After the two guests happily signed Kim Jae-ho's name, they also asked for Kim Jae-ho's autograph, and Kim Jae-ho was as happy as if he was playing a card game.

Back home, looking at the richer and richer signature wall, it is full of a sense of achievement, just like the collection hall in the game, the achievement hall.

Some people, always beautiful.

It's another two weeks, this time the trip is different, everyone first took a plane to Jeju Island, and then played games, it seems that this time the venue is Jeju Island, everyone is looking forward to this trip.

Everyone is on the same plane, so they will get on the plane in the same place, and when each member gets off the bus, they will get a cheer, making everyone feel like they are Hallyu stars.

Today there is another member's birthday, on this special day, everyone naturally has to prepare, so the opening Kim Jae-ho and haha are gone.

But to be honest, these two disappeared, and that didn't affect the opening at all.

"Then today we RM came to the island of fantasy, the beautiful Jeju Island!"

Even if there are only five people, the enthusiasm is enough to overflow the picture.

"As everyone knows, we in Jeju Island are voting on the seven natural landscapes of the world~," Liu Zaishi said proudly.

"That's not just national." Jin Zhiguo also sighed.

Seven natural landscapes of the world... There must be no drama, after all, the seven major ones, are Mount Everest, the existence of the Grand Canyon of Colorado, although you are the largest island in the country, but it is only a small island in the world, that is naturally not qualified, but the world natural heritage that has a share.

As soon as their words fell, Kim Jae-ho and Haha left and right, singing a simple happy birthday song and came out, Song Zhixiao, who recorded his birthday on the day, and Liu Zaishi, who had his birthday tomorrow, came together to celebrate, and in a few days, it was Haha's birthday, so sometimes three people will spend it together.

There are also two cakes prepared, because I can't eat them, so the cakes prepared are not very large, after all, I have to work.

In the chorus of Kim Jae-ho and Haha, the two happily accepted the blessings sent by everyone, which is the human touch of RM.

As for the gift, of course, it was prepared, but privately prepared, after seeing Li Guangzhu's birthday gift, Liu Zaishi didn't want to accept Kim Jae-ho's gift, so where to go, Kim Jae-ho is naturally prepared.

His gift was another handmade suit, and even a top hat like the strange thief Kidd, even Liu Zaishi, who didn't like green, admired the delicate suit.

And Song Jihyo's, Kim Jae-ho gave the key to his home... strings, as well as card bags, passwords, all kinds, put in a small box, this is Kim Jae-ho's sincerity, if you want to come, then come, although Song Zhixiao generally does not go, you have to avoid it~

But sincerity Kim Jae-ho is given, in addition, there is a necklace, an "ordinary" diamond necklace, very tacky~

The reason for the choice is that Kim Jae-ho feels particularly good-looking, and it's definitely not just because it's expensive...

Song Zhixiao only received the diamond necklace and blessing, and the keys were not collected, and it was inappropriate to receive them now, and I will talk about it later.

The two took the cake, Kim Jae-ho immediately dipped a little cream on Song Zhixiao's forehead, and Li Guangzhu saw Song Zhixiao smiling so happily, and also learned to dip a little, and dotted it on Liu Zaishi's face.

Before Liu Zaishi could make a sound, Jin Zhiguo directly cursed: "We are playing a game of fire that is not extinguished, ah!" "

Li Guangzhu's smile gradually disappeared, and then several people followed the rhythm, Lee Guangzhu couldn't understand, Kim Jae-ho did this, others would be very happy, why come to him, it's the opposite?

"Kwang-joo said that today is his first time in Jeju Island." Liu Zaishi remembered something funny.

"Really?" Jin Zhiguo and Haha were stunned.

"How is it possible to come for the first time?" Liu Zaishi was stupid.

"The second time I hit a plane since I made a sound, it was because of RM." Li Guangzhu's words made everyone smile, this guy is too cute.

But in fact, Kim Jae-ho also understands, to be honest, if it were not for the fact that he wanted to go home to see, his airplane career was all about RM, and Lee Kwang-joo, as long as he did not have a job, was almost on call, where could he go, this guy was actually very homely.

"What are we going to do today?" Liu Zaishi asked daily.

"Now it's on mission." PD spoke amazingly and said something amazing in a flat tone.


Everyone was stunned, and Kim Jae-ho complained: "Fresh again?" "

"I knew so!" Liu Zaishi looked very smart.

Kim Jae-ho began to frantically look at the surrounding scene to see if he could remember anything, but unfortunately, he was able to remember various details about a game, but he just couldn't remember a lot of RM details, at least not a brush.

But, it's really good, the scenic needle by the sea does not poke~

The people next to him began to guess, after all, anything can be a victory condition, last time is, they succeeded and did not know how to succeed, but when they looked at the broadcast, they knew that it turned out to be eight pieces of meat in five seconds to succeed, Kim Jae-ho was also drunk, of course, he ate barbecue the next day and ate a cool, is the kind of slowly, piece by piece put into the dish to add ingredients, and then slowly put it in the mouth, slowly chew to enjoy the taste of the kind of eating.

What people don't know is that right in front of them, a task is already underway in an upright manner, and they see it, but they can't see it.

Seeing that everyone was clueless, PD: "I will give you travel expenses later, and I must make good use of the travel expenses..."

Before PD's words fell, Liu Zaishi had already grabbed Jin Zhiguo's collar, "Do you want to travel again this time?" "

Jin Zhiguo retorted: "It's not me!" Why is it me when it comes to travel? "

At this time, Kim Jae-ho whispered something in Lee Kwang-joo's ear, and Lee Kwang-joo also hurriedly stepped out of his long legs, and also went to grab Kim Chengguo's collar: "You are not you..."

He slowly fell silent, because Jin Zhiguo's original smiling eyes changed, his eyes widened, and he stared at him deadly.

Li Guangzhu's smile also disappeared, silently let go, and then straightened his collar, "I'm sorry!" He bowed cheerfully and apologized before hurrying away.

"Want to die?"

"I'm sorry!" Stopped and bowed again.


The light pearl is really interesting, but it is also really dead, and the learning essence also depends on the situation, Kim Jae-ho said that you will do anything, but the effect is full.

To be honest, Jin Zheguo's collar, only Liu Zaishi can grab, don't look at Jin Zhangguo like this, in fact, he has always listened to Liu Zaishi's words, basically Liu Zaishi will do whatever he says, but Liu Zaishi generally does not say anything, even if it is for his good.

But Lee Kwang-joo...

If it wasn't for the quick going, the others would be gone.

"Did anyone here receive the task first?" Liu Zaishi said, his eyes came to Kim Jae-ho, "Ah! Is it not you! "

"What's the matter with me?" Kim Jae-ho is stupid, this can still lie down the gun.

Liu Zaishi said with a smile: "Because Zai Hao has not been the protagonist, so every time he does this, he must be suspected first." "

Kim Jae-ho is such a cheap person, he has not been the protagonist, he will definitely be once, so as Liu Zaishi said, the first must doubt him first.

At this time, a voice came out faintly, "Doesn't anyone doubt me?" "

Chi Shizhen looked resentful: "I haven't been a protagonist either!" "

"Brother, it will take about six months before you can be the protagonist~"


Daily humiliation.

"Yay! Didn't you watch the last broadcast? You've all been deceived by me! Chi Shi said proudly.

"I can already expect this to be said six months from now." Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

"Probably two years." Haha also laughed.

Ji Shizhen: "I recorded that paragraph and played it on a loop on TV at home every day~ Hyunwoo said, Dad, I will memorize it~"


"Hahaha~ Hyunwoo is disgusted and looks at this every day~" Kim Jae-ho is amused, and Ji Seok-jin's father-son life is too interesting, right?

"Ah, time has passed in vain!" Liu Zaishi felt that he couldn't sit still, but there was no other way, even Jin Zhiguo was so anxious to dance a cute dance, which was his killer skill... One!

Because a few of them are here, in the distance it is a line of people, holding mobile phones and filming RMs.

On this day, they became the scenery here.

The teenager who sees the scenery will eventually become the scenery...

Among these bustling people, there is one particularly strange.

He wore very ordinary aunt clothes, very ordinary straw hats, very ordinary aunt heavy makeup, but it was him.

He fanned his fan swaggeringly and sneaked into the staff to take pictures with his phone, and this unusual guy quickly caught his attention.

"Oh!" Jin Junguo's hand suddenly pointed to a place, "Isn't it Taehyun?!" "

He didn't just find this person, he actually recognized it!

Not only him, this person, Kim Jae-ho is also familiar with it!

"Oh! It's him! "

"Where?" Some people don't know yet.

"That! Auntie with very hot eyes with a fan! As soon as Kim Jae-ho described it, everyone immediately knew which one.

Then, they all found this man, and the more they looked, the more Che Taixian became!

Che Taixian is too easy to recognize, especially after accepting the setting of the aunt, he immediately recognized it, after all, it is not the first time to come, an old friend, and always see it on TV.

Seeing old acquaintances, Kim Jae-ho is also very excited, he and Taehyun have also met several times in private, they all went out to dinner and play with Kim Ji-kook, he is a friend of the same year who Kim Ji-guo is very familiar with, and even only a month away, Kim Ji-guo is familiar, Kim Jae-ho is naturally familiar, the two are originally the kind of self-acquainted people, and they are both actors, of course, soon the snake and mouse one... Embarrassment for... It's like seeing it!

Yes, at first sight!

Basically, the content of the chat is to complain about some habits of Kim Zhiguo together, and it can be said that their friendship is based on Jin Zhiguo.

"What is this wearing?" This eyeliner hahaha~ "Kim Jae-ho is about to die of laughter, how can this be directly a women's clothing boss?" He can't accept it!

But just as he was laughing, Haha suddenly stepped forward and pointed to another person who looked like a writer, "Wait! Isn't this one?! "

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