Many people who had not listened to Chinese song before immediately asked what song it was as soon as they heard this song.

Kim Jae-ho is only part of it, mainly this song, a classic.

Because this show is a classic song, when it comes to Chinese songs, the first thing to sing must be Jay's song.

In fact, he didn't think so much, but suddenly heard the prelude to the song "Excuse", and a lot of memories came back at once.

Especially those two sentences, "Flipping through our photos, missing looms." "

Suddenly, I was moved, and my mood was affected all of a sudden.

It is obviously someone else's story, but it moved itself.

Since you want to sing it must sing a representative one, it is either "Sunny Day" or "Qilixiang", Kim Jae-ho believes.

It just so happens that the excuse is also in the album "Qilixiang", so Kim Jae-ho chose "Qilixiang".

Jay's song is very strange, ten years ago, ten years later, still listening, now he is reborn, all still listening.

You think you are tired of hearing a song, listen to it in a few years, and feel very good, listen to it a few times and get tired, and after a while you hear it, you will feel very good, find it to listen, get tired, infinite loop.

After this song went out, it circled a lot of fans on Huaxia's side, before a small group of people knew this song because Kim Jae-ho, and now a large number of people know Kim Jae-ho because of this song.

Kim Jae-ho has set a bottom line for himself, and he will only learn from other countries, and his own country will never touch it.

But now to cover and remember your youth, there should be no big problem.

Soon, it was another Monday, and the response after the two previous broadcasts was very enthusiastic, and everyone was very happy.

A very remote hotel.

A patchwork wooden table and chairs were filled with milk and bread, and the door on the side slowly opened, and a man with a chin like a carving walked in.

This man, of course, is our national son.

Today's outfit looks like a lot of thought, the pants are yellow and the legs are lifted, the green socks are exposed in great detail, and the layering of the three clothes is very flavorful.

But the person who came in below obviously had more thought than him.

Liu Zaishi, he just showed his head, which caused a burst of laughter, which was a very presumptuous laugh.

It's exaggerated, and he looks like a person who went to a ski resort, and he is a person who went to a ski resort a long time ago.

It looks very fluffy on top, but the lower body is very tight, and a belt is tightly tied to the jeans, which is very prominent to the figure.

The next man to appear was a very swinging man, and he didn't know what kind of drunk walked in.

His retro is very simple, but it also reveals the taste of the era.

That's right, this issue is a retro look, and everyone has this requirement.

The next to appear is Kim Jae-ho, who came not early or late today, just in the middle.

"Yay! What's going on! That's gorgeous, isn't it!! Haha shouted.

Kim Jae-ho smiled wistfully, and appeared at the door with a very confident and aggressive look.

A black suit is very outstanding, the neckline is very bright white, and the sleeves are also spread out and deliberately not tied, which looks very much like Leonardo's shape.

Brushing the long hair combed behind the back, fair skin, and glasses that are only decorative at first glance, the whole person reveals a feeling of a noble prince with crushed appearance.

It looks like the aristocratic gentleman of the past.

Kim Jae-ho has been growing his hair recently, just to the ears and so long, because of the relationship between the characters.

So the most he does now is to ruffle his hair, but he doesn't dye his hair.

Now he can really be described as beautiful, just like the peerless beautiful man who came out of the painting, and no one expected to see this picture in RM.

Kim Jae-ho laughed very much, put one hand in his pocket, walked in, and walked in in a way that made people want to hit him because it was too stunned.

"You go over there! Over there! Haha shouted, if he sat next to him, he couldn't stand this comparison of appearances, just like he didn't like to stand next to Li Guangzhu.

"What are we if you are like that?"

Kim Jae-ho smiled, did not speak, and swung to the other side.

It was not wrong that Jin Zhiguo asked: "Ah, what is this atmosphere like?" "

Kim Jae-ho didn't look carefully, but as soon as he looked closely, all the indifference disappeared immediately, and he was very surprised to "oh", and even took off his glasses to look at it.

Everyone smiled with great satisfaction when they saw him like this, this taste is right, what was it just now~

It's still a familiar feeling of comics.

It's no wonder Kim Jae-ho for this, because the setting on the table gives people the feeling of a blind date, which means that there will be female guests today.

Sitting down excitedly, Kim Jae-ho struggled to recall the content of this issue, and the content of the memory so far can be said to be zero.

I can only say that I have a slight impression here.

Of course, in VJ's eyes, Kim Jae-ho is also so handsome sitting here thinking, and there is a lot of content worth shooting.

Of course, soon everyone's eyes shifted, because Zhixiao came.

The top is Kim Jae-ho's favorite pink, even the lipstick.

"It's really nothing~" Haha shouted insincerely.

Today's protagonist is definitely not Song Zhixiao, even if Song Zhixiao is good-looking.

After all, men like the new and hate the old.

"Zhixiao, your lips are painted pink, do you like Jaehiro so much?" Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

Song Zhixiao gave him a blank look: "Ah, it's because of this that I never paint this color, I know you will say this, but Oba, what are you ahahahah~"

Liu Zaishi shouted: "Yay! Haven't been to a ski resort? "

"What a ski resort, this is not a ski resort!"

As soon as Song Jihyo sat down, he was opposite Kim Jae-ho, "Ah, what are you, why are you so handsome?" You are not wearing makeup. "

It is the kind of creation that even if you have known Kim Jae-ho for a long time, you will still be amazed when you suddenly see it.

"Transformed, not completely, I will be embarrassed if you suddenly praise me like this~" Kim Jae-ho covered his face with a smile, looking like a shy young man.

"How's that, pink." Song Zhixiao raised his eyebrows.

"Totally good-looking, so handsome! You said earlier, I also wear a pink one. Kim Jae-ho said with a smile, death Barbie fans can even control, Song Zhihyo is really fierce, dressed heroically, worthy of being a RM flower.

He already knew that he was also wearing pink, so that both of them were pink, and he seemed to have seen Song Zhixiao wearing pink for the first time.

"Yes! Couple outfits! Haha laughed.

"It's so worthy of you two!" Jin Zhiguo also laughed.

Everyone does not skimp on their praise at all.

"You two are the best for us!" Liu Zaishi was honest and said it directly.

If you usually make crazy ridicule, but today, there is only praise, only promotion.

I can't wait for the two of them to get married in place, so that it won't affect their blind date.

After all, there were only ten bottles of milk on the table, and there were already seven of them, which means that there were only three guests, and Kim Jae-ho was a strong competitor.

This situation did not last long, everyone was distracted by something new, and Li Guangzhu came in.

As soon as Li Guangzhu came in, everyone knew what retro was.

Liu Zaishi said: "In RM you are the fastest child who is old. "

Li Guangzhu was still playing handsome, and when he heard this sentence, he directly broke his defense.

He put a lot of thought into today's outfit!

"Why have you been so old lately?" Liu Zaishi asked.

Li Guangzhu: If you ask this question, I don't know how to answer!

Just when everyone was still complaining about Li Guangzhu, Song Zhixiao unconsciously glanced back and laughed directly.

I originally thought that Li Guangzhu was already exaggerated, but I didn't expect that there was a mountain and a mountain of light.

Chi Shizhen's appearance directly stole Li Guangzhu's limelight.

Chi Shizhen, who is a retro in itself, changed into the clothes of their era, and looks quite handsome.

"It's all good, but why are your pants so tight?" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"The trend, this is the trend, at that time." Chi Shizhen said with a smile.

"How many years ago?" Li Guangzhu complained that Chi Shizhen's trend at that time was retro, and Chi Shizhen did not understand it wrong.

Liu Zaishi agreed with this very much, and he also wore leggings.

As for Jin Zhiguo, his thighs are all leggings.

Seeing that everyone had arrived and enough noise, he said, "Today is a retro blind date competition." "


Li Guangzhu was the most intense, and soon, he snapped and stood up.

Everyone also stood up, already happy enough to stand up and clap their hands.

"Today's guest is the most anticipated star of 2012."

Another sentence worthy of standing and clapping.

That is, they are all young girls.

If you are very old, what to expect this year, young people must be more worth looking forward to!

Everyone's requirements are already very low, and the program group does not engage in things.

After all, I tried flower tea before, and that issue was a nightmare.

"It's going crazy!"

As long as it is not old, it proves that the production team is not working, and if the production team is not working, the young sister must be hot to be on this show, and as for the sister of fire, of course, everyone likes it.

"Sit down." PD said.

After everyone sorted out their clothes, they cleaned up their mood a little to make themselves look less thirsty, sat down well, and they were still the reserved themselves.

"Oppa, what is disturbing now is that there are only four milks here, and two here will be eliminated."

After Song Zhixiao finished speaking, he immediately stood up and said, "Must touch!" "

All of a sudden, Chi Shizhen and Li Guangzhu couldn't sit still, what do you mean?

Song Zhixiao obviously meant the same thing, so she did it again.

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