Instead, Kim Jae-ho pulled a few tool people in standby to start responding, they were originally just for superpowers, but now doing this is very much in line with their settings.

This is just a vignette in the game, the cheerleading team is a cheerleading team after all, and the feature film is still a ball game.

Liu Zaishi, they thought of taking advantage of this momentum and doing it again, because although it was a bit of a rogue, Song Zhixiao's skills were infinitely useful.

Just when they wanted to repeat the old trick, Jin Zhiguo suddenly abruptly bumped away from the person who blocked him, and he passed, and Liu Zaishi and Li Guangzhu fell to the ground.

"What is this?!" Li Guangzhu's face was full of fear.

"Yay! This is a foul! Liu Zaishi looked at the referee.

No, this is a reasonable physical confrontation, only when an overwhelming force appears.

Or rather, they were fouled because they pulled Kim Junguo with their hands.

Jin Zhiguo actually used his own power to kill a blood road, Rao is Park Zhixing also felt very shocked when he watched Jin Zhiguo roar and rush over, is this the ability person?

Suddenly regretted it, he should have chosen Jin Zhiguo in the first place.

I saw Jin Zhiguo roaring angrily and running towards Song Zhixiao, who was so frightened that he quickly threw the ball to Chi Shizhen, like a hot potato.

"Yay! Oh yes! Chi Shizhen also panicked and kicked Li Zhijin.

Li Zhijin people are stupid, how can there be such a dumping pot, is this still a person?

Watching Kim Junguo rush over, she was terrified, screaming and trying to dribble, but unfortunately, her dribbling skills were inversely proportional to her singing skills, and the ball was lost all at once.

Kim Junguo kicked a big foot to the front court, Park Ji-sung has already run over there, as a player, awareness is very important.

After Park Ji-sung got the ball, he saw that there was no one around, and directly kicked the ball up and then it was an upside-down gold hook, which was very outrageous.

It's the first time that everyone has seen someone really use it, and he is also using it for the first time, and he has always wanted to use it, which is also infected by Jin Zhiguo.

"Yay! You're our captain! Don't forget! Liu Zaishi shouted.

Li Guangzhu was also very excited: "That's it! Why are you so desperate?! "

Kim Junguocai didn't care, and Park Ji-sung celebrated excitedly.

I have Park Ji-sung, what do you have?

In the past, the legendary Luo also passed the ball to Park Zhixing like this, and he also celebrated with Park Zhixing in this way.

Rounding off, he was embracing the legend.

It's so fragrant~

Everyone hates their teeth itching, Kim Junguk as the captain is desperately beating his own people on the opposite side, and Kim Jae-ho is cheering on the opposite side as a cheerleader, which is really outrageous!

That's really two or five per capita.

Haha felt that he could not sit still, "Give me the ball!" I got it! "

"Half-Empty!" He shouted.


The whistle blows!

Takeoff failed!

Whether it is a person or a ghost is on the show, only haha is a clown.

Park Zhixing laughed so much that he fell to his knees, how could he be so funny about these people.

This is the end of the first half.

As a park sanlung who can't die, this amount of exercise is of course nothing, but everyone is already very tired.

"Now give everyone a twenty-minute break." PD said.

Everyone was the first to run to Jin Zhiguo.

"Yay! You don't have to come back now, let's see what to do! Liu Zaishi crossed his waist and directly scolded the street.

Jin Zhiguo also returned to the team embarrassedly, admitted his mistakes, and never repented.

"Thank you~" Park Ji-sung said.

"It's okay, in Hao, continue in the second half~" Jin Zhiguo said.

"Cut~" Kim Jae-ho said, "Did you consider my thoughts when you gave the red card?" "

And haha ran over and began to pinch Kim Jae-ho's feet, and it was already obvious what he wanted to do.

Li Guangzhu ran over with water, "Are you thirsty?" "

"Hey, it's okay ~ just a little thirsty ~" Kim Jae-ho raised his head and opened his mouth, but he didn't want to make a move.

Lee Kwang-joo took a deep breath, resisted the urge to hit someone, and fed Kim Jae-ho.

People have to bow their heads under the eaves.

He also wants to be on a team with Park Ji-sung.

He poured a mouthful, but it was almost fierce, and directly choked Kim Jae-ho.

"Yay! You this is murder! Kim shouted after Hao came over.

"No, it wasn't intentional..." Li Guangzhu was also panicked, but the corners of his mouth were a little happy.


The people next to him looked happy, and Li Guangzhu had the ability to mess things up.

"Do you want to take another sip?" Li Guangzhu asked, "I must come well this time!" "

"Go and go, I have to go and discuss tactics with Captain Park~" Kim Jae-ho stood up, very stunned.

Lee Kwang-joo and they are all angry, why did everything good happen to Kim Jae-ho?

But Kim Jae-ho doesn't like this superpower at all, and there is no feeling of superpower.

However, it is still very comfortable to watch Li Zhijin on the sidelines, and she has been working very hard.

What he wants to discuss is who to fight against in the second half, and now they know that they can bring superpowers over, so generally speaking, they can start to counter a person who has not used superpowers, and they must ensure that this person will use superpowers.

The twenty-minute break was for everyone to gain time to rest, but Kim Jae-ho had enough rest, so he went to help the staff move the equipment.

Park Ji-sung saw him like this and went to help.

Because the second half was going to change sides, everyone had to move the equipment.

Now the score gap is okay, even if you can win the second half even if you defend the whole defense, so the plan is to play defensive counterattack.

As for the yellow team, there are a lot of things to talk about, first of all, the collective denunciation of Jin Zhiguo's active attack on the enemy, then the recognition of the achievements of the two girls, and the other is the use of superpowers to communicate.

Because everyone already knows what their superpowers are, there is still a lot to talk about.

It is foreseeable that the use of superpowers in the off-duty workplace will be more reasonable, and everyone has also agreed that no matter who is opposed by Kim Jae-ho, first agree, and then become an internal traitor.

That is, counteracted, but not completely countered.

Because everyone also knows that it is completely impossible to agree to the counterattack, everyone said that the best is haha, haha said that it is impossible to ask for it.

If he stays in the team, he has no foothold, and it is better to join the enemy.

After Kim Jae-ho and Park Ji-sung rested for a few more minutes, the game began.

Park Ji-sung wants to play the board himself, and Kim Jae-ho teaches him how to fight.

At the beginning of the second half, it was still a 2-on-7 game, and the difference was that everyone knew each other's superpowers well.

"We are capable people, remember." Coach Kim reminded.

"You take care of yourself first!" Liu Zaishi said.

Everyone complained one after another, after all, everyone could not see the process of intermediate discussion, so some things had to be said twice.

If it weren't for Kim Junguo's struggle in the last three minutes of the first half, the score would not have been so many points behind.

Kim has lost credibility.

Kim Jae-ho and Park used the most traditional way to cheer, and then the game began.

The opposite kicked off first, not expecting Kim Jae-ho to activate his superpowers while kicking off.

"Hasty rebel!"

"Oh?! Did you use it so quickly? "Everyone was surprised.

"Who are you going to fight against?" Kim Junguo asked.

Everyone looked at Kim Jae-ho's eyes full of expectation, because being countered means special, and everyone in this line wants to be a special person.

Kim Jae-ho did not sell the pass, and said directly: "The person who wants to rebel is, Lee Kwang-joo xi!" "

"Yay!!" Li Guangzhu shouted excitedly, not hiding at all.

"Yay! Why are you so happy! Liu Zaishi said.

"Yas!" Li Guangzhu didn't care, directly bowed and shouted: "I will work hard!" "

"Yay! Why not me?! "Jin Zhiguo, who has already tasted the sweetness, is very unhappy.

Everyone thinks so, why not me.

Seeing Park Ji-sung handing him clothes, Li Kwang-joo was very excited.

"I'll do whatever I want!" Li Guangzhu shouted.

Park Ji-sung: "You just use your superpowers to score goals. "

"Good! Stop the time of people! Li Guangzhu immediately shouted.

"Yay! How can you use that! Jin Zhiguo roared.

This is outrageous!

In order to show his heartfelt heart, Li Guangzhu has already opened up, and the betrayal is thorough.

After Li Guangzhu got the ball, he deliberately slipped in front of everyone, and added fancy movements himself, as if he had passed everyone over.

At this moment, he was like Da Luo, like entering a no-man's land.

Lee Kwang-joo kicked the ball into the goal, which was actually his own.

Kicked in, and extremely proud.

It's really desperate, others definitely don't have this effect, really the most professional betrayer.

Kim Jae-ho and Park Ji-sung called out that they didn't choose the wrong person, and Lee Kwang-joo is really too suitable for this superpower.

In this way, they scored a goal and also prevented it from conceding, rounding up to two goals.

This is also their idea, instead of letting Li Guangzhu score with this ability, it is better to pull over first and let him use this ability.

They also have an element of gambling, but they bet right.

Lee Kwang-joo came back to ask for credit, and Park Ji-sung just casually praised him and he was already happy to die.

This must be boasted, Park Ji-sung is of course very happy, so that a superpower is solved.

The other side scolded crazy, this traitor, Jin Zhiguo that is good to say, Li Guangzhu this is directly using superpowers, too much.

It is conceivable that when Li Guangzhu goes back, he will be more unpopular.

The opposite kick-off is bound to pull back a game.

"The one who calls the wind!" Liu Zaishi shouted.

Directly coming to a wind buff, Liu Zaishi kicked off and passed back to Jin Zhiguo, and then ran forward like crazy.

Park Ji-sung went to stop it, and Kim Ji-guk passed it to Haha, who immediately shouted "Crossing the Half-Air!" "Take off directly.

Chi Shizhen: "Left to left!" "

Kim Jae-ho and their goal went directly to that side, and Ji Seok-jin could control all the goals with this move.

Haha also didn't pass the ball in mid-air, directly waiting for the landing, because the flight was fast, Kim Jae-ho they would not be able to catch up for a while, haha landed and passed to Liu Zaishi, Liu Zaishi pulled to the side.

Li Guangzhu went to block him, and Kim Chengguo shouted: "Cross! "

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