As for the other actors in the office, the requirements are not so high, first from the company who want to be an actor, and then from the person recommended by the casting director.

Of course, no matter what role will be picked from the RM team first, they can't play it before they think about others.

For example, Lee Yingjun's bodyguard, at the beginning he was looking for Kim Junguo to act, Kim Jae-ho felt that it was appropriate, and almost shaved Kim Junguo's hair, and then he didn't let him play it because of various reasons.

The main reason is that Kim Junguo is too handsome, and he is very discordant when standing next to Kim Jae-ho like a bodyguard.

Kim Jae-ho didn't think it was good, he still felt quite appropriate, and he felt very secure, but Kim Junguo felt that it was not okay, it was very contrary, and he couldn't see it himself, so forget it.

After all, he himself feels that if he responds, it is not interesting, and filming is for fun, and there is no need to force it.

Later, this bodyguard was looking for someone else to play, it was the casting director who found it, Kim Jae-ho also felt that it was suitable, and the audition was also very good.

It is to make this kind of seemingly secure and humble look not very smart.

The CP of the two of them is also sweet to explosion, and it is the most unexpected CP.

Even if you want to force it, Kim Jae-ho can go to see if there is a next life.

For Secretary Jin's sudden resignation, everyone felt that their mentality was split and unacceptable.

Of course, the most unacceptable is Li Yingjun, although he wants to ask, but looking at Secretary Jin, he can't ask.

So he postponed the meeting directly and went to the military division.

That's right, Cha Tae-hyun.

The first time the two played against each other, it was only the two of them.

After Che Taixian recalled it, he thought that it was because it had been nine years, he had encountered a burnout period, and he had to find a breakthrough.

Li Yingjun said "simple" and then turned around confidently.

"If you need to find a breakthrough, come to me." Che Taixian said proudly.

"Didn't you get divorced without finding a breakthrough?" Kim Jae-ho left after speaking.

"yes." Cha Taixian nodded subconsciously, and suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Angry to beat the chest.

Pierced the heart, old iron.

The ability of this poisonous tongue is also Kim Jae-ho's classic ability.

It's so interesting, this TV series is too fragrant, Cha Tae-hyun is also ridiculous, and he also has a natural sense of humor, even if he is not laughing.

It's so fierce, this is comedy, every second can make people laugh.

Only a variety artist like Kim Jae-ho can write such a cheap script.

Of course, Kim Jae-ho does not admit this, he changed hundreds of millions of points in the first episode, and the rest is written by others.

As for why it's so similar... Forehead......

ps: This book is the first chapter released on 12/30/17, this drama was released in June '18, as for the comics, it seems that there is no such character after reading it just now, the comics are only overbearing, and the more I write these two chapters, the more wrong it is...

It may be that excellent people all think the same way~

On the other hand, the reason for Secretary Jin's resignation was also found, in fact, it was very simple, that is, she joined because she had to study for her two sisters and pay off her father's debts.

Here to say, there is no such thing as a father's debt to the son on our side, which means that the children are not obliged to bear the responsibility of repayment.

Unless he dies and then you inherit his inheritance, then you need to pay the debt.

Of course, you can choose not to inherit so that you don't have to pay it back.

You can imagine Secretary Jin, Jin smiled, a person, how kind she was, she sacrificed a whole nine years for her family, and now she wants to live her life after paying it back.

After that, the plot is that Li Yingjun does not understand, and then Secretary Kim says that she wants her own life, is thirty years old, and wants to fall in love and get married.

"Do you want to get married that much?" Li Yingjun asked.

"Yes." Kim smiled brightly.

"Then you don't have to resign."


"I, Li Yingjun, marry you."



This sentence directly blew up the girl's nest.

"Big fuss!"

Nine people couldn't sit still, too poking and poking!

Can't stand it!

"No more!"

"Aaaah! I want to see the back! "

"How is it so fast!"

"There will be tomorrow."

"I'm going to perform tomorrow! What to think! Taiyan reminded.

"Aaaah! I want to see it! "

"How is it so fast!"

"An episode takes more than an hour, isn't it fast?"

"An hour? How time flies so quickly, it feels like just a few minutes. "

"A few minutes is too much, hahaha~"

"Wow! It's so pretty! "

"It's so good, the best drama I've seen this year."

"That's what you said when I listened to you."

For girls, such a good-looking drama is the first time to watch, funny and love, and fulfills all wishes at once.

All in all, good-looking!

Last time that drama was good, but not so good.

As long as there is no minefield in the plot, the hit drama is booked.

And the script was written by Kim Jae-ho.

According to the experience of the previous drama, the possibility of overturning can be said to be none.

Everyone is so happy, at least there will be no shortage for a while, everyone is looking forward to tomorrow.

Originally, before the broadcast of this drama, there were still people worried about the quality of this drama, and some people questioned, let everyone not kill, after all, Kim Jae-ho is still a new director, even if he already has a big hit drama.

But how to calculate, this is only his second drama, and Kim Jae-ho has not promoted it, so don't have too high expectations.

But to say that there are no high expectations is definitely fake, everyone will definitely compare this drama with the previous drama.

Now everyone knows that it must have been written by Kim Jae-ho, only Kim Jae-ho can come up with such a plot, no, don't think about it, that camera directly shoots his own life.

On the contrary, it clarifies a lot of things.

Now that the first episode has been broadcast, everyone knows that no matter how high expectations are, Kim Jae-ho can withstand it.

This TV series also rushed to the hot search for the first time.

And the first comment of the hot search is:

[So, no publicity is purely because of laziness?] 】

This sentence has received more than 10,000 likes, and the number of likes is still rising.

[It should have been like this, isn't it good to spend the money on the service road, look at the service road this time, the noodles, every frame is the noodles. ] 】

[I blew it up, I haven't seen such a good drama for a long time! ] 】

[Kim Jae-ho is really talented, last time I questioned that he couldn't write a drama like that, this time I obeyed, I'm sorry. ] 】

[It turns out that the previous drama was still Kim Jae-ho converged and conservative, and this drama was completely let go, with his own strong personal color. ] 】

[High emotional intelligence: have a strong personal color; Low emotional intelligence: True colors starred. 】

[Please, I know you finished shooting at once, can you send it out at once?] I can't wait! 】

[Kim Jae-ho's body proportion is too good, so handsome in formal clothes! ] Then I saw Song Zhixiao ... Kim Jae-ho is a fart! 】

Countless self-media or people with feelings began to write small essays.

It's really a phenomenal drama.

This drama can be said to be as stable as an old dog, of course, some people say that the original script is over, and many plots in the middle also feel very far-fetched.

Kim Jae-ho tried his best to modify, and he didn't know if he could avoid this, of course, he himself was very confident.

Here again, a new character appears in the second episode, that is, Secretary Jin recruits a new secretary, also called Secretary Jin, in order to hand over his work.

This role is also quite important, Kim Jae-ho found Lee Kwang-joo's CP Yang Cheng in "City Hunter" before.

Kim Jae-ho's appearance at one age is also very suitable for this role.

With her, everyone should also know who Gao Guinan is going to use, that's right, Li Guangzhu.

Because Lee Kwang-joo and the original character are too far away in appearance, Kim Jae-ho also modified hundreds of millions of points, of course, the emotional line between the two people is also a lot richer.

And the emotional line between himself and Song Zhixiao has been modified into the main line, basically the relationship is not determined until the last two episodes, and there have always been various pursuits in between.

At that time, Kim Jae-ho was not with Song Zhixiao, so the sense of substitution was very sufficient, enough that his tricks were all what he wanted to use, basically all selfishness, Song Zhixiao would agree, in fact, to a large extent, because of such a process.

Song Zhixiao said that when filming this drama, it was a bit of a fake drama that really did the inner taste, fortunately, I read the script and thought about my acting skills when filming, otherwise I might have agreed on the spot after such a set.

In this TV series, Kim Jae-ho did not say that he added a lot of side lines, he can only say that he enriched everyone's lines a lot and excavated a lot of content.

Each episode is full, and the line of the original is also retained, but it is much simplified.

Since it is a love comedy, it is good to be in love, to do comedy well, not to engage in those bells and whistles, several pairs of CP ensure that each episode is full of sweetness and CP sense.

Anyway, he himself has watched the finished product twice, he has chased his own drama twice, and he giggles every episode, he is a person, as long as he can pass his own level, he doesn't care about other people's opinions.

Because he thinks that he has very high requirements for himself, it is enough to pass this level on his own.

He really didn't watch the original drama, he didn't see what he wanted to watch, just a little, and there were some of them behind, and he didn't have the feeling at the beginning, so he was very unhappy, you can do it, so he went on it himself.

And because it is directly created, not a comic adaptation, the plot has suspense and a sense of surprise.

Of course, none of this matters.

Including filming, it is a little hobby of the individual.

Hi, it's not worth mentioning~

It's just an ordinary little comedian, and today is another day at work.

This time it's awesome, Chinatown.

Everyone stood in a row as before, the only special thing was that everyone had a little green on their bodies.

This time, the production team asked everyone to wear their uniforms in advance, and the only requirement was to bring some green.

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