But the car stopped, and everyone hurried to look outside and forget about the bad things.

You can see that there are guests hiding behind the pillar, Liu Zaishi walked out unprepared, and then saw the girl behind the pillar.

Liu Zaishi took a step back in fright, and the girl also walked out from behind the pillar for everyone to see.

That's right, it's the art treasure mentioned at the beginning.

"What! It's so unbelievable! Everyone shouted.

The car was directly messed up, and Liu Zaishi was at a loss outside.

"RM is crazy!" Li Guangzhu shouted.

They couldn't believe that such a guest appeared at RM.

At a glance, haha even almost stuck to the glass.

"Look, it's Yizhen! So beautiful! Song Zhixiao quickly pulled Kim Jae-ho's hand.

"Look, you're prettier." Kim Jae-ho said, "Why is it so beautiful today, this hairstyle is also good-looking." "


"Yay! I'm still here! Jin Zhiguo shouted, take care of the feelings of a single dog!

"Yo, brother, why are you here?" Kim Jae-ho looked like he had just seen Kim Ji-kook.

Jin Zhiguo was annoyed to death, and even if the two people whispered, he could hear it clearly.

A little envious of Haha and Li Guangzhu.

The two of them were already on the doors, even if they were out of sight now.

They are all like this, let alone Liu Zaishi.

"Why did Yizhen come here? What a thing! Everyone can see Liu Zaishi's smile, so happy now.

"It's a partner guest."

"Me? Team up with Yizhen? Oh, my God! Liu Zaishi now even if he saw the person in front of him, he was a little unbelievable.

Happiness came too suddenly, too violently.

"I really didn't think of it~" Yizhen said with a smile.

"yes! Taken aback! Liu Zaishi said.

"I look more handsome~"

"Thanks, it's over." Liu Zaishi was actually shy.

Praised by Yizhen as handsome.

If you work hard, such good things will happen, and you are not dreaming.

Who would have thought that Chi Shizhen in front was alone, looking miserable, Liu Zaishi was ready, but he never expected that it was a wave of two-level reversal.

He thought he would be the worst, but he didn't expect to be a blessing in disguise, and now he is sure that everyone in the car is envious of himself.

Unlike Liu Zaishi, Yizhen is much calmer, after all, she does not have teammates like herself.

"There's a lot of psychological warfare here."

"Well, don't worry." Liu Zaishi's standing posture is very restrained and formal, with his hands folded, which can usually be seen on stage.

"Yizhen, psychological warfare is not important today." Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

"Playing games together is the most important thing, what kind of psychological warfare, will it be better to use more brains?"

"But we want to win~" Yizhen waved her little hand, with a very innocent feeling.

Liu Zaishi is very generous: "Victory or defeat, Yizhen, don't pay too much attention to it, just be natural." "

It can be said that seeing Liu Zaishi like this for the first time, so calm, so satisfied.

Being able to be teammates with Yizhen, no matter what it is today, every moment is a reward for him.

Game? Race? Outcome?

My teammate is Yizhen.

There is no desire to win or lose anymore, because I have already won.

"When I divided the team just now, the final country was a little... Really, O Ultimate Kingdom, you really helped me a lot. Liu Zaishi said solemnly into the camera that he was sincere.

Without Jin Zhiguo's push, the person standing next to Yizhen now would definitely not be him.

After thanks, there was also Hisser.

"Can you think of this, this is life, there are ups and downs~"

With the gesture, the look of that hisser has the taste of Kim Jae-ho.

The PD on the car directly asked Jin Zhiguo: "Why are you pushing him?" "

Jin Zhiguo is also regretting it.

Everyone has already thought of Liu Zaishi's stunned appearance.

Originally, the teammate was Jin Zhiguo, haha and Li Guangzhu were still very happy, but now the words are gone, they are all floating clouds.

The three of them stood together, Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo stood together.

Outside, inside, double uncomfortable.

However, Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo are getting off the car.

They looked outside, very much looking forward to their companions.

I'm looking forward to it, after all, the last stop was a guest of this level.

The train slowly stopped, and like Yizhen, at first, I couldn't see the front face, only the back.

"The back is completely Brother Jidong ~ the shoes are also Brother Jidong!"

Jin Zhiguo recognized it at once, just looking at this back is very similar to Jidong, he has also been here before, as a guest, is it coming again today?

Kim Jae-ho was also curious and directly greeted him, and the person on the other side also turned his head after hearing the voice behind, it was not Brother Jidong, but a person who Kim Jae-ho did not know but was familiar with.

As soon as they saw them, they all smiled very happily, Song Zhixiao quickly bowed, and when he saw Kim Jae-ho, he quickly grabbed Kim Jae-ho's stupid braincase and pressed it down.

"Do I look like Jidong?" The guest laughed.

"Hahaha~ Kim Jae-ho doesn't know." Haha, the sight is fast.

"I know, why don't I know, it's very familiar!" Kim Jae-ho said.

"It's normal if you don't know haha, it's okay, I just know you." He is very easygoing, generally this kind of senior cares about generation, junior does not know himself is likely to be angry.

But he was not angry, but he was still happy, not surprised at all, and Kim Jae-ho looked up at him at this point.

"Looks like I'm going to have to work harder." He laughed.

"No, no, sorry, I watched fewer movies."

"Oh yes? I've also acted in a lot of TV series. He laughed.

"Eh..." Kim Jae-ho was directly embarrassed.

"Hahaha~ Kim Jae-ho is difficult today, hahaha~" Haha is about to die of laughter, and this one is crushed.

This senior is so interesting, so terrier.

"It's so rude, quickly apologize! Sorry senior, he is Prabhu. Song Zhixiao also quickly helped apologize.

"I'm sorry!" Kim Jae-ho bowed quickly, with this temperament and then everyone immediately bent down to say hello, it is definitely not an ordinary senior, it looks like an old drama bone.

"It's really okay, have fun today."

"Okay! Predecessor! Although the other party was very easygoing, several people in the car put themselves in a very low position.

Especially Li Guangzhu, he reacted to every word he said.

"We are your fans, brother!" Jin Zhiguo waved.

"Now this is not right, you should say hello happily."

Saying that, Park Cheol-min's eldest brother shook hands with Kim Jae-ho very happily.

Kim Jae-ho immediately wiped his hand before hurrying to shake it, such a good person don't get his hands dirty.

"Love you, senior." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Just met?" Minzhe said with a smile.

"It was love at first sight."

"So what about her?"

"It's okay senior, you love each other." Song Zhixiao also quickly smiled and shook hands with him.

"Then don't I become a third party?" Minzhe said with a smile.

"I don't mind." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

Minzhe: "I don't mind!" "


Everyone laughed, what the hell, how did you pick up the terrier so quickly and naturally?!

It's funny, it's a pity, the door is closed, they can't see it.

"Ah~so interesting~" Haha in the car still reminisced.

"Yes, I feel that they should be very happy today, and we want it too."

"Yes, brother!" Haha immediately opened his arms.

"My brother!" Jin Zhiguo also opened his hand.

Seeing them hugging together, Li Guangzhu also hugged silently, obviously it was a movie of three people, but he looked a little redundant.

After all, Liu Zaishi and Kim Jae-ho and their guests are so interesting, so many people on their side are likely to rely on themselves.

However, after they checked it, they found that they were here to promote a new play, called "My Hell Girlfriend"

After watching it, it's quite interesting, it's a thriller romantic comedy.

It is probably about the character played by Yizhen is a character who can see ghosts since childhood, and then some ghosts come to her to help, and she lives quite unhappy.

At this time, I met the male protagonist, and the male protagonist also helped her after understanding the situation, and the movie ended after the two kissed passionately.

Since there is Minzhe and Yizhen, then basically their teammate is this male protagonist.

As soon as they got out of the car, they started shouting his name, and Minji was frightened, how did he know that he hid so well?

In this way, several teams are assembled.

Except for Chi Shizhen, who is still alone, the other three teams have friends.

Among them, Liu Zaishi is the happiest, and Kim Jae-ho is not bad.

"Don't you really know me?" Minzhe asked.

"Recognized, very familiar, just don't know the name." Kim Jae-ho said.

"I know you, didn't you have that drama recently, it's very interesting, I've watched it all, and I also watched the last drama, it's very interesting, you acted very well, and that public service film, that look I was afraid of when I saw it."

It is worthy of being a senior, and he paid attention to the best clip of Kim Jae-ho's acting skills.

It is very difficult to show acting skills by playing a good guy, but it is easy to feel acting skills when playing a bad guy, and he is very good at capturing.

"Hey, no, no, how can you compare with your predecessors, that is, generally good." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Have you studied it specifically?" He asked.

"No, I figured it out myself."

"Wow, that's a complete genius!"

"Hey, what did the senior say~ it's not so good~ little genius~little genius~" Kim Jae-ho waved his hand.

"Hahaha~ It's not an exaggeration at all, you're very interesting~"

"Senior is more interesting~"

"Yay! I'm still there, senior! Song Zhixiao complained dissatisfiedly.

"I'm sorry, ah, I almost forgot Zhixiao, it's so beautiful, the real person is better looking."

"Thank you, senior."

"yes, I think so too." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile, "Then the senior thinks that Zhixiao is beautiful or Yizhen is beautiful?" "

"Yay! You kid don't come up with this kind of question, how to answer this! Do you think it's hard for me to be human? I'll meet again in the future! "

"Got it!" Kim Jae-ho nodded.

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