The trio of Liu Liha immediately began to overeat, turning their grief and anger into food, and they had never touched each other before.

Gao Yala and Jin Zhiguo also shook hands happily, and everyone was a little restrained.

"Hey Ichiko, it seems that they like each other very much~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"That's it~" Xiaomin also coaxed.

As soon as they said this, the two of them became more restrained, but the smile on their faces became more obvious.

Kim Jae-ho also did not expect the brothers to converge in this way.

Very kind.

Just like Liu Zaishi said, now they are heaven on one side and hell on the other.

There is only one spokesperson for hell, and that is Ji Shizhen, who looks at everyone with a smile, expecting the next victim.

Haha was very lucky, and chose the tonic medicine, and the owner of the tonic was Song Zhixiao.

It can be said that everyone is very happy to see this result.

"Hurry, hurry up, you're on this side too." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"What's the point!" Haha only felt obscure.

"Ah, go back if you are not feeling well, don't hold on!" Haha said holding up the tonic medicine.

"Cheer up after you drink it!" Although Song Zhixiao is not in good physical condition, he looks more energetic than Haha.

The momentum is directly pressed at one end.

The remaining Liu Zaishi and Li Guangzhu are either heaven or hell.

This time it was more crisp, and two people came together.

In the end, of course, there is a lover who finally becomes a family, and Li Guangzhu team up with his closest brother as he wishes, continuing the legend of the easy brothers.

It's just that he doesn't seem very happy.

Anyway, Song Zhixiao is very happy, because her language has been fulfilled and is very accurate.

Just as Li Guangzhu walked towards Ji Shizhen like a zombie, Kim Jae-ho smiled and said: "Guangzhu ah~Thank you~"

Li Guangzhu looked back and felt even more uncomfortable.

Jin Zhiguo smiled and said, "Yay! If you hadn't chosen your phone, you would be standing by Xiaomin's side right now. "

Li Guangzhu's mood was as uncomfortable as eating a fly.

Killing, but also cursing?

Even this is not the last knife, Liu Zaishi said: "Ah, I originally wanted to choose that, Brother Shi Zhen thank you~"

If Shi Zhenge hadn't been sure that Liu Zaishi touched his glasses, Liu Zaishi would not have had such a chance now.

All of a sudden, Chi Shizhen was also uncomfortable.

What's more uncomfortable is that this is still not the last knife, PD added: "The current combination will not change until the end." "

This sentence suddenly erased the last little thought of easy.

In this regard, no one is better than the light bead.

This is fate~

Fortunately, the two of them look very well together, and everyone is very happy except for them.

After the blind date ends, PD asks everyone to hold each other, and Xiaomin gently puts his hand on Kim Jae-ho's hand.

Because of the height problem, it looks quite suitable.

Xiaomin and Kim Jae-ho are both eating a piece of cake, Xiaomin is the piece just now has not finished eating, Kim Jae-ho is taking a new piece.

The stomach is not hungry, just want to chew something, he is a special physique, so don't learn, if you are also like this, try to replace it with fruit, the quality is not too good, eat that kind of more sour.

Because with those instead, you don't want to eat it after taking a bite.

Life experience, because after trying it, I know that I can't quit, so I use this method to force myself not to eat too much.

There is also the fact that the food is farther away, it is more difficult to get, or even directly away, otherwise when you want to eat, whether it is good or not, you will eat.

If you really want to eat, then increase the amount of exercise, if you are lazy, control your mouth, and try to make your meal a little more exquisite and satisfied.

Don't let yourself be too fat, too fat is uncomfortable, physical health is the happiest thing.

Pull away.

Now that the teams have been allocated, it's time to start playing.

That's right, so long with so much content, so many laughs, it's just a team, too exaggerating the density of this laugh.

That's why people love RM, it really brings a lot of joy.

"Today is a blind date competition, you can go to each venue to complete the couple game, and the top three will get a piece of information in the form of a phone call that is beneficial to the final mission."

"So what to do? Do you have to take the top three? Xiaomin looked at Kim Jae-ho.

Kim Jae-ho was very calm: "It's okay, it's just a hint, you can ask others if you can't get it." "


"Of course, whether others will tell you or not is another matter, so try to be in the top three."


"Having said that Oppa will take you to win, rest assured, you will definitely win today." Kim Jae-ho said.

"He said that to all his female teammates." Jin Zhiguo said with a smile.

"What, brother, don't tear down the platform!"


A few people walked outside, and Kim Jae-ho asked, "Is Xiaomin single?" Do you like men or women? "

"This question is so strange, single, like men!"

Song Zhixiao in the back also asked haha: "Is it single?" "

Haha immediately said: "No! I like men! You don't want to be delusional, it's just work! "

He would rather say that he likes men than with Song Zhixiao.

Song Zhixiao shot back: "Yay! You are, what guy would like you! "

"My brother likes me very much!" Haha said falsely.

"Don't talk nonsense, you will misunderstand!" Jin Zhiguo immediately said to Gao Yala, who pretended to be surprised, "Brother, it's the kind of brother's like." "

Gao Yala smiled and nodded.

It's so funny these people.

Li Guangzhu looked at them with an unloveable look next to him, with bad luck written on his face.

Chi Shizhen held him and kept smiling, looking in a good mood.

When they arrived at the mission point, the two of them stood on the side, out of place with everyone.

There seemed to be an invisible line of decomposition between them and them, separating them like a wall of air.

PD said: "After crossing the stone bridge over this side and finding the RM sign, there will be instructions there, it is better to hurry up." "

As soon as PD finished speaking, Kim Jae-ho rushed out and shouted in his mouth: "Run! "

This time it was too fast, Xiaomin was still listening to PD's words intently, and before he could react, the soul had been taken by Kim Jae-ho for a few meters, and after the reaction, he also ran quickly.

It was so sudden, suddenly to her screams as if following her.

Although Kim Jae-ho started the fastest, soon Song Jihyo and Haha ran to them, Kim Jae-ho held Song Ji-hyo's hand with the other hand, and Song Ji-hyo was about to die of laughter after reacting, and almost didn't run.

All of a sudden, it was like four people running hand in hand, which was very joyful.

RM is like this, suddenly started, from quiet immediately turned into movement, many guests could not react.

But after the reaction, the amount of adrenaline immediately soared, and it was stimulated all at once.

At first, Kim Jae-ho ran with Xiaomin, and later it was Xiaomin who ran with Kim Jae-ho.

"Oppa! Hurry up! "

"No, slow down! Oppa is flying! "

"What a fly! Oppa you are so slow! "

The people behind Kim Jae-ho laughed when they heard this, and they stumbled.

Damn it, it turned out to be an inevitable strategy to disturb the hearts of the army! Sure enough, insidious!

When they ran to the fork in the road, Li Guangzhu, who ran the fastest in front, was confused and did not know which way to run.

Kim Jae-ho didn't even think about it, and pulled Xiaomin to the side.

Just now, he had already seen the figure of the flag in the distance, and although Xiaomin didn't know if it was right, he also ran along.

After Li Guangzhu and they looked back, they also found that this side was right, and quickly started.

The male CP's advantage now came out, and he suddenly ran in front of Kim Jae-ho.

In the end, this section of the road was too long, and Kim Jae-ho saw that he couldn't catch up with Lee Kwang-joo, so he was crazy about the card position, and the position of Liu Zaishi behind the card.

"Yay! Get out of the way! Liu Zaishi shouted.

"Sensitivity! Fart! Fart! Stinks them! Kim Jae-ho shouted.

Xiaomin laughed so much that he almost couldn't run.

Why would such a good-looking person say such a thing?

And do you have any misunderstanding about me?

Because of Kim Jae-ho's behavior of disturbing the army's heart, Yoo Jae-seok also surpassed Kim Jae-ho as he wished, but just as he passed by Kim Jae-ho's side, Kim Jae-ho suddenly pulled his belt.

"Yay!" Liu Zaishi felt the pressure coming from his waist, and he was angry, can't he be good?

Again it began, dirty showdown.

However, Kim Jae-ho just pulled and let go, after all, such a posture is not good to run, damaging others and not benefiting himself.

I didn't expect that this short road would become so difficult because of Kim Jae-ho, and Liu Zaishi was very happy when he ran to the end.

It's finally over!

Liu Zaishi Khan came out.

Grabbed his hat and looked back at Kim Jae-ho, wanting to scold, but there were still children around.

"Yay! Why do you still wear a grabbing belt?! "

Only Kim Jae-ho gasped violently in response.

Li Guangzhu in front has already begun to look for tasks.

"Barefoot youth, couples please go barefoot to find a note of the question, and both of them will pass if they say the correct answer!"

"Take off your shoes on such a cold day? That's not..." Kim Jae-ho almost came out with a sentence of pau, only to see PD lift his feet, barefoot.

"When I didn't say..."

The masters of this production team have personally ended, what else do you have to say?

This Nima is a colleague involvement, not a boss "leading by example".

The boss is fighting for himself, no matter how hard he works, but the production team is also a worker, they just have different functions from artists.

So ruthless.

Li Guangzhu and Ji Shizhen are both conscious variety artists, not to mention taking off their shoes, and taking off their clothes is not impossible.

Although they have worn very little, especially Li Guangzhu, they basically did not wear any thick clothes for the sake of styling.

When it came to Liu Zaishi: "It's really going crazy, do you have to take off your socks?" "

"Yes, in the consideration of taking care of the couple, it is allowed to back."

"Great, Xiaomin, you can carry me!"


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