Although he found it himself, this is a team item, so Kim Jae-ho still has to ask Xiaomin's opinion first.

But what he didn't expect was that Xiaomin didn't mind at all, but urged him to go, really a sensible child.

Kim Jae-ho also observed Song Jihyo's travel route, put it down casually and left.

"Huh? Oppa, don't you give Oni directly? Xiaomin asked.

"She is naturally strong, and directly gives her what she doesn't want." Kim Jae-ho explained.

"Wow! Oppa is so gentle! Too envious, I will also look for Oppa like this in the future. "

"Think about it, if you are so demanding, I am afraid that I will have to live alone in the second half of my life." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.


"I think I am so good, there must be, but such a handsome should not be found."

"Cut ~ good narcissism ~ "

After seeing that Song Jihyo happily discovered what Kim Jae-ho left behind, Kim Jae-ho also pulled Xiaomin to leave.

If it was usual, Kim Jae-ho would definitely not be like this, but now she is not very comfortable, her resistance is relatively poor, she is originally working hard, and she is still barefoot in such a cold place.

Barefoot and too cold are very harmful to girls, not afraid of 10,000 just in case, Kim Jae-ho still helped.

In fact, it didn't help much, it just saved a little time for them to find, and whether they could answer correctly was still a question.

The two quickly found it again, this time Xiaomin saw it first, but there was only one, so they continued to search.

"Oppa! There! Xiao Min looked at a pavilion in the distance.

Kim Jae-ho looked at the road to the pavilion, which was snowy and creek.

"Xiaomin, so obvious, we don't leave it to others, even if it is competition, we have to think about others."

"Oppa, you're just afraid of the cold, right?"

Xiaomin looked at Kim Jae-ho with a look of "make up, you continue to make up".

Kim Jae-ho directly gave her a small brain melon, and then said: "Nonsense! Is your brother and I such a person? I call this helpful, compassionate, empathetic, understood? "

Xiao Min touched the place where he was knocked, and looked aggrieved.

"Woo-hoo, got it, let's go find something else."

"Yes, well, Oppa found you many, many things"

"I really have to look for many, many things, and now I miss two." The sound is cute but loud.

"Nirvana ~ Oppa will work hard."

In fact, Xiaomin didn't want to go to places with snow, it was too cold, and she didn't feel necessary, but she originally thought that funny artists would generally fight very hard, so it should be Kim Jae-ho pulling herself.

But I never expected that it was Kim Jae-ho who pulled him not to go.

"Do you want to try this first?" Xiao Min holds the task in his hand.

"Forget it, let's find one or two more."


They tried a few more times, and this time neither of them answered correctly, but it didn't matter, they still had.

This time it is even more outrageous, Kim Jae-ho answered correctly, but Xiaomin, a local, did not answer correctly!

"It's also possible, I also read books to know this." Kim Jae-ho is easy to understand.

"I'm sorry, I'm so stupid."

"It's really okay, to be honest, you saved me like this, it seems that I'm not so stupid~" Kim Jae-ho comforted.

"What?" Xiaomin didn't feel comforted at all.

Xiao Min opened the window and talked to others in his own home like an indigenous person.

The people who left were Liu Zaishi and them, they were the second to leave, and the first was Song Zhixiao them.

"Oppa, they're all gone!" Xiaomin turned around and said anxiously.

"There is no way to do this, I'm sorry Xiaomin, this kind of history question is really too weak." Kim Jae-ho simply does not have the history of the country in his mind, and he is not interested in such history.

He might still be interested in the history of different cultures, but this country is really boring to watch.

So it is very difficult to answer these histories before his birth.

Looking at Kim Jae-ho's way of comforting himself, Xiaomin really felt very warm, felt that Kim Jae-ho was very good at taking care of people, and also felt very guilty.

It's really bad for such a good person to still be like this.

However, she always remembered one sentence, that is:

"I watched the show, Kim Jae-ho is not very fast, don't let him get tips, otherwise it's very dangerous."

"I'm sorry Oppa~" Xiaomin said.

"It's okay to say it, you see, isn't this found, this time must pass!"

"Hmm! This time must pass! Xiaomin said with a smile.

The other teams are gone, it's time to pass, let's answer it yourself~

And then she answered incorrectly...

"Aaaah! Oppa: I really want to get it right! I really don't know about this! Xiao Min said anxiously.

"It's okay, I guessed wrong." Kim Jae-ho said.

It's a pity that there are fewer and fewer now, otherwise he is ready to find two first.

However, he misunderstood the meaning of Xiaomin, and the previous answer was wrong and there was a deliberate component, but this time, it really won't.

Kim Jae-ho is very uncomfortable, now he must be like a pabhu, he can only make each answer a little interesting, trying to get through the cute.

It was much better to answer the question last time, at least the common sense of the world, not the common sense of the country, so I could guess a few last time, and it is difficult to guess one this time.

It's just that what they don't know is that the two they missed are universal common sense...

One is drag dancing, and the other is the number of races.

Many people think that there are only three races, but in fact, there are four, in addition to yellow, white, black and brown, Song Zhixiao They can answer this question is very amazing.

After finally answering the question, the two put on socks and shoes for a long time.

"Ah~ is this what it feels like to have socks?" Kim Jae-ho closed his eyes.

Xiaomin also enjoyed it: "So warm~"

"Let's go, if you don't leave, they'll finish recording." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Wouldn't you?" Xiaomin was really panicked.

Kim Jae-ho said it was just a joke and set off.

In the car, he was just talking about tara's things, some questions that Kim Jae-ho was more curious about.

Soon they arrived at their next destination, which was not far away.

It was a high observation deck where Kim Jae-ho guided them at the door as soon as he arrived at PD.

"Why is it so tall?" Kim Jae-ho immediately had a sense of foreboding.

"Yes, Oppa, you're afraid of heights, aren't you?" Xiaomin suddenly remembered.

"Why do you seem to be happy?"

"Hahaha~No~Let's go~"

"Laughing so loudly, haven't you?"

Xiaomin quickly smiled and pulled Kim Jae-ho to take the elevator.

As soon as the two people came out, they saw PD take a thermometer, and as a person who came over during the epidemic, Kim Jae-ho stretched out his hand very naturally.

But PD is not to measure the part of his hand, but to measure the forehead.

The two people finished taking their body temperature in confusion, and when Xiao Min heard that he was thirty-six degrees, he immediately asked in horror: "Do I have a fever?" "

Kim Jae-ho directly gave her a brain melon: "Pabu! This is normal body temperature! "

"Really?" Xiao Min still looked very scared.

Kim Jae-ho can only pull Xiaomin in first, otherwise she is afraid to ask for it

It was very lively inside, it was like a party.

As soon as he entered, Liu Zaishi, who was sitting on the ground, said, "Look at the ground." "

Kim Jae-ho and Xiaomin subconsciously looked at the ground, and two screams came out at once.

Kim Jae-ho bounced directly to the side of the ground and covered his heart against the wall in horror, compared to Xiaomin's performance.

Everyone was very satisfied to see the appearance of the two of them.

"What?" Kim Jae-ho didn't dare to look below.

He didn't expect that there was a piece of glass on the floor here that was transparent, and they were now inside a very tall building, so what he saw was a very terrifying sight.

The most insidious thing is that the front of this floor is opaque, just such a piece is transparent, so there is no psychological preparation at all.

This time the mission is "Monday Night Heat".

They who were still cold just now, now they have to dance excitedly, and then the body temperature of the two people adds up to rise by one degree.

"Quick! Test me now, it must be high! Kim Jae-ho said.

"No, you have to finish the dance." PD said.

Xiaomin also said: "No! I asked, if it rises by one degree, I have to go to the hospital! "

"O Prabhu! It's two people who add up to one degree! Hey! Come quickly, or I'll make me look like Prabhu!" Kim Jae-ho was speechless.

Liu Zaishi: "Even if you don't have Xiaomin, you are also a pabhu." "

Kim Jae-ho ignored him and asked directly: "Xiuxiang, you have worked hard, you are very tired today, right?" "

Lin Xiuxiang, who was suddenly cue, also smiled and waved: "No, no~"

"You see you're all weak~," Kim Jae-ho said.

"Yay! It's because of dancing! "

"Just kidding, how could dancing like this?"

"You'll know if you try!"

"Try it, try it!"

Because they are newcomers, they can dance right away.

The music together, it turned out to be Tara's song rolypoly, and before Xiaomin could react, Kim Jae-ho had already begun to dance.

It's a little ugly, but it's like his own song, ugly and distinctive.

Because of the very exaggerated dance and strange proficiency, everyone laughed immediately when they saw it.

Xiao Min also hurried to follow.

"Feet! Foot! Clap your feet! "Xiao Min reminded.

"I know!" Kim Jae-ho immediately changed his move.

"Yay! Why do you jump so well! Liu Zaishi complained loudly.

Why do people who can't dance suddenly learn the dance of a girl group?

"I only learned these two, ah, no, it's not a stage, we have to heat up!" Kim Jae-ho said.

He and Xiaomin immediately danced wildly, and Xiaomin directly closed his eyes and started crazy mode, because it was too fierce, he directly gave Kim Jae-ho's braincase a hammer.

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