Looking at Kim Jae-ho and his white look, Kim Junguo was not embarrassed, this was just his gentle style of showing excitement.

"Is it really Mr. Qing?" Kim Junguo asked.

At this time, PD said: "MR Qing can only see one person at a time, you come first, Jin Zhiguo wait first." "

"It's true, brother! I'm not fierce! It has been said that it must be good to ally with me. Kim Jae-ho said.

"Of course, you hurry up, while they haven't found out yet." Kim said.

"That brother, you find a place to hide, eat first." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Good." Jin Zhiguo looked around, and suddenly felt a little pressured, he had to hide himself, and if he ate here, he would be easily discovered.

What can I do about this...

Kim Jae-ho didn't care about this, walked in directly, and met first.

The old man is a real old man, the hair is real, not fake, holding a fan and pointing: "Hard work for you, I heard that you have medals, take a look." "

He spoke Cantonese, and his voice was a little shaky, and it seemed that it was the first time he had done this job.

Kim Jae-ho immediately respectfully took the medal out of his pants and handed it out with both hands.

Shocked Uncle for a whole year.

But the uncle still took it, and the uncle has never seen any big winds and waves.

He took the medal and looked left and right, then put it on the table expressionlessly, took out the folding fan in his hand and fanned it.

"Your gold medal is mediocre, so it's fake." Uncle said.

"It's really fake, Abel, do you look at the real drop again?" Kim Jae-ho said immediately.

When the uncle heard this young man question himself, his face became very bad, and he said directly: "I have seen everything clearly, and there is nothing special." "

"Do you have a card-free ga? Are you a liar? Kim Jae-ho looked suspicious. (Do you have a business license?) Are you a lie? )

"If you do not believe, you will pass the Lord." The uncle directly stretched out his hand and pointed to the side with a folding fan, looking like a thank you.

(If you don't believe it, get out.) )

"Wow! Arbor, you are so arrogant! Kim Jae-ho leaned back.

"Do you have an opinion?"

"Hello, take care of your body, I'm leaving." Kim Jae-hobi gave him a thumbs up, gave him a blessing and left.

"Go slowly." The uncle calmly fanned himself with a fan, meaning that it was good to go or not.

Of course, although the tone is-for-tat, but

PD looked stunned, "Are you talking Chinese?" "

"Almost." Kim Jae-ho said.

"What did he say?" PD asked.

"He said my brand was fake." Kim Jae-ho said directly.

"And what?" PD asked.

"And you ask the translator." Kim Jae-ho said angrily.

PD looks to the translator.

"His Chinese seems to be better than mine..." said the translator embarrassedly.

He was now the most surprised.

As a translator, I'm sorry.

Cantonese was learned by him later, so he is not a local, not very fluent, academic, but there is no problem with daily life.

But just now, he couldn't keep up with the conversation between the two of them.

What a special thing!


You seem to be teasing me?

Kim Jae-ho subconsciously used Cantonese dialogue, don't pretend, I will Chinese me a showdown! Let's talk about it when we're cool.

He didn't know how much shock and discussion this caused to the audience, or how much work was added to the production team, after all, it is necessary to play this advantage and show this shock.

However, Kim Jae-ho has already done so many magical things, and it doesn't seem to be very surprising that Chinese will be.

And he has always been very enthusiastic about saying this, and he will say a few words from time to time, and the conversation just now is only three or four sentences, which is not particularly difficult.

And people who like Hong Kong movies can see the shadow in it and find the source.

Maybe Kim Jae-ho really likes Hong Kong Film, and he has learned a few words since he was a child.

But anyway, after this episode was broadcast, Kim Jae-ho has been included in Chinese better artists.

It is a very powerful thing to Chinese, after all, primary schools also teach some common Chinese characters, and everyone knows how difficult it is.

It's like everyone knows how difficult it is to write a text, so everyone thinks it's very powerful.

Although many people can't speak Chinese, they write very slippery in Chinese, because it is phonetic, so to accurately express the meaning must be Chinese characters.

Everyone has Chinese characters on their ID cards, because the light phonetic is not sure which character you are, so they will have Chinese character names.

But young people, there are still few who can read Chinese characters, and even fewer who can pronounce Chinese.

Of course, in comparison, there must be more Koreans than our side.

After all, from childhood to university, it is Korean, and learning Chinese is an extra bonus, just like us, learning other Chinese words is an extra bonus, it is the same.

After all, the language of your own country is so convenient, you don't need to learn it, you can already listen, speak, read and write, why bother to learn the language of other countries.

So Kim Jae-ho will Chinese, it is an extra bonus, most of them will not, just know that he is very powerful, but I don't know how powerful he is, and some even think that Kim Jae-ho will just say a few words, funny, pretending to use, don't care.

Of course, some people analyzed Kim Jae-ho's Chinese strength like writing a thesis, and the number of words analyzed from these few sentences was hundreds of times and thousands of times more than the Chinese Kim Jae-ho said.

After all, Kim Jae-ho's fan base is large, and there is always something to be idle.

It's like some fans, from the completely unrelated pictures, stunned to find the same style of two people, and then began to write small essays.

Extra points are really extra points, these words have become the best point of this issue, many Chinese will go to see this paragraph, let alone Cantonese.

Countless times to look at it, just proud, just proud, just like.

People who can Chinese all of a sudden have a good impression of Kim Jae-ho, after all, there are not many stars who work so hard and hard.

This is probably the reason why celebrities will have language classes, work needs, more languages, more job opportunities.

Just like Yoona, she will Chinese, and even grab the job of translation, I am full of affection for her, definitely not because she is good-looking, of course, there is also a little reason for this.

In short, Kim Jae-ho came out after a few simple chats with Mr. Qing, and Kim Junguo asked, "How is it?" What did he say? "

"He said my brand was fake." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Really?" Jin Zhiguo's eyes rolled around, as if he was thinking about authenticity.

"Really, you hurry up, hurry." Kim Jae-ho said.

'Good. ’

Kim Jae-ho originally wanted to eat first, but because of the reason in the store, he was afraid of being seen by others, so he took a bowl and nested in the corner to eat and hid it.

Even if you want to hide, you can't let go of the delicious food.

Soon, Jin Zhiguo came out.

"How?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Mine is also fake!" Jin Zhiguo said regretfully.

"Then there is no way, now this is known by the two of us, this is a great advantage, we can use this in exchange for intelligence, can also be used as a condition, you can trick them over and then tear it off, the advantage is too great!" Kim Jae-ho said.

Since your brand is not real, go find the real thing.

Now in alliance with Jin Zhiguo, he is invincible, he can be killed, and at the end of the year, he will fight back again, and take advantage of Jin Zhiguo's carelessness because he trusts himself, tear Jin Zhiguo, and his expression must be very funny at that time.

The program effect is full!

Just when Kim Jae-ho was talking about the benefits of the two of them as first-time discoverers like several family treasures, he suddenly tore a sound of tearing the name tag.

Kim Jae-ho's voice was directly interrupted, and he looked behind him in shock.

Jin Zhiguo held his name tag and showed a terrible smile, and Jin Zaihao's cold hair stood up all over his body.

"I'm sorry, in Hao~"

"Brother, isn't it an alliance? Elder brother? "

Two people who had already prepared came over and walked directly over and took Kim Jae-ho away.

Kim Junguo didn't explain, just kept smiling and watched Kim Jae-ho being taken away.

In an instant, a strong sense of betrayal hit.

"Yay! I just got to work! I've only slept for four hours! I also hurt my self-esteem, singing, dancing, everything! Also took the cable car! Fell out of mid-air! Yikes! Kim Jiuguo... Elder brother! "

While Kim Jae-ho was taken away, he turned around and cursed angrily, and exploded in anger.

But in the end, because I felt that it was a little impolite to call Jin Zhiguo by name, I added my brother.

It's definitely not instigation, it's not afraid of being beaten, it's just simple to be polite to others, that's right.

"Hahaha~ I'm sorry, Jae-ho!" Kim Junguk was about to die of laughter, and Kim Jae-ho said it too miserably.

"But..." he suddenly looked at the camera and said, "now I'm the only one who knows that Mr. Qing is here." "

His smile made the nearby staff feel terrified, and it was for this reason.

Since Kim Jae-ho said so well, then, why don't I enjoy this advantage exclusively?

Now, he is the only person who knows the secret.

Moreover, Kim Jae-ho, this guy, feels not very reliable, maybe when it will be eaten back, or it is better to be eliminated directly.

Of course, aside from this layer, the surrounding staff are happy to see Kim Jae-ho just after work, especially when they see the shocked and speechless look that Kim Jae-ho was torn off while talking, everyone was about to die of laughter.

Jin Zhiguo is really good at making effects.

The effect of the show exploded, and no one expected the reversal.

Jin Zhiguo, who had been honestly as a betrayed person before, now actually started the anti-general army.


Everything is under the control of Jin Zhiguo, and he is very showy.

However, what caught him off guard was that Kim Jae-ho's incompetent fury attracted two people nearby to come over...

At the same time, Jin Zhiguo saw the name tag in his hand, and there seemed to be something special...

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