Each team has 200 RM, and the two people who succeed in the mission chase 50, that is, the Haha team and the Golden Final Country team have 250, as for how much it is worth, everyone has no idea.

Because it was fifty earned by Haha, RM was handed over to him for safekeeping.

"Let's change into a uniform and go to the parking lot."

"What can we do with this team?" Haha looked worried.

"It's okay brother, I'm here." Kim Jae-ho comforted him.

"It's because of you that I'm worried!"

"I'm so strong, I'm afraid I'm talking in my dreams!"

"Is it okay to call me the captain?"

"Yes, you make a lot of money."

Chi Shizhen stopped talking next to him, but after thinking about it, he didn't know the young man in general.

This time is the same, just put a shirt on the outside, Kim Jae-ho they are pink, Shin Se-kyung they are yellow, Cha Tae-hyun they are blue.

Shin Se-kyung wore yellow, which looked fresher and brighter, and Kim Jae-ho's pink was a classic color.

Everyone changed their clothes and walked in three teams, with three cars and three colors neatly arranged on the road, as if it was an advertising sponsorship.

The sponsorship of this show, well hidden, will not let you shout advertising words with a smile in front of the camera, there will be no indicators, it cannot be obvious, it cannot be high-profile, there is no need for you to call the master, there is no need for you to call dad, otherwise you will be warned.

Advertising, have to hide, moisturize the silent, love to see love to buy and buy, do not look carefully you do not know what brand this is.

Looking through the window, the interior is the same, Jin Zhiguo who arrived first is a vehicle enthusiast, and it can be seen at a glance that there is a car, particularly low-key, looks like other cars, but luxurious, and the tires are racing tires.

The other two were not like this, then this one must be very special, so he chose this car.

Kim Jae-ho and Ji Shi Zhenhaha three people = chatting about the sky came over, not in a hurry, after seeing that they chose, naturally it was the last one, as soon as they got into the car, they found the task paper in the car.

Kim Jae-ho sits alone in the back, haha drive, he really likes to drive...

"RM Jeju Race" sets off to Jeju Dongmun Market to find the mission sign.

The translation is wrong to say that it is the animal market, it is not so terrifying, it is the Dongmen market, this place can be said to be an old place, with a long history, with the characteristics of a traditional market, richer and cheaper than large supermarkets, because it is close to the airport car, and also has the advantage of his geographical location.

Representative, close and really a good place to do a show.

Jin Zhiguo and they were the first to set off, Jin Zhiguo's car, then Liu Zaishi, and finally haha.

But while driving, Liu Zaishi found that the car next door actually stopped on the side of the road, they also stopped to ask what was going on, as soon as they opened the window, Jin Zhiguo waved to them amicably and said: "You guys go first, we want to talk first~"

Even Chi Shizhen didn't believe this nonsense.

"It seems that there is something wrong~" Liu Zaishi is certainly not a fool, and he can see it at a glance.

"No, no~" Jin Zhiguo was still covering up, and Song Zhixiao also came to help drive them away.

Cha Tae-hyun suddenly poked his head out and said, "Brother! Do you know what is different about our cars? "

"What?" Liu Zaishi was curious.

"We don't have gas!" He shouted, and Jin Junguo quickly covered his mouth, but it was useless, he continued to shout, hoarse.

Liu Zaishi they clapped their hands and laughed and left, they were really too happy Che Taixian, like crazy, their car actually had no oil!

Jin Zhiguo people are stupid, big brother, why do you want to tell them such a humiliating thing?

He is really humiliated, he chose this car because of the special tires, never expected that there was no oil, it was really a big mess, and he had to spread such teammates, all said out, was ridiculed by Zaishi Guangzhu Shijing, the first two are the top three people he least wants to tell.

Life is not easy, the country sighs.

Knowing the misfortune of others, Liu Zaishi and they knew that they were lucky, and suddenly they were comfortable.

As soon as Yoo Jae-seok left, Kim Jae-ho and they came, and Cha Tae-hyun didn't even have the desire to explain to him, he only felt that he was too miserable, but he still explained.

Jin Zhiguo completely collapsed, well, the last person who wanted him to know now also knew.

Sure enough, Kim Jae-ho and they also laughed happily after learning the situation before leaving, haha Chi Shi Zhen Kim Jae-ho's combination, it was simply a nightmare-like existence, if it weren't for the fact that Kim Junguo was going to open the door, they were really not willing to go, after all, it was a rare opportunity to catch it.

"Ah~It's so cool~" Kim Jae-ho sighed.

"Okay, so let's do this all day today!" Chi Shizhen clenched his fists like some kind of second-year youth.

"Brother, we have to make sure to play the weight..."


As soon as Chi Shizhen finished counting, the three people began to shout: "Portion guaranteed!" Portion ensure! Portion ensure! "

The atmosphere is so high that it can't be done, it's inexplicably sad.

Today they have no guests, they can only live on their own, if they can get ahead, it is the best, at least a few shots, if not, it depends on personal ability.

"Then let's do personal skills while driving." Chi Shizhen said.


That's amazing, it doesn't have to be so, a few are pseudo-singers, as long as they sing it and it's over, like a road movie, people who can sing are very good, whether it's good or not, they can make the boring journey like a vacation.

As for the blue team that is lagging behind, they still have to go to refuel.

"Hello sir, how much gas can RM refill?" Song Zhixiao took out a 10RM coin, and the RM coin is okay.

"That, 10RM20 liters." The staff had already negotiated with the staff beforehand, so the conversation at this time looked very dreamy, as if the whole world was using RM coins, which is the world's common currency.

"Isn't it okay to add half? It's a mini car, fuel-efficient. "Xiaoqi Guo analyzed that which line to buy directly, it must be half, half is enough.

"How many liters do you get for half of it?"

"Top up 30."

"Just give you 15RM, right?" Song Zhixiao took on the task of negotiating as a co-pilot and tried to get through with his cute cuteness.

Uncle count, no!

"You're only thirteen..."

"Hey you..." "At the moment, even Xiaoqi Country is embarrassed, you whole ... There were even two secretly hidden...

Song Zhixiao honestly took out two RM from his backpack and handed them to Brother Ren, and said naturally with a harmless look of humans and animals: "Just add 15RM~"

After the eldest brother left, Cha Tae-hyun, who had not spoken, said: "Zhixiao~"


"Well done!"

Cha Taixian said with a serious face: "Continue to cheat until others are deceived." "


The tone of his speech was like talking about some philosophy of life, and he began, Brother Che began, and Song Zhixiao and Kim Zhiguo both felt that he was different from other guests.

But what I didn't expect was that these fifteen RM almost filled up with oil, and in addition to not teaching the boss of the old quacks, the process was still very pleasant.

They can actually afford to spend, and even so, they have more than Liu Zaishi's team.

On the other hand, because it was the first time to go on this kind of variety show, Shen Shijing was very unaccustomed to it, wanted to hide himself, and was very restrained, but with the help of Liu Zaishi and his deceased Li Guangzhu, he gradually let go.

This is also her choice of the right person, Liu Zaishi can be said to be the most suitable for receiving newcomers, Li Guangzhu is also a friend, if this is the combination of Ji Shizhen and Kim Jiguo, then the picture is too beautiful.

They were the first to arrive, Shijing simply snatched the door out, the two brothers behind could not keep up, she took the task paper alone, really young and invincible, very spirited.

She fluttered her legs, rushed directly in front of the staff, shouted hello, and got the task letter.

The two old fritters couldn't stop calling, when they arrived, people had already read the mission letter, the whole team put on a life ring, bought summer vacation supplies, the top five hot selling goods for the summer, more than three can pass, but only three can be bought at a time.

When Liu Zaishi and Li Guangzhu arrived, everyone had already put on a lifebuoy and were ready to go.

But just as one of them picked up a lifebuoy, the referee stopped them, not one by one, but by three people.


Soon, Kim Jae-ho and they also arrived, they were different, it was slowly moving forward, not in a hurry, waiting for Haha brother to park the car, the three of them went out, and it was Ji Shizhen who rushed to the front.

The youth responsibility in the team is him, young and cute and a little silly.

As soon as they saw it, they understood, and they didn't take a swimming ring by themselves like Liu Zaishi, isn't that something that fools do?

But even so...

"One person is troublesome, what about three people?" Kim Jae-ho shouted.

"Don't say anything, come in quickly." Chi Shizhen has already put himself on.

Seeing this, Kim Jae-ho drilled in, and then haha.

"Yay! You've got me! "

"I don't want to either! Shrink your belly! "

"You're talking about your own belly, right? Aaaah! "

"No, no, no! Come from below! It hurts so much above! "

The three people cursed and cursed before they put on the lifebuoy with difficulty, and even if they did, it was extremely uncomfortable, not disgusted with the lifebuoy, but disliked the other two people...

"Oh... Oh..." They disliked it for a long time, but they didn't move at all.

But Kim Jae-ho suddenly thought of something, "Fortunately, I didn't team up with Brother Ji Guo." "

"Hahaha~ yes!" When I heard it, Haha also laughed.

"Yes, it would be miserable to be on a team with him!" Chi Shizhen said with a smile.

The three people showed a gloating smile and instantly became comfortable.

"But how are we going to go?" Kim Jae-ho said and walked forward.

"Aaaaa Why should I go backwards, I have to be in front! Haha said, "I'm the captain!" "

Then he turned around stiffly, it was already hot, and he had to squeeze together like this, surrounded by crowds of onlookers, and the air was not circulating, it was really a task that a ghost came up with.

But the citizens took pictures and onlookers, and they still gave way out well.

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