Even Sun Danfei was smiling happily, as if she didn't know what terrible things these brothers were discussing.

Then, chatting and chatting, the topic changed from setting punishment to how to set punishment for Jin Zhiguo.

Liu Zaishi said that he wanted to walk the style of bicep No. 28, and then the appearance of the terminator when he first arrived on Earth, haha said to maintain this posture until home, and Liu Zaishi said to always be in this position on the bus.

Everyone is obviously interested in this topic, they are all involved, constantly saying their own suggestions, brazenly challenging the limits of those who are capable, not to mention, quite interesting.

Kim Jae-ho looked at it and unconsciously plunged in, "I also have an idea." "

"What?" Liu Zaishi was curious about what Kim Jae-ho thought, after all, this guy's brain circuits are always different.

"Isn't dancing ballet with that kind of dress? To be honest, I want to see Brother Chenguo wear a ballet skirt the most~"

"Oh!!" Kim Junguoma shouted.

Hearing this brain hole, everyone immediately burst into laughter, and unconsciously made up for the appearance of Jin Zhiguo wearing a ballet dress, my God! It's just spicy to the eye!!

"Hahahaha!! Good!! Liu Zaishi burst into laughter and kept clapping his palms, very much in favor of Kim Jae-ho's idea.

"Wow! It's scary!! "Haha kept rubbing his arms, goosebumps were rising, this scene was too terrible.

"If I can take a look, it's worth it for me to die." Brother Shi Zhen suddenly came with another golden sentence, and everyone was about to die of laughter.

Jin Zhiguo looked at these people speechlessly, what kind of brain holes are these? He is very worried that these people's ideas will one day become a reality, and he is afraid that he will get on a thief's ship and a black car!

It was simply impossible to play pleasantly!!

Kim Jae-ho smiled very happily after saying it, to be honest, since the last time he swam the golden pig, Kim Jae-ho wanted to Kim Junguo to dance a water ballet, but he didn't get his wish, maybe the production team will think of this when they want to punish in the future.

Muscle men wear ballet skirts, it's not funny to count me losing!

The opening statement ended happily, yes, it was only an opening so far.

"Dear friends, let's start the first mission!" Liu Zaishi usually opens.

Everyone looked at the props in front of them, they couldn't figure it out, they didn't know what the production team was going to do, Kim Jae-ho had no impression of this episode, he used to remember at least some scenes, but now it feels completely unknown.

But the unknown is more interesting, isn't it, if everyone knew the result in advance, it would not be fun, Kim Jae-ho wished he could forget it all.

"We want to collect the blue and red balls quickly!" Liu Zaishi said.

"Yes, the thought of punitive strength springs up."

"Well, you can't lose." Kim Jae-ho said categorically.

Song Zhongji smiled when he heard it and patted him on the shoulder.

This time the game is also quite simple, that is, with a bucket tied to your feet, take the barrel to complete a little thing in the middle and return to the starting point.

Liu Zaishi discussed with everyone and immediately said, "Guangzhu haha!! "

Everyone clapped their hands and agreed very much, but Haha was confused, and they didn't know why it was him.

"It's okay, get on." Liu Zaishi comforted.

"I'd love to see Hao and Guangzhu." Chi Shizhen said.

Li Guangzhu immediately stretched out his hand excitedly, wanting to stop Chi Shizhen from speaking, and said with a bitter smile, "Ah, brother, no~ I will die!" "

When everyone saw Lee Kwang-joo's scared look, they couldn't help it, and naturally thought of the "battle of the century" between Kim Jae-ho and Lee Kwang-joo last time, which was simply wonderful.

"Yes, yes!" Liu Zaishi clapped his hands and laughed until he couldn't do it, very much in favor of this idea.

"Brother..." Li Guangzhu felt like he had been sold.

To be honest, Lee Kwang-joo is actually half of the effect, and he is also vaguely looking forward to coming with Kim Jae-ho, after all, it is very funny, but it is also very painful.

"Don't, it's me and him every time, it's not interesting~" Kim Jae-ho looked disgusted, but everyone knew that he was actually afraid of pain.

After a few episodes, it can be said that Kim Jae-ho is familiar with everyone while everyone is also familiar with him, Kim Jae-ho is very clear about what psychology, the first is laziness, the second is afraid of hardship.

Obviously, this time is also afraid of hardship, but I have to say that what Kim Jae-ho said is also the truth, and it can't always be Lee Kwang-joo on, Kim Jae-ho is on, so they think it's better to let Haha on, they will say it next time.

Now that the candidate was decided, he began to prepare, and the funny thing is that as soon as he stood on the barrel, he was opposite Li Guangzhu standing next to him.


This ridiculous contrast is simple, haha standing on the barrel is as tall as Li Guangzhu, Li Guangzhu is not standing on the barrel, this unbearable height contrast is like a knife stuck in Haha's weak heart.

What's even more terrifying is that Li Guangzhu didn't even stand up straight...

To be honest, Kim Jae-ho feels that he is actually similar to going up, maybe a little better than haha, but still short, this can't help thing, tall, originally a feature of Li Guangzhu, the title of giraffe is not because of Lee Guangzhu's long neck.

Everyone began to tie the feet of the two people, very hard, after all, if it is broken halfway, not to mention whether it will be funny, just for the sake of safety, things like feet may happen.

So Kim Jae-ho also very carefully wrapped haha's feet around the tape to ensure that it was safe, and he could joke at other times, but not at this time.

Haha looked at the bucket on his feet worriedly, this height gap really made him a little uncomfortable, but he had no bottom in his heart.

Soon, both of them stood at the starting line, but it was funny that Li Guangzhu's serious expression looked very joyful.

"How can the light beads do something unnatural?" Liu Zaishi summed it up very well.

To be honest, Li Guangzhu is still a variety show novice, and the first thing he wants to do is to do the game well first, that is, to do his best to win, and funny is additional.

And the scary thing about him is that even if he is very serious about making games, it will look funny.

At the beginning of the game, what made Li Guangzhu anxious, because he did not understand the rules well, at first he bypassed the first railing and had to go back again, but because of the bad tying, the bucket on one foot was crooked, and he couldn't walk.

On the contrary, Haha on the other side walked very smoothly because the tape on his feet was tied very strongly.

Li Guangzhu was already desperate, standing and watching Haha go, and by the way, waiting for his teammates to re-tie the bucket on his feet.

But what everyone didn't expect was that they thought that Haha had won, but Haha but...

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