"On the mountain, right?" Kim Jae-ho didn't know where Nongsan was, "Navigate here to see together." "

"Is it okay here?"

"Yes." Kim Jae-ho glanced at it and studied it, probably a little counted.

"It's nice to drive." Song Zhixiao sighed.

"Thanks, do you know what else I have?" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"What?" Song Zhixiao was curious.

"Good to you~"

"Shhh!" Song Zhixiao's fingers curled up, and the whole person was not good, "I feel that Jin Jae-ho has to say another sentence in the quote." "

"What is a Kim Jae-ho quote."

"It's a blog that records what you say."

"Oh, I don't know it myself, it seems that you have been secretly following me~"

"It's just casual~"

"Admit it, you are"

Kim Jae-ho himself is very satisfied, he has to find a place to buy something to eat again, this is the third time he has bought something to eat today.

"You really won't get fat when you eat so much?" Song Zhixiao was also curious.

"Nope." Kim Jae-ho said.

"I really envy you." Song Zhixiao is telling the truth.

"It's okay, I like it when you get fat." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"I don't get fat." Song Zhixiao gave him a blank look, whether the actor is fat or not is determined by the script, this is professionalism, and her script generally requires her to be absolutely beautiful, and she has done it.

Anyway, if you want her to look like, she can be what she looks like, this is the self-cultivation of actors.

But saying that, she still subconsciously looked in the mirror.

"What's wrong, did you see a cute pig?"

"Are you looking for death!"

"Killing is a crime!"

"Killing pigs doesn't count, does it?"

"Nope! No suicide! "

"You go and die~! Sooner or later, I'm going to be by you in this car! Hey, Ichiko..."

"You scold it, why do it?" Kim Jae-ho's arm shrunk, miscalculated, and did not expect it to be a red light.

"Leave you alone, I'm going to sleep, hum!" Song Zhixiao crossed his hands.

"Oh? Do you mean you are going to leave me behind my hard drive and sleep comfortably by yourself without talking to me? Are you going to do something so excessive?! Can you bear it? Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Yes!" Song Zhixiao was about to sleep as soon as his eyes were closed, and his head was tilted towards the car window.

Kim Jae-ho glanced at it before tilting her head to her side with her hand.

"What~" Song Zhixiao woke up with a smile directly, glanced at Kim Jae-ho, and continued to close his eyes with a smile on his face.

Kim Jae-ho continued to drive, no matter how troublesome, safety must still be guaranteed.

The corners of Song Zhihyo's mouth hooked, secretly opened one eye to look at Kim Jae-ho, as soon as Kim Jae-ho looked over, she immediately closed her eyes, Kim Jae-ho also felt funny when he saw it, continued to drive, and did not expose it.

He looked ahead, the corners of his mouth lightly opened, and a quiet song came, this is a song called "Flower".

"It's you, now open your eyes and raise your head."

"You who bloom so beautifully, without any words, all look at you, no matter what world you are in, you are the only one, with the fragrance that belongs to you..."

He sang a cappella song, gentle and delicate, delicate and soft, obviously the first sentence was to let Song Zhixiao up, but listening to it, he seemed to close the quilt horns for her, gently shook this space, and let her sleep peacefully.

Song Zhixiao opened his eyes and looked at the man's side face, listening to the singing voice that was only for her at the moment.

Time was flowing, mixed with a hint of sweetness, and perhaps it was this charm that made her decide to spend time with him.

"Thank you, it's the only flower."

The last sentence of the song fell, like a poem after the last sentence, a green next to the vertical heart.

"What's the name of the song?" Song Zhixiao only asked now.

"Flower." Kim Jae-ho smiled and said, "Don't sleep?" "

"No sleep." Song Zhixiao sat up straight with a sweet smile on his face.

She thought about something, was there such a possibility, this song was written for her, but she was a little embarrassed.

"Don't think about it, it's sung to you." Kim Jae-ho seems to have a mind-reading function.

"Sounds good." Song Zhixiao said with a smile.

"Of course it's good, it's all praise for you." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"So it sounds good~"

"Hey, you said that if we can't catch up with them, are we always in the car like this today?" Kim Jae-ho suddenly asked.

"Wouldn't you?" Song Zhixiao said uncertainly.

"That seems to be very good~ How about we go find a place to eat first?" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Yay! Hurry up and catch up! Work too! Song Zhixiao cried and laughed, "There are prizes, you must catch them." "

"Times like this are prizes for me." Kim Jae-ho looked ahead, "But the substantial prizes seem to be very good." "

"Of course." Song Jihyo said and sent a piece of beef jerky to Kim Jae-ho's mouth, and Kim Jae-ho opened his mouth and ate it.

The two of them chatted without saying a word, chasing Liu Zaishi and them away.

The two of them are Monday couples, so everything revolves around love, which is normal, and Ji Shizhen and Li Guangzhu, the topic revolves around Yixueqian.

This combination can be said to be very weak, as mentioned before, but any team with Chi Shizhen in can be said to be weak, even if there is Jin Zhiguo, not to mention that now on the co-pilot, it is Li Guangzhu.

"Brother, now they are heading towards the Chicken Dragon IC." Li Guangzhu looked at the tracker.

"Chicken dragon? Isn't this the Chicken Dragon?! Chi Shizhen wondered.

Then Li Guangzhu went to ask.

"Brother." Li Guangzhu said.


"It's us who are heading to Jilong IC."

"Yay! If we follow you, we will definitely be finished today! "Chi Shi Zhenren is stupid, dare to love them for so long and run after themselves.

It is also said that it is shameful and no longer adds jokes to pray to God and worship Buddha.

Today, the outlook is bleak.

On the other hand, their target task force is also working, and they have to work harder.

Their task is to buy navigation for a thousand yuan in Nonzan City, of course, there will be navigation, near the destination.

Xuan'er: "After I played Jin Sanshun, especially after losing weight, many people said that they couldn't recognize me, but as long as they spoke, they knew it was me." "

"Yes, everyone knows it's you when they hear your voice." Liu Zaishi said, "No, where to buy a thousand yuan navigation?" "

Soon to their destination, they had to get out of the car and look for it.

But getting off the bus is not considered mobile, and everyone in the pursuit team will be able to find them through positioning, which is a big problem, so you have to leave before they arrive, otherwise they will be found.

So as soon as I got off the car, I walked quickly, very anxious and urgent.

The people of the pursuit team soon arrived, Liu Zaishi they walked into a shopping mall to find the navigator, in fact, the six-dollar navigator is impossible, can only be set up by the production team first, just when they found it, the people outside began to shout light pearls, startling them, hurriedly went to check out.

Li Guangzhu and they don't talk about it for the time being, Jin Zhiguo and they immediately got off as soon as they arrived, because Liu Zaishi's popularity is very exaggerated, so just a while there was already a group of people gathered together, Jin Zhiguo They just got off the car and knew the intelligence, after all, everyone wanted to meet Liu Zaishi.

"Five streets! Five streets! A girl shouted.

Jin Zhiguo they can only get on the car first and go to that place, but there are too many people and they can't go fast, because Liu Zaishi appeared nearby, so there are many people here, and a few of them are immediately fenced, and everyone wants to see people who appear on TV every day.

RM's current ratings are very exaggerated, basically a national variety show, in this place even children know that Jin Zhiguo is basically surrounded by the crowd.

After all, those who come to this place originally came to visit it, they are very idle, just looking at it is not enough, but also have to take photos, how to prove that they have seen it without taking photos.

People's happiness is sometimes so simple, when you can't get happiness from such things, you may have a hard time getting happiness.

Kim Jae-ho had also arrived, but in another place, their cars were fenced off, and they hadn't even gotten out of the car.

As soon as Kim Zhiguo got into the car, he immediately called Kim Jae-ho, and now everyone is in a team, let them outflank Liu Zaishi.

Of course, Kim Jae-ho may be driving, so it was Song Ji-hyo who called.

"Don't come to the market, it's near the GPS display!" Kim said.

"Is GPS nearby?" Song Jihyo hurried to see where the navigation was now, and Kim Jae-ho extended the sugar to Song Ji-hyo's mouth.

"What about the call!" Song Jihyo glanced at Kim Jae-ho strangely.

Jin Zhiguo heard the laughter and said, "Ah, Zaihao, you had a good time today, right?" "

Kim Jae-ho smiled and said, "Brother, you can't imagine my happiness." "

"Ah, it's really ~" Jin Zhiguo looked at Haha with a smile, and Haha immediately grinned and said: "This kid is really, so envious~"

Haha smiled on the surface, but in fact he was confused, there was no way, he didn't know whether to catch up or not, after all, it seemed that he was about to find them now.

It is best that he also has a way to drag Kim Jae-ho and them, not to give them a chance to outflank, at least to give Liu Zaishi a chance to escape, or he hurries up now to find Liu Zaishi and then find an opportunity to join them.

Jin Zhiguo never expected that this guy who was talking and laughing next to him was actually an inner ghost, and this inner ghost still held the steering wheel.

Kim Jae-ho carefully studied the map, to be honest, he couldn't read the map, the mobile phone navigation can still look at it, the map, everything, dense, you have to exclude a lot of things to understand.

And it's a paper map, you can't zoom in, and there is still little information.

"Oppa! They're moving again! Song Zhixiao suddenly exclaimed.

"Wait, what did you say?" Kim Jae-ho was surprised.

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