First the romance looked very material, and then because it was not so popular, when there was no work to find her, she did not sink her heart to hone her acting skills, but chose plastic surgery.

So a person also has to keep himself at the peak and cannot float.

It's like Yizhen, who was compared before, is able to hold herself, and the years are just a buff that gives her time to stack the strong.

Without further ado, Kim Jae-ho's side was ready to start.

"Eight, right?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Yes." Haha nodded.

They haven't arrived yet, and Kim Jae-ho started directly.

Unlike the kick method that does not touch the water, Kim Jae-ho directly treats every kick as a waterless existence, and every kick contains the efforts of the year in between classes.


Kim Jae-ho's every foot broke out of the water, and when he touched the shuttlecock, because the foot was relatively smooth, there was basically no water.

He kicked the shuttlecock very high, and each kick made the shuttlecock fly almost to his face, which also made it easier for him to get up and adjust.

Now Kim Jae-ho has entered a very special state, and the previous feeling will come back at once.

In high school, in order to relieve pressure, he kicked shuttles with his good friends as soon as he got out of class, not even by himself, but against him.

Shuttles are originally an ancient traditional folk sports activity in China, Kim Jae-ho almost kicked from childhood to adulthood, and I don't know how many broken shuttles there are.

Of course, it's usually because every kick kicks up and kicks the shuttlecock so high on the ceiling of the stadium.

Hey, just play, so high as catching.

When it was shouted to five, haha cold sweat was about to flow out, and the whole person was already wrong, "Ten million!" "

He had already started the prayer mode, and Kim Junguo had also come.

Everyone shouted numbers together, among which Song Zhixiao shouted the loudest.

"Six! Seven! Eight!!!!! Yes!!!! "

Kim Jae-ho even kicked two more, and directly kicked ten alone.

He immediately raised his hand, his head raised high, his face changed into an arrogant and invincible appearance, and his eyes stared at the camera.

In this paragraph, the program group directly used Kim Jae-ho's classic song "Believer", using slow motion, the splash raised high on his feet, and his calm and calm appearance under huge pressure, with a legendary-level BGM, a handsome horse!

Liu Zaishi and others directly said in their hearts: broken! Let him fit in!

Kim Jae-ho has never succeeded in pretending to beep, and today he actually succeeded!

"Dafa! Daihatsu! Song Zhixiao sighed in surprise.

"What's wrong, what's wrong? Kicked is it, what? Neither Kim Chengguk nor Lee Kwang-joo knew why.

Old gambler Chi Shizhen: "Kicked ten haha and said that I would give him all my net worth." "

Kim Jae-ho turned his head and saw that haha was already kneeling on the ground, and the water directly fell to his knees, and said sincerely: "I'm sorry!" It's my youth and ignorance! It's me arrogant! Forgive me! I'm sorry!! "

"Alas, brother, why are you suffering here, it won't be so much ~" Kim Jae-ho smiled and tried to help him up.

"If you don't forgive me, I won't get up."

"It's okay, you're my second beloved brother, don't worry, just kidding, just treat me to a meal."

Upon hearing such a simple condition, Haha immediately agreed: "Of course!" Thank you for raising your hands! You are such a good person! I will seriously think about my own words in the future! Thank you! "

Jin Zaihao waved his hand: "Everyone next time they have dinner, go to Haha's barbecue restaurant to eat!" I treat you! "

"Yay!" The staff shouted happily.

Haha, who just wanted to stand up, immediately knelt down again, and his feet were soft.

Of course, it's just the effect of the show, this barbecue restaurant Kim Jae-ho also has a share, he doesn't need money to eat, even if it's a treat, he himself has to get money.

By the way, while doing a little publicity, give yourself a step down.

The production team immediately re-evaluated Kim Jae-ho's shuttlecock strength, but he didn't expect to look away, Kim Jae-ho still has this hand.

Kim Jae-ho, the occasional god!

The ratings directly guarantee that this episode will definitely be watched repeatedly by everyone, after all, Kim Jae-ho's fans are hard to cool once.

Although in general just kicked ten shuttles ...

"Please go to the lobby on the second floor." PD handed over the assignment letter.

"Hurry up, it's too cold!" Kim Jae-ho said, "Zhixiao, you also hurry up too~"

"Good~" Song Zhixiao smiled and waved his hand.

"Bye bye~"

"Just leaving?" Li Guangzhu reacted to this, it turned out to be completed, and he thought that he was just gambling with Haha.

That's an exaggeration!

Only then did Jin Zhiguo ask: "What is the task?" "

Liu Zaishi and they already knew the task, so they also tried it immediately.

Liu Zaishi only kicked two.

"Yay! Kim Jae-ho can kick ten! You just kicked two? Chi Shizhen complained.

Liu Zaishi shook his head a little embarrassed: "Hey, this is not simple..."

It was Chi Shi's turn to shake, and he only kicked one...

"Yay! You still talk about me! Liu Zaishi smiled, where did this face come from?

"What can I do about this?" Song Zhixiao looked troubled.


Although Song Zhixiao likes everyone to call her ACE, it is obvious that this title has too many things to carry.

It seems that the promise to Kim Jae-ho is about to break the appointment, at least in a short time.

At this moment, everyone knew that Kim Jae-ho's few strokes just now were very bullish, and it was not something that could be done simply.

Mainly because this is the first time to kick a shuttlecock, at least for the first time in recent times, there is still water on the feet, or barefoot.

It's really hard to play well all at once, and you can probably understand why Haha made a bet, because he himself tried something that he thought was difficult, thinking that Kim Jae-ho was bragging again.

This meal is not a loss.

On the other side, Jin Zaihaha Li Duohai also came to the room happily, and was surrounded by warmth all of a sudden, or indoor fragrant, warm.

But immediately another puzzle awaited them.

Very difficult puzzle.

After walking to the game venue, there were a lot of staff standing on the second floor, holding water balloons, looking malicious.

Kim Jae-ho wanted to take the mission letter, but PD squeezed it tightly and said that he wanted to give it to Dohae.

"Got it, it's too much."

Before Kim Jae-ho could speak, haha couldn't help but complain.

This look is a fan, doing public affairs privately, using power for personal gain.

But Kim Jae-ho didn't care, he would have given it to Dohae even if he took it.

"In the second stage, the falling balloons are broken, and the team members need more than thirty in total to pass!"

"How to smash? With a gun? Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Use this." PD said.

Kim Jae-ho they looked over, it was a fist holster ...

"Okay, it seems that this dress can't be dried." Kim Jae-ho was speechless.

This time the production team is really not human.

First let them dry in the cold for a while, and then the water balloon smashed their heads, it was really a cold dragon.

"If you like it so much, how about you play for me this time, how about it, you can play with Li Dohaixi~" Kim Jae-ho whispered devilishly in front of PD.

PD obviously hesitated for a moment and looked at the main PD, who looked at him with a black question mark face.

Big brother, don't tell me you're moved?!

Looking at his appearance, PD also said: "No thanks." "

"This is the first time I've heard you say thank you~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Sure enough, the charm of Dohaixi is too great, and even PD can't hold it." Haha laughed.

Li Dohai smiled, only thinking that the PDs were very cute.

"Okay, come on!" Kim Jae-ho knocked on his fist holster and was ready.

By the time Song Jihyo and them came, Kim Jae-ho was already drenched.

"Yay! Are you taking a bath? Liu Zaishi sent very concerned and warm greetings as soon as he came.

Kim shook his head floatingly, looking like some kind of shampoo commercial.

It's over, the hairstyle is all over, only the original handsomeness remains, and there is no addition.

Fortunately, I have a good foundation and can still face it with a smile.

"It's too hard for this." Haha said.

"This Jin Zhiguo is very good at it~" Liu Zaishi said, after all, Jin Zhiguo likes to watch boxing in addition to boxing by himself, and his foundation is still very good.

"I've practiced too, and I'm doing it." Kim Jae-ho said.

"yes, how many did you hit?" Haha asked.

"I feel like I'm hitting forty." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Five, in fact." PD said.

"How is it possible, is it a miscalculation?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Yay! Didn't you say you practiced? Haha asked.

"I've practiced it twice!" Kim Jae-ho said.

"How can it be considered practiced twice!"

"Why not?"

In the end, there were not thirty of them, so it failed.

Not only Kim Jae-ho, but also Haha and Lee Dohae also pulled their crotches, especially Lee Dohae, who was too scared.

When it was Chi Shi's turn to shake them, they also knew how difficult it was.

Chi Shizhen directly used a set of "Water Flow Honey Boxing!" Not only are fists not fatal, but they are even rare to fight.

He hit less than Song Zhixiao, who shouted loudly on the side, and looked panicked.

While shouting terrible, Song Zhixiao shot a lot of water guns, more than Liu Zaishi and Chi Shizhen combined.

And laughed a lot at the same time.

This is really a very contradictory strange woman.

This one, but every Chi Shi beats a few more can overtake and become the first.

Next is Kunimitsu.

Kim Wanguo is very fierce, but Lee Kwang-joo is very funny.

He gave people the feeling that he used divine skills to pull away the falling water balls one by one, and the water balls were unharmed until they fell to the place.

It's very hard to do, because first, you have to touch every single one, and second, you touch, you can't break it.

You must know that this water ball is very fragile, and it will break when you go up casually.

It's a technique that makes people clapp~ Everyone doesn't even know how he did it.

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