"It's okay, Oppa is also great!" Katsuken said with a smile.

"Katsuken ah~thank you~"

After Chi Shizhen finished speaking, Jin Zhiguo smiled and said, "Why do you say it so sincerely?" "

"Because it's really grateful~"

"It's okay~" Katsuken jumped away happily.

The experience of the game was as good as she imagined when she first wrote Chi Shizhen's name.

Everyone watched with great envy as the two of them left, taking their medicine soup jars and air conditioners with them.

"The medicine soup can belongs to me, the air conditioner belongs to you~" Chi Shizhen said as he walked.

"Didn't you say that the medicine soup can let me give it to my parents?" Katsuken teased.

"I'm that age too, Katsuken~," Ikeishi said.

"Hahaha~Just kidding~"

Chi Shizhen: "In the future, when you really get married, I will send you a medicine soup can." "

"What?!" Katsuken couldn't laugh or cry.

It can only be said that I did not really want such a dowry ...

Then the next round, haha grabbed.

"What are the three gifts to celebrate the day of adulthood for young people who have reached the age of 20 on the third Monday of May every year?"

Haha is still the first time to hear such a thing, Xiuzhi said: "I know I know~"

"Rose perfume kiss!"

"Positive answer!"


They got a vacuum cleaner.

Kim Jae-ho asked Song Ji-hyo: "Why didn't I have this when I was an adult?" "

"Neither do I." Song Zhixiao said.

"Then we have to find a date to celebrate, rose perfume kiss~" Kim Jae-ho laughed.

Song Zhixiao gave him a blank look, and it turned out to be waiting here.

But there were already those things that day, rose perfume kiss.

Haha and Xiuzhi set off from the second team, but when they got on the bus, they knew that they had to wait for the next team to leave, and only the first team could leave directly.

Haha and Xiuzhi were not idle, and ran to the store next door to buy ice cream to eat.

Next round.

"The refrigerator seems to be very good~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

Song Zhixiao: "I want an electric fan." "


"Yay! Don't you have any opinions of your own? Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

"Then I'll ask my sister-in-law tomorrow if you have your own opinions." Kim Jae-ho said.

Liu Zaishi was dumbfounded.

There can be but there is no need ...

Kim Jae-ho smiled, and laughed at me? The pot calling the kettle black.

"Now I'll give you the electric fan problem." PD said, "This time only the grooms can answer the questions. "

"Does it look like the groom's line?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

Song Zhixiao gave it to him directly.


"Then you can too~" Li Guangzhu looked at Xuanya.


"It's true that she looks a little more like a man." Jin Zhiguo nodded.

PD: "No. "

"Well, the topic is, all the team members of the female guests who participated in the recording program today add up?!"

"It's not filial piety, is it?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Yes, all female guests, three seconds."

Kim Jae-ho immediately calculated anxiously: "5554 nineteen!" "

Li Guangzhu: "Won't you?" "

PD: "Positive answer! "

"Wow!" Song Zhixiao jumped up in surprise, and everyone behind was dumbfounded.

Crystal eyes widened: "It's so unbelievable!" How can it be so fast?! "

Kim Junguo: "Jae-ho's understanding of the girl group is really no joke. "

Liu Zaishi: "If Zai Hao wasn't for a man, he would definitely go back to be a girl group." "

"What are you talking about?!" Kim Jae-ho was speechless.

"But then again, calculating the number of four girl groups in three seconds is a genius, right?" Liu Zaishi said.

"Individual skills, personal skills." Li Guangzhu said.

Indeed, this can already be said to be the level of genius personal skill.

You must know that Kim Jae-ho didn't even look back, and instantly calculated the number of four girl groups by his memory, and he didn't even glance at which girl groups it was.

Of course, it's useless to look, Hidechi and Katsuken have already gone to the next stop, he can't see it, and within three seconds he can recall which regiments it is, which is too exaggerated.

Some people say that it is not pure three seconds, Kim Jae-ho also spoke, but who speaks without thinking, can still think while talking, is pure three seconds.

In a hurry, it was difficult to understand the topic alone, and no one present could do it, so Liu Zaishi said that Kim Jae-ho was a genius, combined with his other abilities, this was really God chasing to feed.

Song Zhixiao was taken aback, she didn't even think about this question Kim Jae-ho had already answered, extremely smooth, making people wonder what he was usually doing...

Serious people can't answer this question...

Of course, she also knows how to give Kim Jae-ho a surprise in the future.

Kim Jae-ho himself did not expect that he could do it, it was really very difficult, mainly because he came from the later life, it is easy to undercount people, this is not to say, it is the regret of this world, and it is also what he has to make up for in this life.

I have to say that he also has an element of luck, but this luck is not particularly powerful, and he only changed back an electric fan.

However, he prefers electric fans to air conditioners, and this natural feeling cannot be given by air conditioners.

He generally turns on the electric fan, after all, it is cheap ...

And he had very serious rhinitis in his previous life, and he couldn't stand it when the air conditioner was dry.

Of course, this is not important, in his previous life he never even used heating, and many times in this life he had to live on heating.

Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo also got two, so they can also go, and everyone looks at them with envy and reverence.

I was very happy to see Haha and Xiuzhi in the car, and I was unhappy that they were eating ice cream and did not buy their share.

"Brother! What about ours?! Kim Jae-ho said.

"We didn't expect you to eat! Do you want to buy it now? "


So the two went to buy it again before leaving.

Kim Jae-ho couldn't eat because he had to drive, and he was fed by Song Jihyo on the co-pilot.

"You really look like a couple getting married." Haha laughed.

Kim Jae-ho smiled and said, "Thank you, you guys look like you're running away from the princess and the dwarf guard." "

Classic Eun took revenge, and Hidechi laughed so much that he almost vomited out all the ice cream.

Song Zhixiao is also almost unable to hold the ice cream, too graphic!

Haha said that you don't know how much psychological shadow such a short sentence brought to him, and he almost choked on ice cream.

Kim Jae-ho didn't say it was okay, and after speaking, Xiuzhi just looked at Haha for the next few minutes, and he burst out laughing.

Haha are speechless, how can the laughter point be so low?

And every time she laughs, she has a feeling of pouring salt on the wound, and her self-esteem is a little unbearable.

The aftermath of Kim Jae-ho's words is a bit big, haha can only find a way to fight back.

Kim Jae-ho doesn't mind, anyway, he knows that Haha has a sweetheart, and they are also together, and they are even about to get married, so today and Xiuzhi came out to play, it was really out to play.

Haha himself is also a funny artist, and it is impossible to care about this, can afford to play, not even angry at all, and very happy.

In fact, haha is not short, but there are too many people who are high in this circle, even Kim Jae-ho who is 178 has super many people taller than him.

For example, colleagues surnamed Li are leaders in this regard.

"If it weren't for the height, the light bead might not be able to enter this circle." Haha said.

Kim Jae-ho: "If others are tall, they look handsome, the higher the more handsome, the light pearl made me see another possibility, it turns out that the higher the better, the funny." "

"Indeed~" Haha smiled, it really was like this.

Li Guangzhu's height itself has a lot of laughs.

"Brother, will you envy the light beads?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

Haha: "It's okay, although he is tall, I am more handsome than him." "

"I don't know if I'm more handsome than him, anyway, my confidence is quite strong." Kim Jae-ho complained.

"Xiuzhi do you like the type of light pearl or the type of haha opa?" Song Zhixiao asked.

Haha immediately made a cute expression and looked at Xiuzhi, making Xiuzhi's burden full at once.

Xiuzhi frowned: "Do you have to choose?" "

Kim Jae-ho immediately burst into laughter: "This is two don't want to choose, right~"

Song Zhixiao: "Hahaha is Oni, it's not right, you shouldn't be so embarrassed!" "

"Yay! Where is the difficulty! Isn't it okay to just choose me? I'm your groom! "Haha can't understand, isn't it usually because of the relationship between teammates that the name of the teammate is said?

Anyway, everyone is just amusing and laughing.

Haha also didn't know the miracle that Kim Jae-ho counted all the girl group members in the guest in three seconds just now, Kim Jae-ho didn't know when he saw it, and Song Jihyo didn't say it, so he mentioned it himself.

Haha was not at the scene, so he didn't really feel the power of that moment, but he just wow twice very perfunctorily, but Kim Jae-ho was also satisfied.

Soon everyone arrived at the destination, and after getting off the "wedding car", everyone saw a lot of people watching, directly screaming.

At any given time, there are many idle people.

Kim Jae-ho saw that Ji Seok-jin and Seung-ken were preparing to start, so he quickly joined in and went to see what the mission was first.

"Wedding photography, grab the bouquet and shoot! However, the photos taken by couples must stand together in their hearts to succeed! "

This is simple, pure tiring and lucky.

Kim Jae-ho dislikes such games very much, and it is tiring without technical content.

"Ah, hurry up and take advantage of the fact that there are fewer people passing now, otherwise it will be difficult to wait for more people." Kim Jae-ho said.

The three groups also hurried to start.

It is obvious that the more people in this game, the more difficult it is, after all, the people in front will block the people behind, and they have to cooperate with the timing of everyone's jump.

Home appliances and photography, it really looks like getting married, and watching this episode is made from marriage.

The bouquet should be held together, the faces should appear together in the photo, and it will not tell you when to take it.

Everyone was accompanied by screams at the beginning, after all, there were Kim Jae-ho and Haha at the scene, Haha directly pressed on Ji Shizhen's shoulder, and Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo ran to the front and jumped.

As a result, I looked at the photo, and it was miserable.

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