Kim Jae-ho felt very awkward when he saw them all looking at him like this, although he always wanted to amaze the world with his appearance, but now they look at him like this but are uncomfortable.

The girls who reacted came up with a bang, but everyone didn't take pictures, this is always saying that Kim Jae-ho is handsome, and some dare not stand too close, because there is a feeling of shame.

It was as if Kim Jae-ho was the star in the sky, shining with dazzling light, and getting too close would block this beauty.

The uncle went to the bathroom, and when he came back, he saw a group of people surrounding him who didn't know what they were doing, and he quickly came over to watch, but when he saw the person in the crowd, he was also stunned.

"Ha, uncle, so you were here, I thought you were gone." Kim Jae-ho was relieved to see his uncle, and quickly withdrew from these wolf-like eyes and walked in front of the uncle, he was afraid that he would be strengthened by them, yes, it was so exaggerated.

When Jin Zaihao pulled his uncle aside, he completely relaxed, "Wow, uncle, you came in time." "

But strangely, Kim Jae-ho found that the uncle was also looking at him blankly, and then the uncle actually said three words.

"Who are you???" The uncle looked confused.

"I'll go, don't scare me, uncle, me! Kim Jae-ho!! Kim Jae-ho said quickly.

"You are not Kim Jae-ho, the Kim Jae-ho I know is a funny, he is not as handsome as you." The uncle said.

Kim Jae-ho rolled his eyes, whether this was praising him or hurting him.

Seeing the crowd still surrounding him, Park Shilling also spoke, "Okay, okay, don't look, do your own thing, remember that you are at work, don't leave a bad impression on others." "

He clapped his hands, and everyone came back to their senses when they heard his words, and then remembered that he was still working, but he still watched reluctantly as he walked, after all, the impact was too great.

Who would have thought that Kim Jae-ho could be so handsome, they are all in shock now, as if Kim Jae-ho has changed a magic trick.

If Kim Jae-ho had been so handsome, maybe they wouldn't have been so exaggerated, but they just made a hairstyle and painted makeup, and they could have such an effect, which is the reason for their reaction now.

There have been many stars before, many of them handsome, and they are just, oh, quite handsome, or, oh, so handsome, worthy of XXX, probably such a reaction.

But the same hair stylist, the same makeup artist, and now Kim Jae-ho actually has this effect, which is unexpected and stunned at the same time.

It's as if Nobita put on makeup and turned into a wood cedar, and a person who originally looked quite funny suddenly became handsome, and the painting style was different, which made people dare not recognize it.

Park Shilling sorted out his emotions, and then walked to Kim Jae-ho, looked at his enviable appearance, and suddenly felt that there was actually something wrong with the president letting him take the path of a comedian ...

"What, come with me to change clothes first." Park Shilling said.

"Look, there are still people who are normal~" Kim Jae-ho was relieved, and then followed Park Shilling to the costume room.

But what he didn't know was that while Park Shilling was walking, he thought that Kim Jae-ho hadn't changed his clothes yet, and he was wearing only the most ordinary T-shirt and casual pants, which means that he was completely relying on his face just now...

His heart didn't look calm at all...

To be honest, as a photographer, he has seen all kinds of handsome guys, all of them have been put on makeup, this is for sure, many of them you can't even see their plain look, they have even put on light makeup before they came to makeup.

But there is such a big contrast before and after makeup, Park Shilling is still the first time to see, really more than twice as handsome, it can be said that makeup highlights his original handsomeness very well, that is a change in temperament.

He is now looking forward to Kim Jae-ho after changing clothes, will there be another surprise?

"Come on, change it, this is the first set I have chosen, you try it first."

"Shirts?" Kim Jae-ho took it and watched.

"What's wrong? Dislike? Park Shilling asked.

"It's not that I don't like it, it's just that I haven't worn it yet." Kim Jae-ho smiled sheepishly.

"Haha, then you will have many firsts today." Park Shilling doesn't mind either, some people wear clothes and only a few styles, which is nothing, but celebrities are different, you have to wear all kinds of clothes, and even if you don't like it, the sponsor wants you to pass you on.

But Kim Jae-ho does not have any sponsors, although many sponsors have found it, but Kim Jae-ho did not take it, after all, the popularity is not enough now, just debuted, the one who took over is not a big contract, it will be deliberately squeezed, there is no need to make himself uncomfortable for this, after all, he is not short of money...

This also led to the fact that in addition to the casual version, that is, ordinary T-shirt slacks, he rarely wore other types of clothes, and since he was reborn, he has not worn it, anyway, how to be comfortable.

Now try on this different, still quite a novel experience.

After being reborn, he had many firsts.

"Okay, let's go in and change." Park Shilling said with a smile.

"There's no camera in there, do you?" Kim joked.

"Probably not, I don't know, I remember I didn't put it in today." Park Shilling is also very humorous.


Two people look at each other and smile, so being a person still has to be with interesting people, life will be much happier.

After waiting for a while, the uncle didn't know where to find a video camera, held it in his hand, sat outside the dressing room where Kim Jae-ho changed clothes, faced the door of the dressing room, and fiddled with the camera in his hand with interest.

"Hey, why haven't you come out yet?" The uncle waited for a while and was a little impatient.

"Something went wrong, you wait a little longer." Kim Jae-ho's voice came from inside.

"What? Big men's change of clothes are so ink, hurry up, waste my electricity! The uncle said.

After waiting for a while, Kim Jae-ho had not yet come out, but he could vaguely hear the movement inside, and he was not afraid that something would happen to him inside.

"Why is it so slow? Do you want me to go in and help you?" The uncle asked.

"No thanks, it's almost ready!" Kim Jae-ho said quickly.

"Aren't you okay?" Park Shilling also walked over.

"No, it's almost ready." The uncle said.

"Isn't he going to have buttoned them all up?" Park Shilling's eyes jumped.

"What do you mean?" Uncle does not understand.

At this time, Kim Jae-ho finally came out.

I saw that all the buttons on his body were buttoned, and he was still playing with the cufflinks on his right hand.

"Uncle, you help me, I can't button this button, it's so uncomfortable!" Kim complains that that's why he doesn't like wearing shirts, especially long-sleeved ones.

But after a while, he found that no one paid attention to himself, and when he looked up, both of them looked at him stunned.

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