These golden brothers are too fierce and observant, and the two of them happen to be the least able to lie.

"Brother, I really am, brother, can I not talk today?" Li Guangzhu said.


This is probably the funniest spy opening the staff has ever seen, even funnier than Kim Jae-ho's issue.

These two people are really, really watts.

"It's eleven twenty, hurry up and assemble with them." Po said.

The main thing is that it took too much time to explain and took longer than expected.

An hour early, the result is ten minutes to start, and there is no one, you can imagine how long it took to explain.

I didn't know, I thought it was two people who came to listen to a PD talk show.

"Ah, let's go, let's go separately." Chi Shizhen was a little cautious.


After the two people shouted the exclusive slogan, the easy brothers set out!

Easy this is really good, not only the homonym of their name, this word also fits them very well.

Many people who do not know this source will think that this name is because of their characteristics.

Therefore, in addition to the members themselves, the production team is also a very important part, and it is too critical to have a good production team.

Start working hard from the essence of the members, don't keep up with those bells and whistles to pull foreign aid in an attempt to increase ratings, this is the most important thing.

Watching the two people leave happily and nervously, PD took a deep breath and adjusted his mood.

Well, he has to face more of these people.

Master PD is really not what the average person can do.

I'm just worried, these two people, shouldn't they have been exposed in the first place?

To get bent out of shape.

"Oh~today we rm~"

It is still the familiar opening voice of Liu Zaishi, and the opening without Liu Zaishi's voice is incomplete.

This neighborhood is different, and the scenery in the big city is probably described as such a park.

Several people stood by a lake to record, mixed with two people with bad intentions.

By the way, Song Zhixiao is still cute today.

Although she was fierce yesterday, a tough battle!

I feel that after that episode was broadcast, there must be more people who said that I can sister.

And most of them are probably girls.

Cute and handsome woman who switches at any time, too deadly.

"Here, you know, it's Matsushima International New City."


Everyone was amazed.

Indeed, the surroundings look planned, many very tall buildings, and they look well organized.

Jin Zhiguo sighed a few times and said, "But I'm standing here, digging very low." "


I saw that the place where Jin Zhiguo stood was concave.

Seeing this, Kim Jae-ho complained: "Is it really not brother who stepped on it yourself?" "

"Yes, it must be the muscles quietly straining, thighs." Liu Zaishi also smiled.


Chi Shizhen laughed very loudly.

Kim Jae-ho and Yoo Jae-seok's description is very graphic, and Kim Junguo obeyed.

"It's all to blame you, the children in the gym have respected me very much recently, and they feel different from before, not the normal kind of respect."


Everyone seems to have seen the juniors of the gym cautious in front of Jin Zhiguo.

Kim Jae-ho's demonization is like brainwashing, and they all feel that Kim Junguo is not an ordinary person.

However, in a place like the gym, people like Jin Zhiguo are already very respected, after all, this guy has almost reached the extreme.

As long as someone else does what you want to do but can't, it's respectable, of course, the good side.

Unlike Chi Shizhen, Li Guangzhu went to the other extreme.

Chi Shizhen laughed very exaggerated when he laughed together, while Li Guangzhu couldn't laugh well, pursing his lips and looking very strange and very nervous.

But Kim Jae-ho was on the other side, so no one paid attention to him.

Otherwise, Kim Jae-ho said, "What's wrong with you?" "

He may have broken his defenses.

"Are there no guests today?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"Today is the long-lost RM members competing on their own."

Everyone is looking forward to it, there are no guests and their own shots are more and more interesting.

Hearing that there were no guests, Chi Shizhen and Li Guangzhu looked at each other and smiled.

Pabo~ Today's guest is us, I didn't expect it!

This sense of superiority in knowing more information is very enjoyable.

"The first task is to get the item competition, all the members move to the mission location, after arriving, all the team works together to complete the task, after passing the final mission, you can get the items needed for the final mission, on the contrary, you cannot get it if you fail."

When you move to the next location, you have to put your arms around your shoulders, and the first mission site is here. "

PD handed out a note, and Li Guangzhu immediately stepped forward to get it, looking very positive.

Of course, everyone will not doubt this, after all, he is the latest, and Li Guangzhu is usually a very humble person, when he is not doing the effect of the show, he will rush to do this kind of thing.

In fact, the first place is nearby, and everyone has to put their arms around their shoulders together.

"Joojoo, change position and change position~" Kim Jae-ho said flatteringly.

Li Guangzhu was shocked when he heard it at first, and now he is very sensitive to being cue.

He laughed a little, did not agree, and laughed very stiffly.

This is nothing, because no one will exchange with Kim Jae-ho, after all, Kim Jae-ho is Kim Ji-kook, and Lee Kwang-joo is next to Song Ji-hyo.

"My brother! Hahaha~" Kim Junguo smiled and suddenly grabbed Kim Jae-ho's shoulder, like an eagle grabbing a chicken.

"My brother! Hehehe~" Kim Jae-ho had to laugh, but everyone could see his reluctance.

If you are held hostage, blink, and it will not save you anyway.

Haha stood next to Kim Jae-ho and felt afraid: "Fortunately, I didn't stand over there." "

"Ah! Appa Appa (hurts)! Jin Zaihao shrank his hand: "Brother! Don't be angry with me! You can throw haha brother into the water. "

"Yay!" Haha After hearing this, he pinched Kim Jae-ho's itchy flesh with his hand.

"Wow, is this hell?" Kim Jae-ho is stupid, and he can't escape for the man left and right.


Kim Jae-ho, who was bullied, is too funny.

Everyone put their arms around their shoulders and looked kind and walked towards the mission site, but they were actually secretly struggling.

When watching anime, people walk like this when the relationship between the two brothers is good, in fact, it is not comfortable to walk like this at all.

But fortunately, it is not the whole way, and it is not necessary to use it after getting on the bus halfway.

As soon as he got out of the car, Kim Jae-ho immediately ran to Song Jihyo and put his arm around his shoulders, looking very happy.

Hey Yigu ~ or comfortable here ~

Song Zhixiao is also crying and laughing, and he is quite cute like a child.

Soon Kim Jae-ho couldn't laugh, because Kim Junguo also immediately ran over and put his arm around Kim Jae-ho's shoulder.

"My brother!"

Kim Jae-ho could only force a smile and shouted: "My brother! "

In his heart, he secretly cursed countless times, and he had already thought about all the dirty words he could think of.

"Hahaha~ I feel that Zaihao is shaking when he hears this sentence now." Liu Zaishi complained with a smile.

Everyone is about to die of laughter, Kim Junguo is too good, this time caught the dead, Kim Jae-ho seized the opportunity, he also seized the opportunity.

Halfway through, he said, "Light beads!" "

Li Guangzhu responded in the same tone: "Yes, yes, yes, brother!" "


The crosstalk performance of the two made people laugh, and Li Guangzhu was really an ordinary little prince.

The atmosphere is just right, an atmosphere suitable for group tasks.

The drag MI is still online and stands aside.

"Ah, Dongwan, you haven't pretended to know us lately~" Liu Zaishi teased.

"Ouch, there's a row of noodles, it's floating, I don't know us people anymore." Kim Jae-ho yin and yang weirdness.

Dongwan, who was ridiculed, hurriedly came over to give these a task and gagged them with the task.

"The live-action version of the blue flag and white flag, all the staff lie on the ground, move according to the password, and if there are no mistakes ten times in a row, the mission will be successful and five chances."

"That's easy!" Li Guangzhu said.

"It's really humiliating to fail." Chi Shizhen said.

Spy, Lee Kwang-joo! Chi Shi Zhen!

Strange, they are indeed the ones who want to win the most!

No, it's time to stir up the law.

But everyone wanted to win.

"It seems to have something, so it must be successful." Liu Zaishi is very positive.

"Unconditional success!" Li Guangzhu emphasized again.

Others responded.

There is something on the ground to fix the feet, and everyone just put the feet in and put them in and trap them.

"Please lie back."

Everyone was lying on the ground, and Kim Jae-ho suddenly had a bad feeling.

The sun is just right.

"Ah! So dazzling! "

As soon as Song Zhixiao finished speaking, a shadow appeared in front of him, it was Kim Jae-ho's hand.

"Oh, what are you two doing!" Chi Shizhen saw it and shouted.

"Just block the sun~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Can you be serious!" Chi Shi was anxious.


Kim Jae-ho put his hand back where it belonged.

Looking at the lively Liu Zaishi, he suddenly smiled and said, "Compare with Guangzhu's knees." "

I saw that the knees lying next to Li Guangzhu were so much shorter than Li Guangzhu.

was poked to the pain point, haha directly stood up and confronted Liu Zaishi, Liu Zaishi also immediately stood up to fight, and continued the verbal attack: "Ya~ Even Zhixiao's knees are higher than you!" "

Haha covered his head, indicating that he didn't want to face it.

"Warm-up game first, take it slowly." PD said.


PD: "In Ho Up. "

Kim Jae-ho got up.

"In Hao Up."

Kim Jae-ho got up again.

"In Hoka*3"


Kim Jae-ho roared directly.

"I complain! This is an act of personal revenge! "

Okay guys, you put this on hold and let me do sit-ups, huh?

"A few more times, he just can't get up when he remembers." Jin Zhiguo complained.

"Hahaha ~ Indeed."

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