In everyone's opinion, it can only be regarded as Kim Jae-ho's wishful thinking, or that the two are just doing the effect of the show, and they may have their own objects one day.

It's just that no one expected that they were really here.

Kim Jae-ho is actually very positive in this matter, but Song Jihyo feels that it is not very appropriate to say it now, and Kim Jae-ho did not say it, otherwise, he wished that the whole world would know.

As for when it is appropriate, Kim Jae-ho seems to be suitable at any time, but now it seems that this feeling is also quite good.

I feel like falling in love with my table mates when I was in school, hiding from the world, and enjoying this beautiful feeling exclusively.

Of course, early love is not desirable, cough.

"I didn't expect that Brother Shi Zhen could jump all thirty at his age." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"What? Who to look down on? I'm better physically than you, I'm only forty years old, I'm still young! "


Xuan'er on the other side is very uncomfortable now, almost every time it ends, it will hit her head, the rope is like magic, obviously so many people standing on the same line, they are stunned that they only hit her.

Not once or twice, but every time it hit her.

Others are fine in the same position, as far as he has something, it can be said that he is an old unlucky bastard.

What is even more unfortunate is the person who threw the rope, and now he panics every time he throws it, and the psychological pressure is huge, for fear of dumping people again.

It was really torture for both sides, and then the national coach's team was the last to go, and everyone didn't expect that they were obviously very strong, and everyone looked very suitable for jumping rope, but it was dragged to the end.

But for the onlookers, this is really good.

After they all left, the former tranquility was restored here, and in addition to the video, this scene still existed in everyone's minds, and from time to time they could take it out to reminisce about the happiness that used to be there.

The other side.

"That! Banner! Kim Jae-ho shouted as he pointed to the side.

"Which?" Liu Zaishi followed Kim Jae-ho's hand, and a man dressed in yellow held a flag, which can be said to be very eye-catching.

"We are number one!" Chi Shizhen shouted with a smile.

"First place!" Kim Jae-ho responded.

Several people got out of the car in a hurry and received the task.

"Go and buy this delicious 'acorn powder' in the rest house, eat it all within the stipulated hundred seconds, and you will succeed!"

After Kim Jae-ho finished reading it last, he and the other two looked at each other, and they both saw the smile in each other's eyes.

"This is also a task? I laughed! Kim mocked in place, extremely arrogant.

"Ah, can this Zai-ho eat all by himself?" Chi Shizhen also felt the same way.

"It's just that it's too low, isn't it?" Liu Zaishi said with a smile, "Who do you look down on~"

PD looked at this arrogant look, and he smiled.

How can it be so simple to go! Brothers~

"In the process of buying it back, one of the three people must not touch the ground with their feet."

"This... That is, we have a person who has to carry someone? "

The three people looked at each other, also smiling, but with a little more meaning.

Slowly, the two people suddenly looked at Kim Jae-ho, and Kim Jae-ho almost came out in a cold sweat.

"What do you do with me? I am the lightest, I should be on my back, not on the ground. "

"Yay!" Chi Shi exclaimed: "Do you want to let such an old person carry people?" "

Both of them laughed, this cheeky!

"Brother, you just said that your physical strength is better than mine, only forty years old and still very young?" Kim Jae-ho said.

"Exactly! Dude, you really... It's so shameful! Liu Zaishi also said.

Just now I said that my physical strength is good, well, at this time, I immediately said that I was old.


In the face of the younger brothers' complaints, Chi Shizhen smiled very proudly.

"Aren't you the youngest?" Yoo Jae-seok looked at Kim Jae-ho.

"I also have the least strength, brother, you have a lot of strength, who doesn't know that Liu Zaishi is the strongest." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Although it's true, no matter how powerful it is, it can't always be my back, right?"

It's really just a few words, the inferior nature of human nature is fully revealed, originally if the stipulation is dead, it is good to say, now there is obviously a person who does not have to walk and another person just pays, if this is two people, forget it, three people that no one is willing to suffer a loss, too real.

"Oh, we're not objects, didn't we say that we want to unite today?" Chi Shizhen said.

"That's right, they're going to come if it goes on like this." Liu Zaishi said that they can choke if they go on like this, of course, the effect is full.

"In this way, let's take a sedan chair, two people like this, one person on it, isn't this okay?" Kim Jae-ho said.

"So who's up there?" Liu Zaishi asked a key question.

"Let me explain in advance that I'm not lazy, but to be reasonable, I have no problem with the lightest on it, right?" Kim Jae-ho said.

"You're just lazy!" Liu Zaishi doesn't listen to his crooked reasoning, the two older ones are holding a younger one below, do you listen to this human language?

"Can you sit on it safely?" Chi Shizhen said.

"So, we can't start talking like this, let's take turns, one person at a time, this is always okay, right?" Kim Jae-ho said.

"This is okay."

Liu Zaishi and Chi Shizhen nodded, this is a relatively fair method, the main thing is that time is urgent, and you can't put too much water because of this little thing.

"So who comes first?"

"I'll come first, I'm the lightest, try the water, don't carry it again." Kim Jae-ho said.


"Then shout a slogan."

"Object line! Huai Ting! "

The hands of the three men were raised in the sky, and the yellow team came.

"Hurry up, hurry up! They're coming! "

The three people were immediately anxious, and Ji Shizhen and Liu Zaishi held arms, built a bridge, and let Kim Jae-ho sit up.

Kim Jae-ho was a little afraid at first, but he felt quite good after getting to the top.

"Go! gogogo! "

"Oh! Sure enough, it's light. Chi Shizhen was also surprised, this level is okay.

"Right! I'll just say, I don't know why we've been talking about it for so long. Kim Jae-ho said.

"Oh, we're all your brothers."

"So, ah, my conscience is too disturbed now."

"You still have a conscience?" Chi Shizhen asked rhetorically.

"But it's too much, my conscience is like being pricked by needles, and it hurts like a prick."

"Hah! It's really funny~" Liu Zaishi complained: "If you make us laugh again, our hands will be unstable~"

"It is." Chi Shizhen and Liu Zaishi didn't have to look at each other, and they automatically began to shake.

"Don't! I was wrong! I shut up! Shut up! Kim Jae-ho was so frightened that he immediately surrendered, and the whole person was honest.

For a person who is afraid of heights, this shaking is very terrifying, and he really feels like he is going to fall at any moment.

"Yay! You still dare to press our heads?! Chi Shi smiled.

"There's no way around that! Subconsciously, otherwise what else can I catch? "Kim Jae-ho really didn't mean it, he was about to cry on it.

Sang-yoon is convinced, Kim Jae-ho will be immediately sanctioned every time he screams, and he is still happy and does not remember for long.

Liu Zaishi and Chi Shizhen were in a good mood, and the two people also teased him, not too much, after all, it was himself who would be on top, they were almost here, and they had to accept it when they saw good.

Suddenly, Chi Shizhen snorted, "Aaaaaa "

It wasn't Ji Seok who shouted, it was Kim Jae-ho who shouted, and it was quite miserable.

He held Liu Zaishi's head, his expression was full of horror, and his face seemed to be deformed.

Later, the screenshot of this moment was another widely circulated meme to express shock.

The uglier it is, the more everyone likes it.

"Yay! My hair! My hair! Spectacles! Can't see it anymore! Liu Zaishi shouted.

Kim Jae-ho just screamed, and at this moment, the three people looked very embarrassed.

On the other side, several people from the yellow team received the task, and after asking the questions to be asked, Song Zhixiao automatically touched Li Guangzhu's shoulder, and Li Guangzhu immediately carried her on her back, very tacit.

This terrifying efficiency next to the pd of the task directly looks stupid, this contrast is too big, right?

Liu Zaishi's side has been grinding for a long time when they set off, and they are debating and they are weaker or something, and they don't need half a second, they climb up directly and set off, PD is already unable to complain, the contrast is too obvious.

Li Guangzhu carried Song Zhixiao on his back and walked forward quickly, several times faster than Liu Zaishi and them.

Song Zhongji became an idler, running alongside, and several people looked vigorous.

Looking at their backs, PD shook his head.

For the first time, he was so clearly aware of the existence of a human aura.

On the one hand, it is vigorous and energetic to look at, and on the other hand, it is very tired to watch.

He didn't understand before, but now he does.

I finally got the noodles, and the three of them were already exhausted.

Kim Jae-ho felt that he had taken advantage at first, but now, he has no idea at all.

It's hell!

When he was on top, his legs were controlled, and when he fell down, he was facing down, and he only felt extremely dangerous.

"Don't do it, don't do it again, this time I must be below, love whom."

"Brother, how many kilograms are you?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"I'm seventy-two kilograms." Chi Shizhen said.

"It must be Brother Zaishi, thin as a grasshopper." Kim Jae-ho said.

"You're as skinny as a praying mantis! I've been working out lately, okay! Liu Zaishi smiled angrily.

"How can there be such a handsome praying mantis!"

"I feel like fifty kilograms of you are cheeky!"

"Stop arguing!" Chi Shizhen shouted: "Everyone is watching us, it's too humiliating." "

The two people looked at the curious eyes of the people around them, apologized, and quickly prepared to slip away.

"Then brother, you come first." Liu Zaishi said.

"Okay, but can you do it?" Ji Seok-jin looked at Kim Jae-ho suspiciously.

"How can a man say no!" Kim Jae-ho said.

"You mean you can't but don't say?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"Hey! I'll just..."

"Hurry up and go! They're all gone! "Chi Shizhen can't stand it, he is so tired in this team.

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