Kim Jae-ho felt like this, nothing special.

It's amazing for them, and for Kim Jae-ho it's all something he has known since childhood, although he hasn't been here.

When you go to other countries, you think the scenery is amazing, but for the locals, they are tired of seeing the buildings, and even if they think they look good, they are not so exaggerated.

Travel is the process of going from where you are tired of staying to where others are tired and then spending your budget.

This statement does not sound beautiful, but it makes perfect sense.

Where there is water, there is beauty, and the more water, the more beautiful.

Several people rode along the water all the way, and finally reached their destination, and Kim Jae-ho had already smelled it.

Not only locals, this place is very crowded with foreigners, it is simply a tourist destination.

"Ah~wow~oh~" Kim Jae-ho let out various exclamations, "Is this heaven?!" "

This is where he wants to live!

There are places where all kinds of food gather!

"Looks delicious, brother! I want to eat this! "

"Ah, now is not the time to eat this~ I have to hurry up to find ah, what is it?"

"What is it? Ah~I forgot~"

"Ah, chest tightness!" Liu Zaishi was so angry that he beat his chest, he knew what Kim Jae-ho meant, "I already knew that I remembered it myself!" "

"Buy! Let's buy it for you! "

"Uncle is so nice, thank you uncle!"

"What is Uncle?!"

"That's what brother means,"

Kim Jae-ho ordered food and asked the clerk in blue by the way.

"What is stinky tofu?" Lee Yoon-hee asked.

"Just go ahead." She said.

"Oh! Yoon-hee, your Chinese is really good! This way you don't need Kim Jae-ho! Liu Zaishi's action of taking out the money immediately took it back.

"Yay! Elder brother! How can there be such! "Jin is speechless, there is such a renegade!

In fact, there are only three words, lamb skewer Liu Zaishi remembered himself, stinky tofu asked, there is only one left.

"What's the left?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"Candy blower." Lee Yun-hee said.

She said very standardly.

"Yay!" Yoo Jae-seok excitedly high-fived Lee Yoon-hee and directly threw Kim Jae-ho away.

"Brother! Love is going to go away, right? "Kim Jae-ho is very uncomfortable.

"Buy it for you! Okay! Liu Zaishi had no choice but to pay for it.

"Thank you Oppa! Oppa is so good! "This time I am truly grateful.

A few people walked forward as the clerk said, and soon bought the legendary stinky tofu, which seemed to have no appetite, so Kim Jae-ho did not touch it.

He hadn't eaten stinky tofu, but there were so many delicious things in this place that he could eat something else, like the pastry he was eating right now, and he didn't even know the name of it.

The sweet taste is soft and sticky, the more chewy it is, the more fragrant, not greasy at all, and very refreshing, it seems to have a little floral feeling, it is the kind of dim sum imagined.

I really want Zhixiao to taste it too.

To like someone is probably to share something good with her.

He sniffed the stinky tofu he bought, and suddenly he was robbed.

"Yay! I'll leave this one here. Liu Zaishi took it.

"What for? Elder brother! Don't you believe me? Kim Jae-ho obeyed.

"It's not that I don't believe you, after all, it's a task, and it's not convenient for you to eat if you hold it." Liu Zaishi said seriously.

"I move my mouth without affecting my taking things!"

"No, you don't care, just let me here! Hurry up and find something else! Liu Zaishi was afraid that Jin Zaihao would be worried, so he quickly quickened his pace.

Looking at Liu Zaishi, who fled, Kim Zai-ho tilted his head and said to the camera: "Hey, to be honest, I didn't want to eat it, but he grabbed it like this, I really want to taste it." "

"Can't eat, Oba! That's the task! Lee Yoon-hee is also worried now.

"Oppa knows! Is Oppa such an ignorant person ?! Don't you believe me either? "

"I believe..." Lee Yunhee's tone was like coaxing a child.

One by two, really...

"In Hao! Come quickly! "

"Here it comes!"

Kim Jae-ho, who was in a daze in place, hurriedly quickened his pace.

The years are quiet.


After Kim Jae-ho arrived, it turned out that he and Kim Ji-guo met them, and several people were pulling calves.

They exchanged a bit and found that everyone was looking for different things.

The one who suddenly stood on the side screamed: "Hey Yixi! Yikes! "

Everyone saw that Haha's hand was being grabbed by Kim Jae-ho, and then Kim Jae-ho was stealing the sugar gourd on Haha's hand, oh, this extent, it should be called robbery.

"Yay!" Jin Zhiguo hurried to help, Jin Zaihao retreated directly after biting a sugar gourd, and Jin Zhiguo had no way for such a foodie.

"Brother! Hurry up and grab them! "Haha, not to be outdone.

"Yay! This is stinky tofu! Although Liu Zaishi said so, he still ran away, for fear that it would be too wasteful if he accidentally fell to the ground.

Kim Zhiguo and they did not catch Kim Jae-ho, after all, it is a beloved younger brother, eating one does not affect their task, of course, on the surface, they still want to intimidate Kim Jae-ho.

Kim Jae-ho, who bites into the sweet and sweet sugar gourd, walks in the crowd and is very comfortable.

The sugar gourd is very sweet, and it is just right to eat one, but he still published his eating experience with the camera: "It's sweet on the outside, and the sour fruit on the inside is very delicious!" "

It's not the first time he has eaten, in fact, his favorite food is still the kind of strawberries in it, and his appearance is very high, but he still wants to spread the Chinese food culture to the audience, which he can still contribute.

In fact, it is very simple, let everyone know that this thing exists, and the rest, on its own.

Chinese food, strength is hard.

I ate too much sweet, and now I want to eat salty, but the task is still important.

In fact, he had already seen the lamb kebab, but he couldn't just know that, so he had to ask.

"Sister, candy blower?" Kim Jae-ho asked directly the woman sitting on the side of the road shaking a small fan, who seemed to have a sense of jack-of-all-trades.

"Candy blowers? Oh! There is inside, inside is there. She spoke fluently in Beijing and showed the way directly.

"Please~" Kim Jae-ho grinned and pointed two fingers over there, meaning to go together.

She was a little shy at first and wanted to refuse, but Kim Jae-ho made a gesture of asking, looking very pitiful and very much wanting her to be together, so she still relented and sent Kim Jae-ho directly.

Even so, it was very enthusiastic and very kind.

"Sister is so nice! Thank you sister! Kim Jae-ho was also very excited to see his sister agree.

"What is it called sister, just call it Auntie, you are still so young, how embarrassing it is~ call Auntie ~" she said.


"Yes ~ call aunt ~ don't call sister ~ me, aunt ~ "

"Are you an aunt?"


"Auntie is so nice, thank you Auntie!"

"Hey~ so good! The young man looks so handsome, hey~well-behaved~" The aunt smiled very happily.

"What?" Kim Jae-ho pretended not to understand.

"Jun! Handsome! You are handsome! "Auntie gave Kim Jae-hobi a thumbs up.

"I'm handsome! I'm handsome! Right! I'm a handsome guy! Kim Jae-ho smiled and said to VJ: "This is praising me for being handsome!" I'm a handsome guy! "

VJ rolled his eyes, Kim Jae-ho knew how the handsome guy pronounced that was too normal, even if he didn't know anything else.

This is probably the basic cultivation of the bag.

"Candy blower?" Kim Jae-ho emphasized it, lest the eldest sister forget.

"Yes, right ahead." The eldest sister said, "That's it. "

"This?" Along the way, Kim Jae-ho was like a repeater, and he repeated whatever the eldest sister said, like a person who was exposed to a new language and full of curiosity.

"Yes, that's it, candy blower." Kim Jae-ho said excitedly.

"Wow! Is this made of sugar?! It's so pretty! Kim Jae-ho immediately bowed and thanked his aunt with Chinese, "Thank you aunt!" "

Now he is proficient enough to switch Chinese Korean at will.

"No thanks, bye bye bye bye~" The eldest sister did not linger, and left dashingly.

"Bye bye ~ thank you Auntie ~ "

Kim Jae-ho just wanted to buy it, but saw that he thought about it, "Ah, this looks good, I'll call Brother Zaishi and them to come and take a look!" "

Kim Jae-ho looked around and remembered the location before he walked towards Liu Zaishi.

They are still very conspicuous, even if there is no VJ, you can see them.

"Brother! I found the candy blower! Kim Jae-ho invited credit.

"Where? Where is it? "

"What about that! Very good-looking! Kim Jae-ho said.

Kim Jae-ho wanted to show them traditional Chinese snacks, which are intangible cultural heritage and a technology, and the production team chose this because it is very distinctive.

I saw that the stall owner blew the sugar, directly flatulent, the type came out, the hand squeezed, and the appearance came out.

To be honest, Kim Jae-ho is still the first time to see this, the key to the sugar man is such a blow, but it is also embarrassing, because you blow like this, I have to eat it later, won't I eat your saliva?

And he pinched without gloves, directly using the hands, even if it is high-end sushi, many people will feel very uncomfortable and unhygienic when they see the chef using his hands, not to mention that this is on the side of the road.

Therefore, some people will feel unhygienic, and fewer people will eat, and fewer people will eat, which is even more difficult to pass on.

But good looking is really good-looking, this is to play ordinary sugar tricks, Kim Jae-ho chose a very good-looking shrimp, compared to the other few will look a little fancy, so the time will be a little longer.

But as soon as it came out, it was very good-looking.

Because the stall owner said forty just now before pinching, Kim Jae-ho handed it over directly without asking, and after the stall owner accepted it, several people confirmed with him that this was the candy blower.

In fact, just by looking at it, everyone knows that there is no mistake, because it is really very distinctive, Kim Jae-ho knows even more, which of the descendants of the dragon does not know this thing.

I have never eaten pork and seen pigs running, this is a saying, and I have heard of metaphors for things that I have not personally experienced.

But now it's time to change it, I should have never seen a pig run, and I have also eaten pork~

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