"Pinch pinch~ This is indeed the first time such a fan has seen ~" The uncle said helplessly.

The fans all laughed and were proud to be Kim Jae-ho fans.

I have to say that the uncle's ability to host is still remarkable, the topic will be thrown, will react, very good at mobilizing the atmosphere, or that sentence, picked up the treasure, being an agent is really talented, this guy seems to be able to do anything except the agent.

There are many fans who are not attending this kind of fan meeting or book signing for the first time, but it is really the first time to participate, which is more interesting than watching TV.

"How did it feel to meet the fans for the first time?" The uncle asked.

When Kim Jae-ho heard this, he quietly looked at the fans below, the sunlight gently fell on their faces, everyone's eyes were themselves, and the smile on their faces was warmer than the sun.

Kim Jae-ho looked at them like this, and they also looked at Kim Jae-ho like this, the person standing on the stage, as if exuding light, the most beautiful but this, this moment, just want to remember forever.

The two sides looked at each other quietly like this, the uncle saw such a scene next to him, took a step back slightly, put his hands behind his back, and also looked at it with a smile, the immature child at the beginning has grown up...

Sometimes, the emotion of the scene is never felt by watching the video, even if Kim Jae-ho has a large real-time broadcast screen behind him, the audience is still willing to watch the little figure.

Then, I saw the small figure and said, "Thank you very much, everyone, really, thank you, you can come here today, I hope to see the real person, I am not disappointed." "

Fans immediately shouted, "No!!! "

"Oppa is handsome!!"

Some shout without any content, as if crazy, but can understand that they just don't know how to express their excitement now, and shouting is the easiest and most direct way to vent their current feelings.

"Is it? It's good that I wasn't disappointed, the sun was so big, to be honest, when I first went out, I didn't want to leave, but thinking that there are you here, I still insisted on coming. Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

Fans screamed again.

But the uncle immediately demolished, "Yay! What persistence is coming! Obviously, I dragged you into the car, otherwise you would have gone back a long time ago! "

"Ahem... Don't care about this detail, okay..." Kim Jae-ho touched the back of his head awkwardly.


Instantly, the audience booed, fans booed with laughter, fans felt that this was the heartless Kim Jae-ho they knew, and some reporters who came to shoot also unconsciously booed in this atmosphere, as if they had become fans.

After shushing, I reacted, what are you doing?

I'm here to work!

But after thinking about it...

Looked at Kim Jae-ho in the stands ...

Leave him alone!

Go to the special shoot! Just play along!

"By the way, how about singing a song?" Kim Jae-ho changed the subject very bluntly.

Everyone who was still booing was instantly attracted by the two words of singing, and he really successfully changed the topic, and when the fans heard that Kim Jae-ho was going to sing, they screamed directly.

"Is it whole again? I almost vomited! The uncle immediately disgusted.

The fans were immediately upset, you heard the vomit, we haven't heard the live version yet!

In an instant, the uncle was scolded and bloody, bearing the murderous eyes of everyone.

Kim Jae-ho was also happy, but after thinking about it, it was true, he originally planned to sing whole, but after thinking about it, indeed, he almost vomited himself.

"Well, it's true that I've sung it many times, so what do you do?" Kim Jae-ho thought as he looked at the fans below.

“whole!!!" Fans shouted that they wanted to hear a live version of the title song, even though many of them were getting tired of it.

Suddenly, Kim Jae-ho glanced at a fan below, and then, under the screaming gaze of the fans, jumped off the stage, walked to a fan, pointed to the guitar-like bag behind her, and asked:

"Is that a guitar in the back? Can you lend it to me? Kim Jae-ho asked.

The girl who was suddenly asked was about to die of excitement, ignoring the murderous gaze and envious scream next to her, looking at her idol close at hand, it seemed like a dream, but she reacted in a second, this opportunity could not be lost!!

"Pinch ! Can be used!! OK!!! It was meant to be given to you!! "

"Huh? For me? Kim Jae-ho was also a little confused in the face of this unexpected answer.

Then, the girl hurriedly took out the guitar on her back and handed it to Kim Jae-ho.

Kim Jae-ho took it and said a little embarrassed, "Such a valuable gift, is it really for me?" "

"Pinch ! Oppa! For your !! "

"Thank you then." After Kim Jae-ho said it with a smile, he put the guitar behind him, which caused fans to scream with envy, and the fans hated it! I already knew I bought a guitar too! Ah!

After Kim Jae-ho put on the guitar, he turned around and went back to the stage, the security guard was already very stressed, he wanted to return to the stage quickly, not to burden people.

Just when Kim Jae-ho wanted to climb the high stage again in an ugly pose, the uncle stood on it and asked, "Is there a staircase next to it?" Why not take the stairs? "

I saw Kim Jae-ho climbing up for a while, and then casually came down as if he was going backwards, and awkwardly walked up the stairs next to him to the stage amid the laughter of fans.

The unscrupulous uncle is covering his stomach and laughing above, and like the fans below, Kim Jae-ho's movements are perfectly captured by the camera, and his movements are clearly broadcast on the large screen above.

Sure enough, it is worthy of Kim Jae-ho, the fans below are about to die of laughter, their own idol is too lacking in heart, and it is too funny, right?

But Kim Jae-ho didn't find it funny at all, and the handsomeness he just created has been ruined, which he thinks himself.

The uncle was still laughing, suddenly sluggish, felt a murderous aura coming from the front, and as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Kim Jae-ho's murderous version of his eyes, and suddenly couldn't laugh, unconventionally helped Kim Jae-ho hold the guitar and took out the guitar inside.

When the guitar inside was exposed, Kim Jae-ho's face went black directly...

"Hey! This guitar is so beautiful! It's too beautiful, right? It's perfect for you! Hey! It's so beautiful! Pretty! Pretty! The uncle praised while putting the completely pink guitar in Kim Jae-ho's hand.

"Actually... I don't like pink that much either..." Kim Jae-ho stiffly took the guitar and said with a black face.

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