PD Zhao came out and pretended to announce the rules of this competition: first have a Mid-Autumn Festival wrestling competition, and then wait for the mall to close before entering for the final task.

Uncle Bi:"So there are no guests today?"

"Not today"

"impossible? There are no guests in the Mid-Autumn Festival special?"Brother Zaishi said suspiciously.

Brother Gou saw everyone asking the guests, and in order to be more natural, he immediately said:"Do you have an idol?"

After he finished speaking, everyone looked at him.

"oh? What does Gary know about you?

Brother Gou panicked and quickly said,"I don't know, I'm just talking casually."

Feiyu interjected:"Brother, we are wearing the same hat today.""

"Then after wearing it, Gary becomes a real squid."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"Everyone laughed.

Brother Dog:"Stress!!!"

But because of Feiyu's gag, this brother's nervousness was finally relieved a little.

However, how can the members let Brother Gou relax? If he relaxes, there is nothing interesting!

Brother Zhong Guo immediately answered with a keen sense of smell. Said:"Oh? Why do I feel that the program team seems to have prepared something today, whether it is tasks or staffing, are they too simple?"

"Isn't it a spy mission?"When Brother Shi took the risk,

Brother Dog's heart trembled: Was it already so exciting at the beginning? Then wouldn't it be the next step?……

"oh! Brother Mingxiu! Could it be that he is here to hunt us?"Haha suddenly shouted.

As Brother Shi looked around,"I always feel that someone might be lurking around. Feiyu pointed to his hat and suddenly said mysteriously:"Do you know why my hat is the same as Brother Xijian's?""

Brother Dog:...

He is about to cry! Feiyu, aren't you trying to get your eyes on me?!

Guangzhu couldn't bear it anymore when he saw the look of Brother Dog's pupils, he turned around and started to gulp Breathe.

Brother Guo:"Oh? right! These two people are wearing the same hat today. Could it be that they have a hidden mission?"

"Hey hey hey, tremble! We are the legendary spy brothers!

Brother Dog:"Feiyu!" Don't talk nonsense, how can we be spies? Didn’t you come to my house yesterday to get the hat by yourself? Feiyu continued to dance in the minefield:"But brother, why did I go to your house to get a hat yesterday?""

Brother Zai Shi:"Well……"

The members who knew the truth almost couldn't help it when they saw Feiyu teasing Brother Gou so bravely.

PD Zhao and PD Lin looked at each other: This kid always has a way of bringing the atmosphere to the highest point...

Brother Zhong Guo is still cooperating with Feiyu:"Yes, the two of them are so special today, there must be something going on, right?"

At this time, Feiyu made a face and explained with a smile the reason why he went to Brother Dog's house to get the hat.

Naturally, the members were doubtful because of their advanced acting skills, but Brother Gou finally breathed a sigh of relief and quickly said:"Ah, we are really not spies. Let's go to the next mission venue quickly!" So, after the commotion in the opening scene, the members I suppressed my laughter and headed to the makeshift wrestling ring next to the shopping mall with my stiff dog brother.

Here, a large number of citizens still squat for a long time.

Although Rm currently does not have the national popularity and influence of Wuchao and Two Days and One Night, these MCs are already very popular, and the popularity of Rm is also slowly rising, so citizens naturally cannot let go of the eight little ones. A place to do tasks.

Walking from a distance, there was a banner hanging at the entrance to the wrestling ring, with a white line underneath it.

Brother Gou thought he was the only one who knew the rules. Seeing the members walking towards the white line, this brother had a happy smile on his face: Although he is nervous about being a spy, it feels good to know everything.

As for the members... their poor acting skills……

"Wow! It’s so big and beautiful in wrestling!"Uncle Bi said exaggeratedly.

Feiyu chuckled: This acting skill is not bad!

"Go, go, go! I'm going to wrestle!"Brother Zhong Guo was pushing, but he very smartly crossed the white line in the order of Brother Dog's choice.

Brother Haha knew that Brother Dog wanted to fight him, so he stayed one step away and joined Brother Dog in the last and fourth place. The second one crossed the white line.

Seeing that the members crossed in the order they chose, Brother Gou was even more proud. He stepped up and walked to Haha's side and smiled:"Oh, I haven't wrestled for a long time. I'm really looking forward to it. PD

Zhao came out seriously and announced the order rules. Naturally, the order was based on the order in which everyone crossed the white line, so the order was decided before the start of the game:

Jong Kook VS Jae Suk. Dog Brother VS Haha.

Ji Hyo VS Feiyu.

Uncle Bi VS Kwang Soo.

After the eight boys decided on the order, Zhong Guo hyung and Jae Seok hyung came on the stage amidst the cheers of the citizens.

Jae Seok hyung frequently looked at Kook Hyung: Since it’s acting, you know what to do. Come on! Show mercy!

Brother Guo gave Brother Zaishi a"gentle" smile.

BBBBBB! The game started in full swing.

But, the whistle just sounded... Brother Zaishi's screams rang through the night sky


Feiyu covered his face. Poor brother Zai Shi was stuck in an unspeakable place by the wrestling rope.

"Fortunately Zhihao has been born……"

Hearing Feiyu's muttering, Jihyo chuckled and slapped him:"You guy, why are you talking nonsense!"

Feiyu begged Jihyo with a sad face:"Na Na, please be merciful later, I haven't talked about it yet. In love……"

Ji Hyo blushed, and then glared:"Ah! Don't talk nonsense, little one!"

As the citizens burst into laughter, Brother Jae Shi was quickly knocked down by Brother Zhong Guo.

He covered his face and fell on the mat in shame. After a while, he got up and said to PD Zhao:"Ah, I must delete this paragraph! Otherwise, I will have no face to see people in the future!"

PD Zhao nodded:" Got it, I'll take care of it."

It was the turn of Brother Dog and Brother Haha. The two brothers stood together. As soon as the whistle started, Brother Haha used his cleverness and threw himself directly into Brother Dog's arms, trying to use his body. The weight knocked this guy down.

But of course Hahaha doesn't really want to win against Brother Gou. His acting skills are much more natural than Uncle Bi's, although it's a bit exaggerated...

After all, have you ever seen someone shout three times before he pounces...

So Brother Gou is doing it haha At the prompts, he threw his leg and passed Haha directly, winning the game directly.

Finally it was Feiyu and Jihyo’s turn.

Brother Gou's guess was indeed correct. Facing this and that anger, Feiyu had no desire to win or lose.

Especially the scent of hugging Jihyo made this guy's eyes start to twitch.

Brother Zaishi looked at this XSP funny:"Ah! Cheer up!"

Haha joked from behind:"Hahahahaha! Feiyu is about to faint, right? There's no way, our Jihyo is too beautiful."

Jihyo listened. After a while of laughter, he actually put his arms around Feiyu and hugged him tightly.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!"The citizens all cheered.

Feiyu: Damn it! Hit someone with the ball! This is a foul!!!

Feeling Feiyu's stiff body, Jihyo chuckled, and a naughty expression suddenly appeared on his face.

So, Feiyu Feiyu was finally let go by Jihyo, but when he was getting ready again, he was hugged by this sister again...

Feiyu almost cried:"Nurna! Let me go!"

Everyone burst out laughing!

Haha pointed at Jihyo and laughed:"Yeah! Stop teasing other children!!!"

Finally, Jihyo let Feiyu go, and the siblings stood up together. This was the first time that Feiyu and Jihyo competed head-on. As soon as the whistle sounded, Jihyo grabbed the rope tightly.

Feiyu was startled, Among girls, this sister is definitely the type of strong girl! However, she is still a little weaker than Hyeri. But this strength is just a drop in the bucket for Feiyu. His strength has reached 100, which is beyond The existence of Brother Zhong Guo.

But thinking about Brother Gou's choice, Feiyu's 100"drama expert" points came into play this time.

He naturally sold a flaw, and Ji Hyo really jumped up with both feet handsomely, and then hooked back!

Feiyu, who could have safely resisted Jihyo's surprise attack,……


He screamed and was tripped by Ji Hyo and fell to the mat. His realistic acting skills even fooled Ji Hyo.

Brother Gou looked at Ji Hyo in shock:"Wow! Jihyo is so awesome!"

"ACE!ACE!"On the sidelines, citizens also shouted in unison.

Ji Hyo was so excited after defeating a powerful enemy that he had forgotten that they were still on a spy mission. After cheering for a while, he immediately came over to hug Fei Yu, kissed his hair and asked:"Brother Fei Yu, are you okay?"

Seeing Ji Hyo's slightly breathless and excited expression, Feiyu gave a thumbs up with a smile:

"Our Ji Hyo Nu is the best!"



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