"Then why is there no one?"

"You didn't know we were coming, did you?" Kim Jae-ho actually doesn't care, "It's good if such a hot day doesn't come, and people can't die of heat when they come." "

"Too." Haha, think about it, this is also the truth.

"We can't make them uncomfortable because of our selfishness, that's just right." Liu Zaishi said.


A few people chatted and didn't care about it.

Everyone got on the bus and finally reached the entrance of the Great Wall.

When he got off the bus, Kim Jae-ho was also very excited, because he recognized where this place was, the Great Wall!

He hasn't been here yet, this is a big girl's sedan - the first time!

Before he could speak, Chi Shizhen already recognized it, "Is this the Great Wall?" "

"Yes, this is the Great Wall." Kim Jae-ho nodded.

No one expected that this time it would be filmed in such a powerful place.

Everyone feels what it means to be excited, isn't it for this feeling to travel?

If you go on a trip and you find that there is no difference between that place and where you live, then the trip will be boring in an instant.

Even in his previous life, this place can be said to be tourism for him, and it has also traveled across nearly four Han countries, from south to north, yes, the territory is so vast.

This is only the diameter of the top and bottom, if it is compared to the area, it is ninety-six times.

And they stand in front of the miracles of human architectural history.

There were vendors on both sides, with friendly smiles on their faces, they hadn't heard such beautiful language for a long time, and Kim Jae-ho really wanted to chat with them.

In the world of life, suddenly like a traveler.

Compared with the last time, this time I am a little more calm.

"Hello~hello~" Kim Jae-ho spoke Mandarin with an accent and greeted the people on the side, which he had practiced for a long time.

"How to Pretend to Be a Foreigner Who Has Just Learned Chinese"

Walking and walking, the floor tiles also began to be different, and they had a taste.

"Ya~ it's amazing." Kim Jae-ho sighed.

"It's like something out of a movie." Li Guangzhu looked around and also felt very exaggerated.

He rarely goes abroad, and everyone is visiting this kind of place for the first time, like a hillbilly.

But after a few steps, this joy gradually fades, without him, it is too hot.

"Come to this kind of place in this weather, are you a ghost?" Kim Jae-ho directly sprayed the PD that followed aside.

PD smiled and said that he was, but it was at this time that the shooting permission was a little simpler, because it was too hot, and there would be a little less people.

Kim Jae-ho was speechless, there are so many good places in China, there is no need to choose this kind of place that is completely exposed to the sun in this weather, there are too many places to choose from.

But PD thought, since it is a Chinese special, of course, you have to choose the most exaggerated, people all over the world have a honey love for the Great Wall, which is of course the first choice.

Kim Jae-ho looked at this sun and already had a premonition of how difficult it would be today, fortunately, his physique is still passable, if he just started shooting, maybe he would have to fall after walking a few steps.


Kim Jae-ho suffered from heat stroke, and when he used to be in elementary school, he had to fall down every Monday's flag-raising ceremony, and when he fell down, he went back to the classroom to sleep, making the teachers think he was doing it on purpose.

But it doesn't look like him.

Kim Jae-ho originally thought that he would not have to raise the flag, but he did not expect that he would still have him every time in such a situation, and the teachers were also relieved enough.

He really didn't mean it, he didn't know why, obviously he was very athletic, the first few in the class, but he just couldn't carry the sun, so many thinner and weaker people in the class were fine, no, it should be said that the whole school.

However, heat stroke passed, and it was okay to lie down in the classroom for a while, and every time the principal's tirade gave him a lot more time to fish, which was very comfortable.

Cough, the good man did not mention the brave of the year, Kim Jae-ho they passed by the lively market and came to the opening place.

Looking at the nearby slogans are all familiar words, this feeling is not to mention how good it is.

Ma yes, it's still comfortable to look at this kind of text~

He had a little impression of this episode, he remembered that he had to run on the Great Wall, and he didn't remember the rest.

Several people stood together to make the opening, and Jiyoung stood next to Kim Jae-ho, looking a little restrained, a little nervous, and a little excited.

Because of the relationship between the plane, they now have a good relationship, and Kim Jae-ho has become her closest person at RM, so getting off the plane is like a brother and an ass and naturally follows Kim Jae-ho.

"Aren't you hot?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"It's fine." She whispered, for fear of disturbing people.

"It's okay, you should change your uniform later, you hold on." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Good." She smiled and breathed a sigh of relief, there was a very reassuring feeling with Kim Jae-ho by her side, obviously she had only debuted for a year but had a very calm feeling.

She secretly glanced at Kim Jae-ho, and there was a different kind of light in her eyes.

What a great person, she thought to herself.

Kim Jae-ho Fan Girl +1

At this time, Kim Jae-honu nodded his chin and pointed at Liu Zaishi: "Jiying, you go over there, such a beautiful little sister is waiting for you to be jealous of filial piety." "

"Huh? Oh! Zhiying obediently went to Liu Zaishi, and Liu Zaishi quickly gave him a position.

Everyone was happy, and Liu Zaishi laughed directly: "I don't know if Zhixiao will be jealous, but it's true that you're afraid of being suspected." "


Jiyoung also leaned forward and back with a smile, her laugh was a little low, Kim Jae-ho's image of Jihyo is too interesting.

But she also remembered Kim Jae-ho.

This is actually just Kim Jae-ho finding an excuse to let Jiyoung stand in the C position, there are many C shots, this is Kim Jae-ho gave her a shot, and everyone also took care of her, cooperating to make this not obvious.

Jiyoung's heart is warm, this warmth is different from the scorching heat, it can bring people strength.

"Look! Already able to see it! Haha suddenly shouted, and everyone looked over there.

Everyone sees, isn't that the legendary Great Wall... A dime!

Just a glimpse of it, I felt that my heart was rippling, very powerful, at this moment, PD saw that everyone was standing, the machine was also arranged, and the recording began.

"The competition started, we had to divide the teams first, in addition to the one-day RG, two guests were present."


Everyone was shocked, why did they say when they got here, don't come by plane together?

Looking back, Kim Jae-ho's tears were about to come out.

I saw a big brother with a bright smile and a sweet-looking girl walking over.

The eldest brother is Jinjuhyuk, and the girl is Lee Yoon-hee.

Even people who don't watch Korean dramas will be familiar with these two people, anyway, in terms of appearance, this combination is very pleasing to the eye.

As soon as Li Yunxi came out, everyone went crazy, especially haha, and directly babbled.

"It was all fake before! I really like it this time! "

The main thing is that Jiyoung is not yet an adult, haha can't play, now he can be regarded as a chance, release his swinging self.

Everyone looked at Lee Yoon-hee, and Kim Jae-ho looked at Joo Hyuk, who had been smiling silently.

Looking at his very infectious smile, Kim Jae-ho knew that there was another thing waiting for him to change.

This kind of accident is very simple, that is, when the time comes, just go directly to his door to block it, or directly point and unload the wheels.

As long as you change yourself a little, or even delay his departure, this accident can be avoided.

Some regrets, in his time, can be redeemed.

Noticing the eyes of the little boy next door, Joo Hyuk nodded and smiled, and Kim Jae-ho also nodded back, and now the relationship between the two can be said to be nodding.

Because of the arrival of the guests, Jiyoung stood back to Kim Jae-ho's side, which was more comfortable than the position just now.

When everyone was talking about Lee Yoon-hee's beauty, Kim Jae-ho suddenly walked to Joo-hyuk's side, and then poked his chest,

"Yay! What are you doing! Liu Zaishi roared, "It's too rude, right? "

"I'm curious~" Kim Jae-ho laughed, and everyone's attention came to him.

"Do you usually work out?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"A little hahaha~" Juhyuk said with a smile.

"Ah, this degree can be compared to the final country, right?" Chi Shizhen directly arched the fire.

"What a line!" Joo Hyuk panicked directly, and Kim Jae-ho and Ji-young quickly gave up their positions to Kim Ji-kook, allowing Kim Ji-guk and Joo Hyuk to stand together.

"This degree is very good~" Jin Zhiguo smiled and grabbed his arm.

"It's not comparable..." Zhu He said with a smirk, sweat was dripping down, which directly put him and the Ultimate Kingdom together, he was very stressed!

Recently, because of the needs of the plot, he has trained muscles, how to compare with Jin Zhiguo, who has been training.

Even so, so many people look, he is also the strongest one, looks stronger than Jin Zhiguo, has a big chest, and, of course, the reason for the clothes.

So strong, the whole person gives people a feeling of elegant and easy-going warmth, very comfortable.

Kim Jae-ho feels that among the people he has seen, he can give people such a feeling, and it is himself.

Juhyuk said no, everyone said he was modest, he was panicked, everyone looked at him with a smile, this is the tradition of RM, give the guests a little attention ah, even if this attention makes him stressed, but everyone wants such an effect.

After a burst of laughter, seeing that the two people had given enough topics, PD took out a prop and asked the guests to draw lots, this is relatively simple, who is drawn is who, there is no personal will.

This is also because of the hot weather, so the sticks are all fans.

But the fan this thing, when it is a little hot, useful, when it is very hot, it is hotter and hotter, and it can't stop at all.

Watching them go to choose, Kim Jae-ho asked today's RG Jiyoung in a low voice: "Who do you want to team with?" "

"I want to be on the same team as Oppa!" Jiyoung smiled sweetly.

This is the truth, compared to other people, it is very comfortable to be with Kim Jae-ho, that is, I feel that I can be myself and eliminate tension.

Hearing such an answer, Kim Zai-ho snapped his fingers.

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