Park Ji-sung is even more, if you lose such a game, you really lose the adult, you must not lose!

With a haha whistle, the game is over!

Park Ji-sung wins!

Everyone screamed, and this reversal is the best-looking.


Those who lose don't have to be too disappointed, they have tried their best, after all, there are Li Guangzhu and Chi Shizhen in the team.

To this extent, both of them have already opened up.

Finally won, Park Ji-sung looked particularly tired, while Kim Jun-guk looked like nothing and very relaxed.

After all, Jin Zhiguo usually trains strength, and his training intensity is comparable to that of athletes.

And Park Ji-sung did not train to focus on strength training, so he looked very tired.

"How about a tug-of-war?" Liu Zaishi asked.

Park Ji-sung: "The most tired memory of my football life. "

After all, physical fitness is no longer in its heyday, even if he is known as the oxygen tank Pu Sanlung, he can't withstand it now.

But the effort also paid off, they received a first-class bonus, while Kim Jae-ho they only had a third-class bonus.

In this way, the bonuses of both teams are the same, but the bonuses are not important, after all, many tasks of RM have little to do with the number of bonuses later.

After saying goodbye to the audience, everyone embarked on a journey to a mission point.

On the way, Kim Ji-kook suspects that Park Ji-sung is a spy, after all, there are spies every time related to money.

This is the routine of the program group has been figured out, yes, this time Park Ji-sung is really a spy.

And he also has to be on the same team with the most dangerous Kim Zhiguo, but interestingly, Kim Zhiguo may also become a spy with him.

On the other side, Kim Jae-ho was also on the way, and had been discussing the game just now.

Although this result is the same as they predicted before, the process is very different.

Instead of going to the next destination, everyone is going to eat.

Of course, it is also a simple box lunch, there are too many people, you can't go to dinner every time, so the program group will go bankrupt.

Kim Jae-ho doesn't care, he likes to eat boxed lunches very much, most of the general fast food is simple and delicious, he doesn't understand those dishes that are not delicious and are also sold.

It's like a person who sings with incomplete notes to become a singer.

The only problem was that he wanted two copies at a time, which led to the fact that if he only needed one now, people would wonder if he was sick.

Song Zhixiao knows that he likes to eat meat, and sometimes he will pinch some meat for him to eat.

Even if it was two boxes, she was a little afraid that he was not enough...

Of course, it is the kind that is quietly clamped and will not be seen by others, after all, this kind of thing is still quite shy.

Chi Shizhen sat next to U and found a topic for her, and Chi Shizhen knew that he was also someone else's brother.

Everyone has always regarded Kim Jae-ho as a child, and now I know that he is actually very old compared to some idols.

Everyone is called Oppa, only Park Ji-sung is called Mr.

Then there is the thread on Park Ji-sung's arm, which everyone thought was a tattoo, but in fact it was accidentally drawn when signing at the fish market.

Can wipe, but he does not.

Just when everyone had finished eating and resting, PD said: "Please Jin Chengguo come out." "

Jin Zhiguo was still laughing and couldn't laugh when he heard it, but he laughed again after reacting.

As soon as they heard this, everyone guessed that they were going to start a personal battle.

Ji Seok-jin said that it was because Park Ji-sung wanted to be with Kim Ji-kook, so he separated them, so that Park Ji-sung must tear Kim End-guk.

Kim Jae-ho didn't say a word, sitting quietly next to Song Jihyo, of course, next to Lee Ji-kim, enjoying the moment of happiness.

On one side is a girlfriend and an idol, and he is also full and resting, the highlight of his life.

What tears the famous brand and what disputes, it has nothing to do with themselves, only enjoyment.

As soon as Jin Chengguo went out, the staff said: "Now the game begins." "

Jin Zhiguo was directly stunned, and he had not even walked out of this doorway.

"Do you want to start now? Clothes just like that? Jin Chengguo was stunned.

This is the direct start of the pursuit war?

Kim Jae-ho: "Okay, the break is over. "

Ji Seok-jin said directly: "To be honest, the only person who can tear off Park Zhixing is Lee Kwang-joo." "

"I won't, don't tear me." Lee Kwang-joo clarified.

But everyone didn't believe it.

Because he was sitting indoors, Chi Shizhen directly controlled the rhythm of the audience, and Liu Zaishi did not speak.

"It won't be mine." Chi Shizhen said.

Kim Jae-ho: "Brother, if you tear it, this is the shame of Park Player for a lifetime~"

"What a shame~"

"That's glory, glory ~ the glory of your life." Haha said.

"Brother, if you say this, the light pearl will be moved later." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

Li Guangzhu was sitting next to Park Zhixing, and when he saw Park Zhixing, he directly turned his head to look at himself when he heard this sentence, and immediately explained: "I won't be moved!" It won't be impressed! "

"Then what are you doing with my back?! Your eyes are still glancing at my back when you speak! Park Ji-sung laughed excitedly.

"No, no, no!" Li Guangzhu turned his head vigorously to deny it, but the smile had already betrayed him.

That's right, when saying such words, Li Guangzhu couldn't help but glance at people's backs, which was enough.

That's no longer a name tag, that's already a certificate, and after saying it, Park Ji-sung's name tag deteriorated.

This is really a subconscious little action, not for the effect of the show.

After all, the famous brand of Jin Zhiguo has a period, and Park Zhixing does not come every day.

"If I tear off Captain Park's name tag, I'm afraid I'll go home and frame it." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Me too." Chi Shizhen's smile indicated that he was already beginning to imagine.

"Me too!" Li Guangzhu was also imagining the future and excitedly agreed.

"You still said you didn't want to!" Park Ji-sung scolded with a smile.


Park Zhixing's reaction is completely the reaction of variety artists, and it seems that he also watched a lot of RM.

Everyone goes abroad, will find some hometown solace, the more many people go abroad, the more they know the good of their hometown, after all, it is the environment you grew up in.

TV shows are a great option.

Kim Jae-ho and Park Ji-sung talked a lot about when they were alone together, and now he is very familiar with Park players.

The career of football is generally not long, after all, it is an athlete, and it is very difficult to protect yourself on that stage, so there will be legendary stars, because they are evergreen.

Park players' professional life is already very long, starting his career in zero and playing for a year or four, to this extent, it is already a dream career in the hearts of a large number of football players.

And Kim Jae-ho knows that Park is also retiring, so he must also be looking for what he will do in the future.

In two months' time he was due to join Queens Park Rangers, only to end the season without promotion and relegation, before going to the Eredivisie on loan before being forced to retire due to a knee injury.

Of course, it can also be seen later that he is not engaged in variety shows, but he has money, investment is also very in place, married, from time to time to participate in variety shows, express his opinions, and went to college to study sports management in one or six years, and his life is still very comfortable.

Park Ji-sung and Kim Jae-ho chatted very easily, Kim Jae-ho asked, he answered as he could answer, very easy-going two people, very comfortable.

But now it's a personal battle, and anything can happen.

However, it is very possible that Park Ji-sung will live to the end, after all, he is strong in his own ability, and another point is that he is a guest, if such a heavyweight guest is eliminated at the beginning, it will not be called his special, and it will not be good-looking.

Among them, the degree of gold is well grasped.

That's right, he is already beginning to think about eliminating Park Ji-sung ...

It's not whether it can be eliminated, but whether it will be bad if it is eliminated.

Kim Jae-ho feels that he is already a mature variety artist, and these must be considered.

This is the responsibility of a mature RM.

No way, many victories have swelled him, feeling that victory is easy.

He had forgotten the day he was first eliminated.

On the other side, everyone went out one by one, and Kim Jae-ho also went out and arrived at PD.

Kim Jae-ho wondered, "What for?" Like last time again? Lie to me? I'm not going to be fooled. "

PD smiled and handed over the assignment letter.

Kim Jae-ho took it, "I tell you, let me be a spy, don't lie to me again." "

Kim Jae-ho said that he must be looking forward to it very much, but when he looked at the words on it, he knew that he thought too much.

Because there are only question marks on it.

"Why do you suddenly feel a little humiliated..."

PD smiled and said he didn't say anything.

"So what now?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Now it's time to go to the chase." PD said.

"Huh? Right now? Is that all? "

Although he didn't say anything, Kim Jae-ho had a feeling that he had been tricked.

"No, there must be something, someone must have received a strange task in this link." Kim Jae-ho complained.

PD: "Also, behind someone, there is the content of the final mission, and you have to tear off his name to be able to confirm what the final task is." "

Kim Jae-ho cracked: "Yay! Shouldn't this have been told to me in the first place? "

PD had a teasing smile on his face, and sure enough, it was the most interesting to tease Kim Jae-ho.

He just did it on purpose, everyone else was, after asking what the question mark was, he would say that it was not like this when it was Kim Jae-ho's turn, telling him that he could go directly to the pursuit battle, and then wait for him to analyze a wave before saying that he knew that he was thinking too much and was directly embarrassed.

"Whose body the task is hiding, just look at the hints hidden everywhere."

"Oh, that's going to look for hints everywhere, right?"

"There are hints hidden in various places in this building, and when you find them, there is paper in them."

"It says 咣~"

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