Kim Jae-ho was shocked, as if startled.

Then in the next second, Park Zhixing, who had been hidden for a long time, immediately jumped out and directly tore off Li Zhijin, Li Zhijin's smile froze, and then slumped on the ground and got angry.

They actually teased her!

Gave her hope, and directly extinguished it!

It's infuriating!

Looking at the smiles of the two people, Li Zhijin knew that he was completely fooled.

"Guangzhu Oppa, did you deliberately seduce me just now?" Li Zhijin realized later.

"Yes, but we're going to tear him up even if you're gone." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"yes, it's just that you're there." Park Ji-sung said.

"I hate you guys so much!" Li Zhijin was angry and like a child.

Everyone met again, then changed their clothes and walked to prison.

It was a bus with everyone wearing sunglasses.

Seeing Park Zhixing, everyone also had countless grooves to vomit.

Park Ji-sung said: "Because I won, I can invite everyone to the Asian Dream Cup. "

This sudden news surprised everyone that all the staff could participate in such a competition.

But there is also a regret that Li Zhijin has to go to another stage.

The arrangement of the itinerary these days is a bit chaotic, and Li Zhijin has also tried her best to cooperate, but she can't follow the Asian Cup, so it doesn't matter.

The next stop, everyone went directly to Taiguo, this is the old place, and it was here that everyone was warmly welcomed abroad for the first time.

It wasn't until twelve o'clock in the evening that everyone landed, but it was so late that the airport was still crowded with people to pick up the plane.

After a year, this is a different touch, Li Guangzhu, the little prince of Southeast Asia, is also very happy, sure enough, his popularity abroad is high.

It was already late when I arrived at the hotel, and Kim slept in the thick head, and too many things happened in a day today.

The next day, when everyone woke up, we set off together.

Seeing that there was a flag, Song Zhixiao rushed to the place where the flag was very happy, shouting that he was the first to arrive, full of vitality.

RM is, one person runs and everyone will run, and Kim Jae-ho is of course followed behind.

Because it was found that Liu Zaishi was not there, everyone was also rushing for the center position and wanted to preside.

Kim Jae-ho didn't squeeze, standing happily next to him, looking at the scenery next to him, the weather is really good today, and the water is shining with beautiful colors.

Kim Jae-ho still doesn't know what happened, and he hasn't realized that Yoo Jae-seok is not there, after all, the production team is stuck with him to start, so he is busy in bed and has no time to care about other things. "

Now as soon as I saw everyone making such a mess, I found that Liu Zaishi was not there, so there should be some other arrangement.

"So who will preside now?" Kim Jae-ho asked, "If it doesn't work, I'll come,"

"Oh, how can it be me~"

All of a sudden, Kim Jae-ho understood why everyone was so noisy just now, it turned out to be like this.

After everyone said a few words, they were muted, and then it was an extremely unnatural embarrassment, and no one controlled the scene.

All of a sudden, the importance of Liu Zaishi was reflected, and there was no central bone after he left!

"Then we just have to pretend he's still there." Jin Zhiguo came up with an idea, so everyone gave up his position, which was the C position in the center.

Although he is not at the scene now, Liu Zaishi will always be at RM.

The vacated position, everyone seemed to see his soul here, it was green, grass green.

After the vacancy, everyone found stability.

"Something I didn't tell you." PD said, "There are only two players who can make it out of the Asian Dream Cup, and the two to be recommended are selected from today's decisive task, these two can play, and the remaining four people are sitting far away in the audience and watching." "

Kim Jae-ho didn't care about sitting in the audience, or that it was a more suitable place for him, but after thinking about the previous games, if he didn't have a project, it was really super boring.

And if they win, these two can play formal football on the court with Park Ji-sung and play with world-class players.

Of course, life may be just once, and he also wants to feel what it is like to run on the court.

Which teenager does not have a football dream, just look at FIFA can produce new works every year.

It's not really a professional football game, but it's spilling over to their level.

"You all give me care today!" Jin Zhiguo warned in advance.

Kim Junguo has already reserved one of the seats.

Everyone also thinks that Jin Zhiguo is one of them, after all, it is very strange if someone as strong as Jin Zhiguo sits on the sidelines.

It should not be said, if Liu Zaishi is also there, it must be Liu Zaishi and Jin Zhiguo, after all, it represents the face of RM.

But now that Liu Zaishi is not there, everyone can fight for the remaining seat.

All of a sudden, everyone is on top, and today they are determined to win.

Suddenly, PD asked: "Who will host it?" "

The five hands of the six people were raised in an instant, only Jin Zhiguo did not raise his hand.

Chi Shizhen took a step forward, rubbed his hands and said:

"Okay, are you ready for a pleasant trip today?"

"It feels like it's a decade ago." Kim Jae-ho sighed, that sense of age really came to his face.

"That had to be twenty years ago, right?" Jin Zhiguo said with a smile.

PD: "Liu Zaishi was afraid that this would happen, and he left after placing today's MC." "

Everyone looked at the distance, Park Ji-sung walked over, it seems that this is today's day MC.

When he came, everyone's reaction was particularly excited, and Park Zhixing was too, and after he was in place, he directly pushed away the beeping Chi Shizhen and stood directly in the C position.

The sense of variety can be said to be barbaric.

"He is powerful in football, I admit it, but the host's words are still us~" Jin Zhiguo said.

Seeing everyone's doubts, Park Ji-sung directly began to host: "Hello everyone, I am Park Ji-sung, the captain of RM One Day MC, Park Ji-sung. "

This smoothness and boldness made everyone clap their palms, and it was really full of variety.

"Today I'm not Park Ji-sung, I'm MC Park."

"We've been staring at this position for a long time." Haha said.

"Because of the schedule, Liu Zaishi, who went back, let me..."

"Have you gone back?!"

Everyone was shocked, it was not because there was a special arrangement, but because of the schedule, like Li Zhijin, he went directly.

After all, the schedule of these days is a bit chaotic, Liu Zaishi originally thought that he could catch up, but not now.

Obviously, I arrived at night after a day's flight, but I slept and left at seven o'clock again.

Because Park Zhixing also came with him, Liu Zaishi also temporarily gave this position to Park Zhixing, and Park Zhixing's sense of artistic ability made Liu Zaishi and the production team think that he could do it.

It's just one day, it's not particularly difficult, everyone will take care of it, Liu Zaishi will not worry, and he told him to tease Li Guangzhu more.

Park Ji-sung also performed very well, and also came to a "ah" with haha such a previous regular action of Liu Zaishi, and this one can also be catched, really RM fans.

"I'm going to reveal the first tiebreaker mission, and the first tiebreaker mission is to wrestle the wrist."

Everyone was puzzled, because in this case, Jin Zhiguo would definitely win.

"This conference is not attended by you in person, but by VJ who is patting your respective responsibilities."

"Yes!" Kim Jae-ho immediately fawned over Xiangyun, "If you win, please eat a big meal!" "

“OK!" Although Sang Yun was a little flustered, Shan immediately compared OK.

The final result was that Chi Shizhen was eliminated, and his player Liu Shi was too weak.

Sang-yoon's performance is very good, and unlike Kim Jae-ho, his physical fitness is particularly good.

After all, it is to follow Kim Jae-ho, all kinds of limits.

After Chi Shizhen finished shouting that the game started, everyone set off for the next stop, leaving Chi Shizhen behind.

Chi Shizhen is really unlucky, and he can't even let VJ go up.

The means of transport to the next stop is a boat, and there are people waiting by the boat with drinks, which is particularly classy.

Although the color is very bright, but it is not a cocktail or anything else, there is no alcohol, after all, it is a person who wants to work, just a good drink.

Just now, Kim Jae-ho was still enjoying this scenery, and he didn't expect to sway on this scenery after a while.

At the next stop, everyone did not see Chi Shizhen, is Chi Shizhen really weightless?

All of a sudden, no one wants to be eliminated.

Because the boat feels particularly good, Kim Jae-ho also sang a song, composed on the spot, and the lyrics are the story of us and Park Ji-sung floating to the dream cup on the boat.

Although there are not many skills, it is especially empathetic.

Park Ji-sung also listened to Kim Jae-ho sing live for the first time, and he was immediately impressed.

"How is it, sing well~" Haha has a feeling of showing off.

"It feels like a different person." Park Ji-sung called the two of them.


It's just too approachable, like an ordinary friend who looks very good, not only Kim Jae-ho, but everyone in RM gives him this feeling, that is, a very kind ordinary person.

But now he can really feel that it is really different.

This is the charm of the profession, and everyone brings this feeling to others when they are serious about their work.

"Is this his song?" Park Ji-sung means what song is adapted from.

"No, it's casual." Kim Jae-ho said.

"So that's too powerful, right?" Park Ji-sung couldn't believe it.

"It's not that strong, like you played yesterday and played casually." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Understood~" Park Ji-sung understood at once.

That is to say, this operation is sprinkling for professional singers.

The layman seems to be strong, and the insider feels like that.

But Jin Zhiguo, they know, it's not like this!

This is not a normal singer!

It's like the same paper, everyone is in the top ten, but everyone's points are from the basic questions, and Kim Jae-ho's points are all from the big questions.

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